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What's wrong with my gun?


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I have put about 2000 rounds through my Bersa Thunder .380 with zero problems until now.

Today I had two failures to feed and the slide failed to lock back when empty three times.

All the problems happened with the same mag.

Should I change the mag spring? Do I need to just toss the mag and buy another? Could there be something else wrong with the gun?

I will appreciate any advice on this

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Sounds like its time for a new recoil spring. If that doesn't fix it then change mag springs, but its probably the recoil spring. Make sure to clean it after each range shoot as well if you haven't been.

Edited by k9wh91984
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Okay thanks!

I'll get a new recoil spring and see if that helps. I was guessing it was a mag problem because I only had the problems with one mag and not the other.

Oh, and I know a dirty gun can give all kinds of trouble, so I clean it very well each time I shoot it. Looks, feels, and smells like a new gun every time.

Edited by Erick
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Guest twpayne75

Most (not all) failures are mag related. But just as you have already been told, if it does it with one magazine and none of the rest................then you have your answer.

Just FYI, it's not a bad idea to take the magazines apart occasionally and clean them also. They get gunked up just like your gun, not allowing the follower to move freely as it should. I clean my CCW every couple weeks even if I don't shoot it (mainly just wipe out and re-grease). I probably wipe out the magazines once a month.

I'm in the "it can't be to clean unless it's dry and not lubed" camp.

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Before you go buy a new mag spring, switch the mag springs between the faulty mag and a good mag. If the faulty mag works fine after that and the formerly good mag is causing a problem, you'll know it's the spring.

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Before you go buy a new mag spring, switch the mag springs between the faulty mag and a good mag. If the faulty mag works fine after that and the formerly good mag is causing a problem, you'll know it's the spring.

That's where I'd start as well.

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Guest Lester Weevils

On the possible ammo variable, there can be different-shape and length rounds that pistols can prefer one over the other.

But if you have very weak ammo it won't work the slide consistently enough to pick up every round and cause failure to feed. With slightly stronger ammo it will feed consistently but the slide isn't driven back hard enough to lock back on the last round. Then slightly stronger still and everything runs like a clock.

It is most likely not ammo-related from the symptoms, just wanted to mention it.

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This might sound strange, but the first thing I would do is buy some other ammo.

I just got a new PX4 storm subcompact, and went to break it in with my trusty Wally world Federal ammo, and it stopped several times. I was becomming concerned until I put it in my Beretta 92fs, and that gun stopped several times in one mag. I was at the range, so I had my friend try it in his Springfield XD, and it stopped several times. I had someone else that was there try it in his G26, and it stopped too. I bought a box of Winchester White Box and went back to the range. The Storm ran perfect all 100 rounds. It was just a bad lot of ammo.

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