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Some people are so RedGhettoNeck

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A very close female friend (along with her husband and their two children) of mine was on her way back from her Florida vacation this afternoon when she lost contol of the vehicle on I-65, near the Saturn Pkwy. exit. From what I gather, she was heading northbound in the rain when she began to fishtail, crossed the median and all southbound lanes of traffic, ending up in the trees.

The vehicle they were driving belonged to her father-in-law, and he was none too happy. He wasn't even slighty concerned about the wellbeing on anyone in the vehicle, only that they had an accident in his Explorer.

The truck was in no shape to be driven, so they called a towing company. The wrecker driver gave them (my friend and husband) a couple options. 1.) He could tow it to the wrecker service's lot, where the insurance company would deal with it. 2.) He could tow it to her father-in-laws home, which would cost abut $250. The father-in-law wanted the the vehicle towed to his home, and wanted his insurance company to have no part in the matter. He insisted that her insurance company take care of the damages, but according to her insurance company, his insurance company would have to be the ones to deal with it. What his insurance company didn't cover, hers would. Because his insurance company was going be the primary company dealing with the situation, he would be reimbursed the towing bill. The Explorer ended up being towed to the father-in-laws home.

My girlfriend drove to the accident scene to pick up my firend and the two children, while her husband went with the wrecker driver to his fathers home. He needed to pick up their vehicle that was left at the fater-in-laws home before they left on vacation.

And now the RedGhettoNeck part. Upon arriving at his fathers home, the entire family began to gang up on him. We are talking about HIS OWN FAMILY. They were upset about the whole ordeal, but were most upset, because he and my friend didn't pay for the towing bill. I think they were also upset, because he was their to pick up my friends truck, which would leave the father-in-law without a vehicle. The father-in-law has the option of a rental car, but because he didn't want his insurance company involved, he thought they should leave thier vehicle for him to drive. Anyway, the clan was upset to the point of physical violence. My friends husband was punched in the mouth by his own brother. This is disgustingly sad on many levels, but one of the worst parts (to me), is the fact that her husband doesn't have a fighting bone in his body. Who knows what's going to happen from here.

Where do these type of people come from? My family is like most, we've been plenty p****d at each other, but never felt the need to resort to physical violence.

Anyway. I didn't intend on being so verbose on the subject, but I needed to vent.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Guest Glknknox

Bet it's really going to fun at Thanksgiving.

Family comes before money, if it doesn't, they are not much of a family.

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Bet it's really going to fun at Thanksgiving.

Family comes before money, if it doesn't, they are not much of a family.

I'm not sure if this makes it better or worse, but they've only been married for a little more than a month.

Latest update; He (friends husband) had to make a trip downtown to press charges. I guess someone called the police, and the family member who punched him was arrested. It's a sad situation.

Another update; The father-in law was served with a warrant for a restraining order. The step-brother who punched my friends husband is currently in Metro Jail, until tomorrow at the earliest. $2500 bond. He will also be served with a warrant for a restraining order.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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Guest Boomhower
Family comes before money, if it doesn't, they are not much of a family.

That all depends on what said family member needs that money for. And if you don't help yourself after once or twice of needing some money, then we've got bigger issues than a little scabble.

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Sounds like a bad deal all the way around. I wonder if alcohol was involved in when the punching began.

I can't imagine lending my kids my vehicle and then not accpeting that s*it happens sometimes. Heck these things are why we have insurance.

The Exploder owner should have just had the thing towed to the nearest Ford dealer and let insurance sort it all out.

The punchee also should not be getting police involved in it. Take your black eye and move on.

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I would have gotten down on my knees and thanked God that my family was not injured in that wreck. Possessions (Explorer) can be replaced but family members and friends cannot. From the sounds of it that poor guy needs a new family, one with love and concern for him rather than a vehicle. This is sad!

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Okay - first, the person driving the vehicle should check to see if their insurance covers them when they are driving some one else vehicle before they ever start driving it. If not then they should check to make sure the owners insurance will cover them. Once that is determined borrow the vehicle. If something happens let them deal with who pays what to whom. The owner of the vehicle needs to be made whole. It was not their fault that the accident happened in any way shape or form.

That being said. If a family member of mine borrowed my car and wrecked it, my first concern would be for the family member. Once they were okay then we could start dealing with who would pay for what to make my vehicle right. Personally, if my vehicle was damaged, I would let my insurance deal with it because they are dang good and make sure the job is done right. If they later want to go after the drivers insurance it will be between the insurance companies.

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I can see why the Explorer's owner was upset...single-vehicle accidents are typically always the fault of the driver. Maybe he felt she was driving his vehicle recklessly or in a careless manner and wanted to take it out on her. Granted, I would put the wellbeing of my family members first and not resort to physical violence, but I can kind of see both sides of the story, just not that the extreme in which it resulted. Sorry to be the black sheep...

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Okay - first, the person driving the vehicle should check to see if their insurance covers them when they are driving some one else vehicle before they ever start driving it. If not then they should check to make sure the owners insurance will cover them. Once that is determined borrow the vehicle. If something happens let them deal with who pays what to whom. The owner of the vehicle needs to be made whole. It was not their fault that the accident happened in any way shape or form.

That being said. If a family member of mine borrowed my car and wrecked it, my first concern would be for the family member. Once they were okay then we could start dealing with who would pay for what to make my vehicle right. Personally, if my vehicle was damaged, I would let my insurance deal with it because they are dang good and make sure the job is done right. If they later want to go after the drivers insurance it will be between the insurance companies.

The owner on the vehicle suggested they take his vehicle instead of their own. They did check with the insurance companies, and the vehicle owners insurance would begin the process if an accident was to occur, and the actual drivers insurance would cover anything the owners insurance wouldn't pay for. The owner and driver knew how it was supposed to work. The problem is, now that an accident actually occured, the owner doesn't want his insurace company to be contacted. Again, his insurance would need to start the process, and then the drivers insurance would handle it from there.

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Guest jackdog

Well you can pick your friends but not your family. As for pressing charges on the.

brother, hell I would. It was not his vehicle and basically none of his damn business.

The father is a total ass hat to boot. Sounds like a family that I would choose to walk away from in a heart beat.

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I've only had the luxury of meeting his family 1 time, and that was at the wedding. Thankfully, they were on their best behavior. It was quite evident that they were slightly on the redneck(ish) side, but living in Tennessee, it's become more than commonplace. Not that all rednecks are bad, just the ones with the ghetto mixed in.

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The South is not the only place that rednecks live.

A cousins wedding reception several years ago involved shouting, fighting, a disconnected 911 call, the police and arrest of the brother of the bride. Fun times. :)

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The owner on the vehicle suggested they take his vehicle instead of their own. They did check with the insurance companies, and the vehicle owners insurance would begin the process if an accident was to occur, and the actual drivers insurance would cover anything the owners insurance wouldn't pay for. The owner and driver knew how it was supposed to work. The problem is, now that an accident actually occured, the owner doesn't want his insurace company to be contacted. Again, his insurance would need to start the process, and then the drivers insurance would handle it from there.

Then, they should take HIM out of the equation and report the accident to his insurance company.

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Guest Glknknox


Originally Posted by Glknknox viewpost.gif

Family comes before money, if it doesn't, they are not much of a family.

That all depends on what said family member needs that money for. And if you don't help yourself after once or twice of needing some money, then we've got bigger issues than a little scabble.

That's what i was saying, just not in so many words.

Family should stick together.

Man it sucks having to explain yourself on the interweb.

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