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Employee Safe Commute (Parking Lot) Campaign

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Well the past 24 hours has certainly been interesting. It appears that this is more of a case of the media getting things wrong, (imagine that) than our bill's sponsor selling us out.

According to Mike Faulk, the Knoxville account was in error and this report from a Nashville TV station is more accurate.

http://www.wkrn.com/story/17205174/spon ... o-amend-it

According to a TFA alert, this event cause over 4000 emails to go to the General Assembly. WAY TO GO! icon_razz.gif With that kind of response, if nothing else it lets them know we ARE watching.

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Guest ArmyVeteran37214

Well the past 24 hours has certainly been interesting. It appears that this is more of a case of the media getting things wrong, (imagine that) than our bill's sponsor selling us out.

According to Mike Faulk, the Knoxville account was in error and this report from a Nashville TV station is more accurate.

http://www.wkrn.com/story/17205174/spon ... o-amend-it

According to a TFA alert, this event cause over 4000 emails to go to the General Assembly. WAY TO GO! icon_razz.gif With that kind of response, if nothing else it lets them know we ARE watching.

So from what I gather, the amended bill would just apply to HCP holders and have exceptions in the bill for HCP holders?

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Latest on Harwell and Legislatures intentions on this bill.

My response to Mr. Faulk

Dear Sen. Faulk,

In reference to the story at http://missouri-news.org/midwest-news/tennessee/firearms-group-excluded-from-talks-on-guns-in-lots-bill/15266 , the term “nuclear facility†is mentioned.

In the industry, there are specific meanings to these words, and are dependent upon the regulatory agency, whether it be EPA, NRC, DOE, or NNSA, and even in some cases international terminology applies in regards to IAEA Safeguards Agreement Facility Attachments and Additional Protocol agreements.

In short,

- just having a radioactive source or even radioactive source material, or a process or research or waste disposal does not necessarily qualify a facility as “nuclearâ€. There are specific isotopes and specific levels per isotope involved.

- Just because a site contains a bona-fide nuclear facility does not mean that the entire site is as also designated as

†nuclearâ€; there may be many non-nuclear facilities and activities contained within the boundaries of the overall site, and several layers of physical and personnel security involved.

Please advise as to what is really meant by the phrase contained within your bill, and its intent.

Warmest regards,

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  • Administrator

Tennesseans once again get the middle finger from our elected representatives and yet those same reps will continue to occupy office because the people will re-elect them. Frankly I'm so tired of this repetition that I don't even get worked up about these issues anymore. Nothing changes because the people aren't willing to take action at the polls.

Just a lot of empty talk and alligator tears.

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Tennesseans once again get the middle finger from our elected representatives and yet those same reps will continue to occupy office because the people will re-elect them. Frankly I'm so tired of this repetition that I don't even get worked up about these issues anymore. Nothing changes because the people aren't willing to take action at the polls.

Just a lot of empty talk and alligator tears.

You hit the nail on the head!
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Personally, I am getting a bit put off by the fact that we seem to have to get MORE news about what is happening in Nashville in regards to this legislation from Missouri than we do from our own state. And what we DO get from Tennesseess media is misleading, (remember the press release from Knoxville that incorrectly reported about the possible amendments to this bill).

With that aside, the whole idea that the TFA is not an interested party is bunk. The TFA has been at the forfront of pro-gun legislation in this state for over 15 years, being instrumental in the existance in us even having a handgun carry permit. Harwell, McCormick and Maggart just don't like having their true colors exposed. Harwell's voting record is just that, on record and the only things she has voted FOR are the TWO joint resolutions COMMENDING the TFA for their work promoting and protecting the rights of Tennessee citizens to keep and bear arms. She was the ONLY member of the Republican caucus in the House to vote AGAINST the override of the Governor's veto of the restaurant carry bills, and she did it BOTH times. Her voting record for other pro-gun initiatives is just as dismal.

Ever since the General Assembly passed legislation loosening the restrictions on corporate donations to political campaigns, the leadership has done everything short of handing the keys to the General Assembly to the corporate lobbies in order to gain favor and dollars.

Now to the issue of these proposed amendments. Right now I can live with restricting this to permit holders. We need to get this law on the books. As it stands right now, most of the laws expanding our gun rights are restricted to permit holders, restaurant carry, parks carry and so on. Untill we get a Constitutional or Vermont carry law which would open things to ALL law abiding gun owners, I think this is going to be the restriction we can expect on most any similiar law. I also feel adding verbage that states that this bill would not apply to single dwelling residential property (ie your home, after all your home is your castle) would not be a problem.

