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Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever


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I went to the doctors thinking I just had a flu but he decided to also check me for Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever. Test results came back positive! The only woodsy place I went to was Royal Blue to shoot my Ak47, has anyone else heard of it around here?

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Yes, unfortunately it's common anywhere ticks live. Glad your doctor thought to check. It can be very unpleasant, but not as bad as Lyme Disease.

Anytime you have been outside, even in the yard, you should check for ticks. Ticks left on the body longer than 24hrs greatly increases the risk of contracting a disease.

Hope you get to feeling better.

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My son caught this when he was 13, his skin started peeling off his hands was one of many symptoms. Vanderbilt couldn't diagnose it. A doctor in Mt. Juliet determined what it was and treated it. Very scary.

Good luck. We never found a bite btw.

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I never found the tick. I feel ok but I am concerned because I cannot take my Rheumatoid Arthritis meds untill I am completely well. My Orencis IV is made to make my immune system weaker and right now that would be terrible for me. And I am so tired- still went to the range today but I stay exhausted ! Plus I look a little polka dotted ! Lol!

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Glad your doctor was proactive and got the tests run. When my dad was practicing family medicine, he would test for RMSF as soon as the symptoms appeared. He said other doctors would wait until they were sure that's what it was, but by the time the tests came back, it was too late.

Edited by DaddyO
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I never found the tick. I feel ok but I am concerned because I cannot take my Rheumatoid Arthritis meds untill I am completely well. My Orencis IV is made to make my immune system weaker and right now that would be terrible for me. And I am so tired- still went to the range today but I stay exhausted ! Plus I look a little polka dotted ! Lol!

I feel your pain, I was diagnosed with RA in 2005. I'm on Humira, plaquenil, and methotrexate to control it. Take care of yourself, I hate it for you.

Joe W.

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Guest Broomhead

Had it in 2003 or 2004. Took the drs forever to diagnose it. I was in the ER three times and finally admitted. I had a very high fever, in the 103-4 range, I had a literal blinding headache so bad I couldn't see or think straight. They tested me for menegitis and a whole slew of other stuff until my wife mentioned something about finding a tick on me a few weeks earlier. That's also when I found out I was allergic to morphine. That whole ordeal was a freaking nightmare. Glad your doc caught it early, it can get real bad and have lasting effects if left untreated.

BTW, I got the tick in my backyard in West Nashville.

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Man I hate to hear that! Prayers sent for a rapid recovery! I am a huge outdoorsman and have had my fair share of tick run ins! The worst experience i ever had with them was on a pine tree farm in Mississippi. I was a kid and my buddy and I were making a lean-to fort. Well when I got home and tried to dust off the dirt on my legs, the dirt did not come off. It was literally thousands of ticks. Thousands of them covered every part of my body from head to toe. All of them burried in my skin and all of theme were those seed ticks that are the size of small freckles. This also happened the same night that my parents were having an important dinner party for out of town guests! My mom and dad rotated with tweezers to pick these guys off of me but there were simply too many! Then my dad comes upstairs, not with tweezers, but with a bottle of dog flea and tick shampoo. I scrubbed my body head to toe, let it sit for 5 minutes and then rinsed off. Now they still had the marathon tick pulling disaster but all the ones they pulled were dead. To this day, if I find 1 tick, I use flea and tick shampoo. Works great!!

Now to prevent ticks. The BEST thing you can do is spray your clothing with a permethrin solution. Sawyers makes some premade stuff at Walmart and bass pro but you will save yourself a lot of money by buying a permethrin consentrate from amazon or a tractor supply/co-op store. After you spray your clothes, use DEET on your skin. Dressing for the outdoors helps a lot to. Tucking your pants into your shoes or using duct tape. Tuck your shirt in and wear a hat. With that system, I have never had another tick.

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Thanks guys, I am on another round of antibiotics and praying for this to be finished! I have had RA for half of my life so I am used to pain but this headache and stomach pain is awful!!! Next time I go to Royal Blue- I will be better prepared!!! But I love shooting the AK- had a great time! The only other problem is now I really want a 4wd!!! My little Dodge Caliber made it but i think a stronger vehicle is in order!!!!

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