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Finally shot my AR


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Being the first on I've built I expected a problem of some kind but it never happened.Cleaned the barrel after each shot for the first 30 rounds. Then cleaned after every three rounds after that. When the trigger was pulled for the first time I have to admit I was a little nervous. Would it go click, boom or kaboom? Everything went well and the groups (at 50 yards) were better than expected. The Battlecomp took some getting use to. I'd like to try a little heavier buffer just to see what the difference would be. I can see another build in the future.
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[quote name='LDRider' timestamp='1352080508' post='839193']
I admit I'm new to shooting, rifles, & AR's but why so much cleaning of the barrel?


Some folks claim a drill like that is best to break in a new barrel.

Some say the John Daly method is better: grip it and rip it. :)

- OS

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Just breaking in the barrel the same way I've done all my long guns. Why so much? For the first thirty rounds I was not just cleaning the barrel but looking for anything loose or odd. Figured cleaning the barrel while the upper was apart wouldn't hurt.
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I have done both and I cannot see a difference in accuracy. Accuracy has more to do with the individual barrel than the break in. Will what the OP did hurt? Absolutely not. I make sure the barrel is clean before the first shot is fired because sometimes there can be debris from machining.

My most recent barrel is a McGowen so I followed their break in. They recommend the break in not to improve accuracy but to reduce fouling. I will say it is the cleanest barrel I have ever owned. It does not foul and has, so far, continued to shoot as well now as when new.

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[quote name='Dolomite_supafly' timestamp='1352119917' post='839313']
My most recent barrel is a McGowen so I followed their break in. They recommend the break in not to improve accuracy but to reduce fouling. I will say it is the cleanest barrel I have ever owned. It does not foul and has, so far, continued to shoot as well now as when new.


Gordon, what is the procedure, exactly?
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I always give it one quick patch through just in case there's some goop or something in the barrel and then go give it hell, but I probably won't be shooting a non-chrome lined barrel any time soon (my projects are already set for the next long while.) If I shot any real precision rigs I probably would keep the same procedure just so I didn't get lazy with the ones that need more TLC!
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