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Liberal conspiracy theories

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I'm with you on this.

I've had this argument with a couple of liberal friends of mine and they've yet to explain to me how the voter ID law keeps anyone from voting, except of course, those who can't legally vote.

It's beyond ridiculous for anyone to claim that anyone eligible to vote in TN can't do so for lack of an ID...the state will practically send a state trooper to hand deliver one to you if you can't find any other way to get one but more to the point, how many people who are eligible to vote and want to vote don't already have an acceptable ID already?

The only people really being disenfranchised this election are our military members stationed oversees. :mad:

Lots of folks out there that this "disenfranchises". But the law accounts for them by allowing them to vote Absentee or by giving them free photo ID so they can vote at polls.

Not sure how Absentee votes are counted in TN though. As long as the absentee votes are counted, I don't really see the problem either :shrug:

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It seems the kookyness never goes away it just changes sides. I'd have to say just about every whack job theory I've heard about Obama canceling elections, declaring himself dictator and rounding up disarmed citizens to herd into FEMA camps I've heard at one point and time about Bush as well.

The faces have changed but the theory's are the same load of crap regardless. What really cracks me up is that in both cases there are so many legitimate issues that I just can't understand why someone would resort to grasping at straws. Especially stupid straws that make you sound so crazy, that intelligent people begin to dismiss anything you say out of hand.

Oh well, like I said I haven't heard anything original yet out of either party, I'm sure it's even more obvious to some of you guys that have been paying attention decades longer than me.

Ok, just to clarify, I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat... but you can kinda understand where people like this are coming from....

Our President has already made himself a dictator who is willing to throw the law out the window when it suits him... Here are a couple examples:

1. Executive order amnesty for illegal immigrants - aka Dream act light

2. Letter telling businesses to disregard the WARN Act, even though it and the budget cuts are the law of the land.

3. Issuing kill orders on American citizens

Now just how crazy does somebody have to be to think the current President might do whatever it takes to stay in power?

I don't think Obama is going to suspend the elections, or run everybody into FEMA camps... but I can see how somebody who is of sound mind might be worried about the length this president is willing to go to stay in power.

Clearly after Libya, flat out lying to the American public isn't a line to far.

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Lots of folks out there that this "disenfranchises". But the law accounts for them by allowing them to vote Absentee or by giving them free photo ID so they can vote at polls.

Not sure how Absentee votes are counted in TN though. As long as the absentee votes are counted, I don't really see the problem either :shrug:

But with the previous "close" elections they have used the absentee ballots to sway the vote. I seem to recall it happening in past elections.


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Ok, just to clarify, I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat... but you can kinda understand where people like this are coming from....

Our President has already made himself a dictator who is willing to throw the law out the window when it suits him... Here are a couple examples:

1. Executive order amnesty for illegal immigrants - aka Dream act light

2. Letter telling businesses to disregard the WARN Act, even though it and the budget cuts are the law of the land.

3. Issuing kill orders on American citizens

Now just how crazy does somebody have to be to think the current President might do whatever it takes to stay in power?

I don't think Obama is going to suspend the elections, or run everybody into FEMA camps... but I can see how somebody who is of sound mind might be worried about the length this president is willing to go to stay in power.

Clearly after Libya, flat out lying to the American public isn't a line to far.

All three of those are great examples of some of the many legitimate issues with our current president, but at least IMO still a far cry away from a declaration of supreme dictatorship, or American concentration camps, or a secret army of DHS agents armed with hollow point handgun calibers with enough ammo to expend two shots for every citizen, canceling elections or any of the other ridiculous notions I've heard over the last twelve years.

Have his past actions been concerning? Yes, very. Do I find his actions immoral, impractable and illegal? You bet. Do I think that means I need to worry about Obamas DHS army coming to confiscate my weapons or throw me into a FEMA camp?


I've got enough real and current issues that are actually happening to keep my mind occupied for some time.

Edited by TrickyNicky
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But with the previous "close" elections they have used the absentee ballots to sway the vote. I seem to recall it happening in past elections.


Not to mention discounted/discarded military votes. The military has gotten screwed a lot in elections in the past 20 years. And they are trying it again by delivering ballots to our military too late or not at all.

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But with the previous "close" elections they have used the absentee ballots to sway the vote. I seem to recall it happening in past elections.


Minnesota comes to mind. Isn't that the state that elected Mr. SNL funny guy?
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Minnesota comes to mind. Isn't that the state that elected Mr. SNL funny guy?

Yeah the number of recounts in Minn. reminded me of the '72 Olympic Basketball Gold Medal theft by the Russians: 'We are just going to keep playing this game until the Russians win'.

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Well, the UN is going to ensure the liberals are getting a chance to vote. Yes, the UN is sending observers here for the election.

I didn't belive when I heard it last night but Google revealed they are sending 44 to observe.


The Obama Admin has also told Texas they are not allowed to arrest the "observers" even if they break their state election laws!!

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