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Don't sweat it. They have short memories about this stuff. Mine still feels bad about some guns that I had to sell a few years ago. She wants me to replace them one day. That day has come and gone. They have multiplied like rabbits in my safe.

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Shoes. Shoes are nice. Or handbags. A lot of spouses/girlfriends/lovers like shoes or handbags. Don't pick them yourself though, you'll get it wrong. Get a Kohl's gift card or something. Better yet, if you're man enough, go shopping WITH her and maybe even (gulp) hold her handbag for her.

Dinner is nice, also, don't forget to hold the door. Part of the shopping experience is paying attention to her.

Remind her that the Eotech is so you can more effectively and accurately defend her person and her life, your only mission on Earth.

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Shoes. Shoes are nice. Or handbags. A lot of spouses/girlfriends/lovers like shoes or handbags. Don't pick them yourself though, you'll get it wrong. Get a Kohl's gift card or something. Better yet, if you're man enough, go shopping WITH her and maybe even (gulp) hold her handbag for her.

Dinner is nice, also, don't forget to hold the door. Part of the shopping experience is paying attention to her.

Remind her that the Eotech is so you can more effectively and accurately defend her person and her life, your only mission on Earth.

You obviosly didn't listen to our Commie in Chief. Eotechs are for soldiers. Says so right on it. :)

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Shoes. Shoes are nice. Or handbags. A lot of spouses/girlfriends/lovers like shoes or handbags. Don't pick them yourself though, you'll get it wrong. Get a Kohl's gift card or something. Better yet, if you're man enough, go shopping WITH her and maybe even (gulp) hold her handbag for her.

Dinner is nice, also, don't forget to hold the door. Part of the shopping experience is paying attention to her.

Remind her that the Eotech is so you can more effectively and accurately defend her person and her life, your only mission on Earth.

Good stuff. You have experience.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

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I got busted last night for a little "loan" I made to myself for a shotgun. I borrowed it from our savings account a couple of months ago and planned to replace it with some extra money I am getting next month. I thought I was golden on it, but out of the blue my wife asked me about the missing money.

This was her: :rant:

Then I was like: :angel:

Then she was like: :bat:

So I responded with: :shrug:

Then things got ugly: :stick:

So for the near future, I am: :hiding:

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Guest nowheretobefound

Eotech put out a white paper and emails a couple months ago telling about the massive amount of "fake/counterfeit" look alike flooding the markets.

Last month I saw two fakes up in Clarksville/Ft. Campbell.

Be sure to purchase from an authorized dealer.

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I got busted last night for a little "loan" I made to myself for a shotgun. I borrowed it from our savings account a couple of months ago and planned to replace it with some extra money I am getting next month. I thought I was golden on it, but out of the blue my wife asked me about the missing money.

This was her: :rant:

Then I was like: :angel:

Then she was like: :bat:

So I responded with: :shrug:

Then things got ugly: :stick:

So for the near future, I am: :hiding:

I went ahead and ordered a Savage Model 11/111 hog hunter and Nikon Monarch so she'd forget about Eotech. It worked. Don't know how I'm going to get her past this. Hehe

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using Tapatalk 2

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