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Does your significant other have an HCP?


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Guest Bronker

Mine is doing the "Pace at the Mailbox" dance as we speak. Should be any day for it to arrive.

She took her permit class primarily as an educational experience so she would not be so lost when she encountered one of my weapons.

After some thought, she realizes the need for her to carry. It took a while, but she understands the ramifications. A J-frame snubbie awaits her HCP.

Even if your significant other doesn't want to carry, I highly recommend taking the course for educational purposes if for no other reason.

Turns out, she can handle any gun I have, in any caliber. And is a better shot than I am with a few of them.

My $.02

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Guest Verbal Kint

My wife will be taking her class here in the coming weeks, and filing for her permit as soon as that's complete.

We're just trying to squeeze in a few more trips to the range, during the week, as she hasn't had her J-frame all that long... and waiting for her work schedule to allow for the weekend classes.

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Guest Major Pain

My wife has had hers about 3 years. When she took her class I let her borrow my Python, let her run 38.s thru it to lessen recoil and that's the one she always wants to shoot. She carries a S&W J frame.--MP

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Guest sermon8r
I've never been brave enough for a wife, but my girlfriend wants to get hers.

thats why i dont have a girlfriend:D

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Guest readyornot

My wife is from Texas. They issue them there at birth don't they? Seriously, my wife got hers about a year after we got married. However, she rarely carries a gun. She carries a Taser C2 instead.

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Guest GLOCK2340

Mine has hers, but is a little apprehensive about carrying it everywhere. She mostly keeps it in her truck. I keep trying to get to carry it in her purse, but...not much luck so far....

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Mine has been through the course, but still waiting for her to get it submitted. Which is actually pretty amazing seeing as how anti-gun she was when we met.

ya mine was anti-gun when we meet now she is pro-gun but it took me 13 years to convert her :D

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Guest Bronker

For all of those apprehensive wives and girlfiends, I had great success with my wife (terrified of bullets, let alone guns) just taking the HCP course for education sake. After she became educated, she became comfortable. Then she became interested. Now she is converted. Now this woman who was afraid of guns...is eager to carry one.

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Guest TNDixieGirl

No wife here, but I have one. Spouse doesn't yet, but he will soon. Has to find the time for the class first.

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