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George Zimmerman's Donations Spike on His Return to Jail

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At 2:07 minutes into his call to the police, Zimmerman says, "he's running." At 2:37 minutes, Zimmerman tells the dispatcher, "He ran." The sound of an "open door" chime, a change in Zimmerman's voice and the sound of wind indicate that Zimmerman has left his vehicle, prompting the dispatcher to ask if Zimmerman is following Martin. When Zimmerman confirms that he is, the dispatcher says, "We don't need you to do that."[105] Zimmerman says, "Okay." Asked if he "want(s) to meet with the officer," Zimmerman says, "Yeah," and gives directions to where his vehicle is parked but is unable to provide an address. He also tells the dispatcher the numbers of his street address, and then at 3:35 adds, "Oh crap, I don't want to give it all out. I don't know where this kid is." The dispatcher asks him if he wants to meet the police at the mailboxes,[Note 3, 4th picture] and he at first agrees but then says, "Actually, could you have him call me, and I'll tell him where I'm at?" to which the dispatcher replies, "No problem."[106] Zimmerman appears to hang up at the 4:05 mark. The recording ends at the 4:11 mark, approximately 7:13:41 PM.

According to state prosecutors and attorney Benjamin Crump, Martin was talking on his cellphone to his girlfriend around the time of the incident, which phone company records confirm.[131][132] She called Martin at 7:12 PM, although phone company records round down call times, so the actual call was between 7:12:00 and 7:12:59 PM.[133][134] She was interviewed by Crump who made a statement for her, as her parents requested her anonymity, and she gave a sworn interview recorded by a state prosecutor.[131][132] Martin's girlfriend said that he described a man as "crazy and creepy," who was on the phone watching him from a vehicle, before the man started following him.[132] The friend said that she told Martin to run to the townhouse where he was staying with his father and the father's girlfriend.[132] She said that Martin told her that he had lost the man and then noticed he was being pursued again.[131][132] She then heard Martin say, "What are you following me for?" followed by a man's voice responding, "What are you doing around here?"[131][132] She said that she heard the sound of pushing,[131] and then heard Martin say what sounded like, "get off, get off," and the call ended.[132] She attempted to call him back immediately, but was unable to reach him.

At approximately 7:09 PM, February 26, 2012, Zimmerman used his cell phone to call the non-emergency number of the Sanford Police Department[99] to report what he considered suspicious behavior by Martin. The call was recorded. "We've had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there's a real suspicious guy," he tells the police dispatcher.[56] He describes Martin as "just walking around looking about" in the rain[100] and also says, "This guy looks like he is up to no good or he is on drugs or something." He further states that the person he is observing has his hand in his waistband, is holding something in his other hand, and is walking around slowly in the rain "looking at all the houses."[101] On the recording of the call, Zimmerman is heard commenting "these assholes, they always get away."[102][103][104]

This will all probably hurt the "Z-Man"....

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^^^ Wikipedia? REALLY??? :bowrofl:

That aside; nothing in there suggest that Zimmerman did anything overtly threatening to Martin (indeed it appears that Zimmerman had lost sight of Martin completely)...noting in the evidence you posted (or all the evidence you didn't bother to post) supports that Martin had any reason or justification to attack Zimmerman which is what evidence suggests happened.

Why you believe that what you posted will "probably hurt the "z-Man" is curious indeed (of course, when you leave out complete sections of evidence and witness statements it becomes easier to support an opinion).

Edited by RobertNashville
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A person can do the "what if" game all day long but don't you think it more productive to look at what we know and what the evidence supports? What we know doesn't support your "what ifs" and the "only side of the story is not sitting in jail" - there is more than one witness that supports Zimmerman's story along with other physical evidence as well which you seem intent on ignoring.

No one has said anyone isn't entitled to his/her opinion...that doesn't mean anyone has to agree with you.

I think it's very clear that Zimmerman made some mistakes and bad choices in this incident...yes, leaving his vehicle at all was likely a big error in judgment. However, the 911 tapes seem to show that Zimmerman had lost sight of Martin and was returning to his vehicle and if that's true then Martin, regardless of any threat he may have felt earlier, was clearly not being threatened any longer by a retreating Zimmerman.

Where is the evidence that Zimmerman "approached" Martin??? The evidence supports exactly the opposite happening.

Even if Zimmerman was approaching Martin (or someone was approaching you); someone walking toward you without some other obvious act of aggression doesn't give Martin or YOU the right to "jack up" his day; if you did that you would be in jail and rightfully so.

I'm reading something different in the 911 tapes....where does it say Z was RETREATING to his vechicle? Did I miss something?