As for limitations that focus on the facilities itself, I have issues with that. We can do little to nothing in regards to facilities that are specifically restricted by state or federal law. However just because a facility has a fence and or a gate, is a nuclear facility or whatever, has NO impact on the circumstance encountered during my commute. The whole point of this bill is spelled out in the title of the legislation, SAFE COMMUTE. What does the fact that where I may work being a nuclear facility have to do with THAT? Am I suddenly mysteriously exempt from violent attack on my way home from work just because the place I just LEFT has a fence?

Getting the real information on what these "proposed amendments" may be is quite difficult. I have not seen or heard anything other than what has been leaked to the press such as this. I have no doubt that they are playing their cards close to their chest on purpose to prevent the barage of emails they know they would get. Well, we need to keep them going anyway.

Edited by Sky King
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<<As for limitations that focus on the facilities itself, I have issues with that. We can do little to nothing in regards to facilities that are specifically restricted by state or federal law. However just because a facility has a fence and or a gate, is a nuclear facility or whatever, has NO impact on the circumstance encountered during my commute. The whole point of this bill is spelled out in the title of the legislation, SAFE COMMUTE. What does the fact that where I may work being a nuclear facility have to do with THAT? Am I suddenly mysteriously exempt from violent attack on my way home from work just because the place I just LEFT has a fence?>>

I noted this same observation in an email to Gov Haslam, Rep Harwell and Sen Ramsey (copying Faulk and Bass, as they are the bill's sponsors), and asked each to please provide their interpretation of how the various proposed amendments referenced by each in media statements serve to augment the bill's expressly-stated purpose. That email went out 8 days ago. The crickets are still chirpin in Ramsey and Harwell's offices, while I got a form letter response from Haslam caying my questions had been referred to his legislative coordinator (or somesuch drivel).

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They (SB3002 and SB2992) have both passed. SB3002 was amended to limit the scope to handgun permit holders and persons with Tennessee hunting licenses over the age of 21. The also exempted private property that is residential single dwelling, (a farm where the owner lives would be exempt), nuclear power and research facilities would also be exempt. But they both passed in the Senate committees and are now on to the calendar committee to go to the floor.

NOW hopefully with the bills and their associated amendments, the House can see the direction the Senate has gone and possibly move forward. I still have heard nothing from Rep Bass as to whether or not the House version will be heard.

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Should have done this long before. I have been reading and folling this topic for some while now. So for the record I sent my state Senator Randy McNally an email just moments ago, asking him to support the bill. Since I have a delima of either facing termination from my employer if caught, or facing termination from some road rage/robbery gone wrong without my ccw. I know this bill is going for the full Senate, but I also sent an email to my state Representive Jimmy Matlock. Hopefully, this bill or a similiar bill will pass the full House too. Just doing my part, sorry it took so long, not too late I hope.

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Should have done this long before. I have been reading and folling this topic for some while now. So for the record I sent my state Senator Randy McNally an email just moments ago, asking him to support the bill. Since I have a delima of either facing termination from my employer if caught, or facing termination from some road rage/robbery gone wrong without my ccw. I know this bill is going for the full Senate, but I also sent an email to my state Representive Jimmy Matlock. Hopefully, this bill or a similiar bill will pass the full House too. Just doing my part, sorry it took so long, not too late I hope.

It is not too late untill the General Assembly adjourns so thank you for your support. We really need all the people we can get to join the efforts of contacting their representatives. Not just once but every time one of the bills comes up for ANY action. Contact your Senator AND Representative. We really need to make sure the Senators get contacted now that the Senate bills will be going to the floor.

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Just to second what SkyKing said, if it was not for John Harris & TFA, we would be in sad shape. Anyone who thinks

otherwise, is misinformed. Right now, with Haslam, Harwell & others, at the helm, it's an uphill battle. But, then, that's

not new.

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It appears that House Leadership is putting pressure on Rep. Mark White (Chair of the Employee and Consumer Affairs sub-committee) to NOT bring HB 3560 up for a vote or action. Shades of Jimmy Naifeh, control the State and all its Citizens for the good of the pocket book of a select few, as the money is talking now.

It is imperative that all who are interested in getting this bill to the floor for a vote contact your Representatives and ask them to demand consideration, let the People's House speak, for good or ill, to the passage or denial of the Bill.

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Last night, sent a communication to Rep White, as well as the vice-chair of the subcom, the chair of the parent comittee and my local reps, and copied Rep Bass. Asked almost the exact thing as in Worriedmans post - that any Naifeh-esque tactics simply be avoided and allow the full House to consider HB 3560.

Strangely, my inbox is still empty. The Rep for my half of town, Scotty Campbell, has already annonced that he is not running for re-election (after only his first term!). The Rep for the other half of Bristol is Lundberg...whom, I suspect, is deep in business pockets given his recent actions.

Also interesting...Sen Ramseys FB page of late has been trumpeting the various achievements of the Legislature, and pushing various pieces of legislation. Strangely silent RE SB 3002, though... Saw a pic of he and a couple of other legislators at the recent NASCAR race in Bristol, and couldn't help but think how ironic...sponsorship and all...

