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The War on Thanksgiving

Guest HvyMtl

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Ahh, that's a different system. All the retail joints I have worked had actual "paid holidays" that pay the holiday pay to all eligible employees (8hr for full time , 4 for part timers) as long as you worked your scheduled days before and after the holiday.

Nothing if you don't, double if you do is pretty crappy.
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Guest Keinengel

[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353363324' post='848411']
All the more reason that you should be happy for the ones working on holidays. They not only have a job in this economy but they are also making double time.

Nope. Not all of us. I'm a temp at an Automotive plant in Morrisson and my department is going to be pulled in on Thanksgiving while the other 75% of the plant has it off. We don't get paid holiday pay, double time or anything else for it. Just the regular barely over minimum hourly wage. As a veteran myself who has also had to miss christmas/thanksgiving/etc due my service I would like to state that the very vast majority of us on here joined the military on our own free will. We knew that it was likely that we would be on duty on major holidays. There is a big difference between having to work a holiday because military service and having to work simply because you work for a greedy employer. And simply quitting and finding a new job also isn't as simple either.

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[quote name='Keinengel' timestamp='1353374111' post='848515']
Nope. Not all of us. I'm a temp at an Automotive plant in Morrisson and my department is going to be pulled in on Thanksgiving while the other 75% of the plant has it off. We don't get paid holiday pay, double time or anything else for it. Just the regular barely over minimum hourly wage. As a veteran myself who has also had to miss christmas/thanksgiving/etc due my service I would like to state that the very vast majority of us on here [b]joined the military on our own free will[/b]. We knew that it was likely that we would be on duty on major holidays. There is a big difference between having to work a holiday because military service and having to work simply because you work for a greedy employer. And simply quitting and finding a new job also isn't as simple either.

Sort of how you work a civilian job on your own free will? Working major holidays is nothing new, especially for the service or merchant industry. It is what it is and it will never change. Profits drive company growth and sustainability, not taking a siesta on one of the major shopping days in the year. That's what happens when we have the market and economy that we have.
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Guest Keinengel
Not when your going to end up sitting/standing for an entire 12 hour shift and have nothing to do. This company is wasting money hand over fist. It's not really a choice either. I can choose to go in to work or i can choose to not be able to pay rent or afford food. This mentality is part of the reason why employers can get away with treating their bottom employees so poorly. Edited by Keinengel
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[quote name='Keinengel' timestamp='1353374111' post='848515']
. There is a big difference between having to work a holiday because military service and having to work simply because you work for a greedy employer. And simply quitting and finding a new job also isn't as simple either.[/quote]

I work holidays as a civilian now. I don't bitch about it because I chose this job, not the other way around. Yes, it is a choice. If YOU choose to work for a "greedy employer", that is YOUR choice. If you don't like it, find another job. It is not your greedy employer's fault that you came to work for him and then decided that you don't want to put up with their policies.

The inconveniences I face in my profession are mine to own. I will never understand why people pin the blame for the negative outcomes of their own choices on others.
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[quote name='strickj' timestamp='1353370014' post='848473']
Says me.

Dunno... thought most of the retailers paid double. :shrugs:
Quick look, looks like even Wally pays double time for paid holidays worked.

Very quickly becoming a thing of the past. I've been out of retail for a few years now but they are cutting corners to save money everywhere that they can. The number of paid holidays that we got paid extra for declined every year that I worked, when I got out of retail we got Thanksgiving and that was it. It won't be long before they cut that out. Big companies really don't give a damn about any of their employees except maybe the very upper crust.

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I will be working Thanksgiving and the day after. We supply all the Pringles in the US, Canada, Mexico, etc. from our one plant in Jackson, so holidays must be worked sometimes.

It's not too hard. Our little family Thanksgiving will be on Saturday instead.

Oh, and I will be making triple time money those two days.
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My grandfather once told me the only thing that stood between me and the life I wanted was me. It's 100% true. The people who bitch the most about their job are usually the same ones who refuse to get training or education to get the job they want. If you work a minimum wage, low skilled job don't complain when you are treated like low skilled, easily replaceable worker. You can get a new job but it won't come and land in your lap, you have to make it happen. Don't be surprised if it means you have to put out from 5a-9p instead of 9a-5p. Edited by oldmustangjunkie
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[quote name='oldmustangjunkie' timestamp='1353383372' post='848608']My grandfather once told me the only thing that stood between me and the life I wanted was me. It's 100% true. The people who bitch the most about their job are usually the same ones who refuse to get training or education to get the job they want. If you work a minimum wage, low skilled job don't be complain when you are treated like low skilled, easily replaceable worker. You can get a new job but it won't come and land in your lap, you have to make it happen. Don't be surprised if it means you have to put out from 5a-9p instead of 9a-5p.[/quote]

Say it ain't so!!!
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[quote name='TMF' timestamp='1353376237' post='848544']
I work holidays as a civilian now. I don't bitch about it because I chose this job, not the other way around. Yes, it is a choice. If YOU choose to work for a "greedy employer", that is YOUR choice. If you don't like it, find another job. It is not your greedy employer's fault that you came to work for him and then decided that you don't want to put up with their policies.

The inconveniences I face in my profession are mine to own. I will never understand why people pin the blame for the negative outcomes of their own choices on others.
[/quote]What exactly is your profession, if I may ask?
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Guest RevScottie
[quote name='MilitiaMan' timestamp='1353358806' post='848341']
I shop when I want to shop, regardless of what day it is or isn't.

I always have and always will spend quality time with my family. I see to that, even if I have to adjust my "holiday schedule" and eat a little earlier or a little later. In all my years I have never heard anyone piss and moan about boycotting places that are open on a holiday until this year. This further strengthens my opinion that we are right smack in the middle of the era known as The Great Pussification of America.