I must ask....WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE BEING FOLLOWED OR PURSUED AS IN A SITUATION AS THIS? Play "tiddly winks" with your pursuer?


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I agree. What I don't agree with is that folks that happen to believe that Z is guilty are having personal comments thrown their way and that is somehow okay, however when they are called out on it we are suddenly no longer having rational discussion. You can't have I both ways. Or maybe you can.

I've expressed my logic in other posts and even offered up my own prejudices only to have those posts knocked down and incite personal comments. Believing that Z is guilty doesn't make me stupid anymore than you folks that think he's innocent. We all have opinions, and just because you don't agree with mine folks have to resort to all the snide comments. That suggests to me we can't debate rationally and what folks want is the same few people agreeing that the other is a friggin genius and there is no room for opposing views. If that is what this forum is than I apologize for having a different opinion and won't participate anymore.

I'm a simple person, but it sounds like you were describing the classic "circle jerk" and I agree with you. Screw em! I lose.

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I'm reading something different in the 911 tapes....where does it say Z was RETREATING to his vechicle? Did I miss something?

I must ask....WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE BEING FOLLOWED OR PURSUED AS IN A SITUATION AS THIS? Play "tiddly winks" with your pursuer?


Is this guy truly following me or just walking in the same direction?

Does his body language suggest he's a threat or just out for a walk?

Even if he's actually following me, is he simply maintaining his distance or closing on me and if closing, is it just because I'm walking slowly and he is walking faster or does there seem to be "intent" there?

Is he in clothing that hides his face (on purpose or not)?

Does he look like just some guy who belongs in the neighborhood or does he look like he just got out of the "big house"?

The answers to the above are going to have a LOT to do with what I would do (if anything).

Maybe I'd just keep walking to wherever it was I was walking to (probably keeping an eye on this imaginary "what if" man following me.

Maybe I'd call the police (instead of my girlfriend) and tell them were I am and that I think someone is following me and I feel threatened.

Maybe I'd retrieve my flashlight (that I carry for just such situations); turn and in a strong voice, challenge the person following me to ascertain what his intentions were. After that I would respond as needed from there.

I can tell you this for certain; one thing I'm not going to do is immediately start wailing on the guy trying to beat him up (or in your words, "jack up his day") - because if I die that then I would be the aggressor and the criminal.

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I lose too...I'll wait for the movie now. I don't think I'm a welcome member of the "Save George Zimmerman Fan Club"!

My rating score is dropping faster than Oboma's right now, so I need to move to more intelligent threads....good day all!

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My rating score is dropping faster than Oboma's right now, so I need to move to more intelligent threads....good day all!

Ha, part of that is my fault brother. My fat thumbs sometimes hit the wrong button by accident on these touch screens!

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I lose too...I'll wait for the movie now. I don't think I'm a welcome member of the "Save George Zimmerman Fan Club"!

My rating score is dropping faster than Oboma's right now, so I need to move to more intelligent threads....good day all!

Check again. I can see both sides of this thing. Fact is, if we don't talk about stuff like this, we may have to talk about guns or something. :pleased:

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Yeh, but not in "newsworthy" threads, you seem to like to derail.

I don't like to derail anything. If by derail you mean disagree I guess you are correct. And according to the rules of this forum I can participate in any public thread that I want.

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I'm reading something different in the 911 tapes....where does it say Z was RETREATING to his vechicle? Did I miss something?

I must ask....WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE BEING FOLLOWED OR PURSUED AS IN A SITUATION AS THIS? Play "tiddly winks" with your pursuer?


I wouldn't be walking in the rain, at night, in a neighborhood I have no business wandering around in.

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If I noticed someone following me, I would politely ask if they needed my assistance or something.

They could be a good samaritain making sure I was ok or if I might need a ride, they might be lost and trying to find someone to ask directions from, they could be looking for a lost pet, or they might think I am someone that they know, or last but not least, they could be looking for their next victim, I wouldn't know for certain why they are following me until I stop and ask them.

What I wouldn't do is ambush/assault them without first confirming they posed some sort of a threat to my safety.

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What I wouldn't do is ambush/assault them...

Exactly the words I was thinking when some proposed 'jacking up' someone who was following them. That would make you the aggressor. Besides, you never know what the other person has, as Martin found out the hard way.

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I'm reading something different in the 911 tapes....where does it say Z was RETREATING to his vechicle? Did I miss something?

I must ask....WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE BEING FOLLOWED OR PURSUED AS IN A SITUATION AS THIS? Play "tiddly winks" with your pursuer?


I certainly wouldn't brutally assault them.

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