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Also interesting...Sen Ramseys FB page of late has been trumpeting the various achievements of the Legislature, and pushing various pieces of legislation. Strangely silent RE SB 3002, though... Saw a pic of he and a couple of other legislators at the recent NASCAR race in Bristol, and couldn't help but think how ironic...sponsorship and all...

I may have seen it here but not sure. I read a post that advocated requiring our elected representatives to wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers with patches showing all their "sponsors".

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Here is mine -

Sent to C&EA, leadership, my reps, Gov. Haslam, and a few others

Gentlemen ,

HB3650 (Senate 3002), summarized here , is before your committee,

the TN House Subcommittee for Consumer and Employee Affairs. Its companion, SB3002 is moving to the Senate Floor (thanks to the Senate Judiciary Committee).

However and unfortunately, word on the street is that House Leadership is putting strong pressure on Rep. Mark White (Chair of the Employee and Consumer Affairs sub-committee) to NOT bring HB 3560 up for a vote or action.

Don’t allow the citizen’s voice to be stifled, Let the People's House speak, for good or ill, to the passage or denial of the Bill.

Therefore I urge you (again!) to move it to the floor of the House so that it may be voted on by the TN House at large.

Warmest regards,


Edited by R_Bert
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If the legislators are in the pockets of big employers, and are merely doing their bidding, then the legislators are worse than useless. Why stop at the useless cut-outs?

If so, then bypass the useless legislators and apply pressure directly to the big employers. A lot of them thought, perhaps, that if they buy a legislator or two, then they don't have to listen to the public. This is not so.

There are ways that pressure can be applied in a gradually intensifying manner. Sometimes, the mere suggestion that such actions will occur is enough to get their attention. This can be conducted in several ways, culminating in boycotts, which is not recommended, as it's like using nuclear weapons; boycotts are a last resort. Burning up company telephone lines with firm, frequent and insistent calls, directly engage customer service personnel, directly engage public relations personnnel, directly engage point of service personnel. I'd feel bad about giving an earful to the FedEx guy on the truck, but if he starts getting an earful, it's going to get back to his bosses. The employees are helpless in this regard, they're not going to buck the folks that sign their paychecks. That leaves the public. That means us.

Edited by QuietDan
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Just received this from Jimmy Eldridge:


Thank you for taking the time to contact me with your concerns. I have signed on as prime co-sponsor of HB3560/SB3002 and am very supportive of this legislation. I have always been very supportive of our 2nd amendment rights, especially regarding law-abiding, hard working citizens. Again, thank you for contacting me about this matter. If I can ever be of assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a great day!

Jimmy Eldridge


Rep Eldridge is chair of the Consumer and Employee Affairs parent cmte - presumably, the bill's next stop if it gets out of the subcomittee headed by White.

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Be very careful about giving credence to co-sponsors, prime or otherwise. IF the inside track is to not let it come up for a vote due to death in the sub, anybody can co-sponsor without fear of failing their masters.

Why do I hear faint laughter coming from the Hill...?

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Yeah, most certainly. One would think that, if sincere, as chair of the parent committee he would have some degree of persuasion with White. We'll see....yeah, I'm afraid we'll really see.

A question for those with better feelers within that cesspool in Nashville: any sense of the sincerity of the movement of the bill within the Senate? It seems Ramsey just wants to distance himself from it altogether. But is there a real desire within the Senate to move forward, versus this rather obvious skittishness in the House? Or is the Senate playing the "OK, House, we placated them/tossed em a bone, now you kill this thing so we can all go home" game?

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Guest tn-dave

I filled out and customized to my situation the form at the TFA website and got a few responses yesterday -- Ramsey's was the most interesting:

Thanks for your email regarding HB3560. I am a strong 2nd amendment supporter and I am in full support of this bill.

Let me know if I can do anything to assist.

Mark Pody

State Representative

Thank you for contacting me with your support for HB3560. I have signed on as a co-sponsor and I support this bill and our 2nd Amendment rights 100%.

God bless,

Jeremy Faison

Gal 2:20

Thank you for your e-mail. I appreciate you taking the time to communicate with me about this issue. I value your input.

As the prime sponsor of Tennessee's original handgun carry permit law, I have always been a strong supporter of the

Second Amendment. I believe the state must balance both gun owners' right to bear arms as well as business owners' right

to control their own property. This is why I support making it legal for handgun carry permit holders to keep their guns

in their car in most public parking lots.


Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey

Edited by tn-dave
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Guest PapaB

i can promise that if this doesnt pass my voting record will not be the same as in the past

Whether or not it passes, changes need to be made on both sides of the aisle. Until the legislature strongly supports our Constitutional rights, we can't hope to see real progress.

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