The reason you are hearing more about it is the retailers have gotten more greedy and decided to open on Thanksgiving Day. Each year it has gotten earlier and earlier. It started at 7am on Friday, then 5am, then midnight, and now 8pm on Thursday. Retail employees see the trend and know that soon they will have no holidays. Some Walmart employees are planning to strike this weekend to protest Walmart changing its policy on holiday working. I could see the point in being open if these businesses were providing life giving services instead of selling cheap Chinese crap.
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Guest uofmeet
I do not buy anything on thanksgiving from stores. I feel that no places should be open on thanksgiving so I don't go to any stores. Also, it is not my part to dictate what others choose. If stores want to be open on thanksgiving, that is their right. Sometimes people forget we live in the land of the free, and that means people can almost do what they want. And that is be open or closed on thanksgiving. My opinion, is that we should not have to work on thanksgiving. And I couldn't ask my employees to work on thanksgiving.

Although, Like everything else, there are exceptions to the rule, Police and fire for one and the NFL.

The people in those profession know the risk when they sign up that they may have to work or "play" on thanksgiving.

As far as stores and restaurants, I don't go to any on thanksgiving. Just the how I do my part in my thinking that places should be closed. But again, if they want to be open, That is fine with me. Don't expect to see me in your store though.
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[quote name='uofmeet' timestamp='1353441799' post='848836']
The people in those profession know the risk when they sign up that they may have to work or "play" on thanksgiving.

What retail or service industry related jobs guarantee their employees holidays off?
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Guest RevScottie
[quote name='scoutfsu' timestamp='1353441907' post='848839']
What retail or service industry related jobs guarantee their employees holidays off?

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I made good choices starting about 30 years ago when my grades in school started really counting toward something. I made good choices about 23 years ago when I had to choose between going to college and applying myself or going out f'ing around with my slacker friends. I've continued making good, sometimes difficult decisions ever since then in my career. I've made some decisions that really sucked to endure and cope with but eventually put me in better a better place, employment wise. I've also had the rug pulled out from under me and had to work a less than appealing job or two in order to make sure my bills were paid and my family was taken care of.

What I'm getting at is a lot of people working retail had a decision to make somewhere along the line. And while I am not advocating being completely unsympathetic to a person's plight ([i]there but by the grace of God go I[/i]) I am saying that there are essentially two groups of people in retail: (1.) those who chose the profession willfully and (2.) those who are just thankful they have a job.

The first should understand that with a job in retail comes the tireless task of bending to the consumer's will which sometimes means working on days you'd rather be at home with your family. For the second, those folks aren't likely going to complain because they're doing what they have to do in order to make ends meet. And if they [u]are[/u] complaining, then maybe they should have made different choices along the way.

So am I going shopping on Thanksgiving night? Probably so. Do I think it's a war on Thanksgiving? No. I'll be shopping with my family and it gets us in the holiday spirit.


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Came out in 1958.

You post seems a little, pretentious. Not everyone get the chances you got. Or I got. Not everyone gets access. And not everyone gets a $50k job. Majority of us get paid less than $30k a year. Same level as during the Reagan Administration.

So, cause they fear the loss of their job, they do not get to celebrate holidays, particularly one so specifically American in creation and importance? Sad.

CONSUME. Edited by HvyMtl
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  • Administrator

[quote name='HvyMtl' timestamp='1353443856' post='848850']

Came out in 1958.

You post seems a little, pretentious. Not everyone get the chances you got. Or I got. Not everyone gets access. And not everyone gets a $50k job. Majority of us get paid less than $30k a year. Same level as during the Reagan Administration.

So, cause they fear the loss of their job, they do not get to celebrate holidays, particularly one so specifically American in creation and importance? Sad.


Sorry but that's a bunch of relativist horse-crap. No one handed me my opportunities on a silver platter. I worked my ass off for them. Same as anyone else could. But thanks for discounting nearly 30 years of hard work and hard choices by saying I got a leg-up somehow.


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Again, nope. You did well, and I do think you busted your hump to get where you got.

I also know opportunites are random at best. And several do not have them. I do know some did not jump and push. I do know some, in these low pay, low respect retail jobs, who will break their backs to try and help you get what you want, even if it is a pair of socks. And though they show the work ethic you are proud of, they are stuck where they are. Smacks of lack of opportunity, rather than lack of will. Edited by HvyMtl
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Guest RevScottie

[quote name='TGO David' timestamp='1353444410' post='848856']
Sorry but that's a bunch of relativist horse-crap. No one handed me my opportunities on a silver platter. I worked my ass off for them. [color=#B22222]Same as anyone else could[/color][color=#FFD700].[/color] But thanks for discounting nearly 30 years of hard work and hard choices by saying I got a leg-up somehow.


Not everone else can. Not everyone has the same mental or physical ability to get work done. Many people find themselves at the mercy of an employer no matter how hard they work due to circumstances beyond their control. Some just dont have what it takes to compete in todays job market.I know plenty of people who have made hard choices and worked hard for 40+ years and still have to work retail in their twilight years because its all they can find. That's not discounting anyones hard work thats just stating facts.

Edited by RevScottie
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Guest RevScottie
[quote name='scoutfsu' timestamp='1353445854' post='848867']
Lol, when did Sunday become a holiday?

I believe they are closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas...
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The fist Thanksgiving was a celebration (November 1621) for the good harvest and, I would suggest, to thank God for his blessings and that is an example that I think is worth following.

I don't know if there is a "war" on Thanksgiving but if you listen to any of the "mainstream" media, you'll come to believe that Thanksgiving is nothing but a celebration of white, European imperialism and narcissism.. It's become nothing more than the "starting line" for Christmas (excuse me, "holiday) shopping...

I think that's pretty sad. Edited by RobertNashville
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