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How are you guys maximizing your practice ammo?

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Just wondering how everyone is choosing to spend the ammo they have on training. I know dry fire practice is a given but I am talking about actual drills or tactics you are doing. I know you guys that were smart enough to have enough on hand to sustain you through this mess probably aren't being affected. I am mainly looking to hear from the guys that may not have a huge stockpile. Any comments are welcome though. :pleased:


I myself just finally got 100 rounds I ordered online but haven't been able to find any in person. I was contemplating doing some IDPA but I don't know if that is the best way to spend it. I have only put about 50 rounds through my M&P and even though it's not much different from a Glock it is still a new platform to me. I am considering just doing a draw and fire one shot just to get that draw stroke and first shot down but I don't want to train my brain to fire only one shot. If I fire multiple shots though I'll burn through that ammo in no time. Kind of a catch 22.

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Maroon / White,

I dry fire 70% of the time (using snap caps) and practice one shot drills from the draw position and “high ready”. You can also practice malfunction drills and strong / weak hand shooting. For me, trigger control and sight picture are important, and dry fire practice has saved me a lot of money. I also purchased a timer and normally perform the drills to a certain par time. As you mention, they're one shot drills, but I highly recommend dry fire.

When I go to the range, I take my carry handgun and 22LR handgun (similar in feel to my carry gun). I shoot my drills with my carry gun and wrap up on some “dot” drills with my 22. Regarding round count per range visit, it’s about 75 to 100 rounds total (half for each gun). With the current ammo situation, I have cut back to one range visit every two weeks.

As a FYI – I’ve been lucky enough to find ammo. I have the best luck visiting small gun shops (mostly outside the metro N’ville area) that serve a local (and loyal) customer base. These types of gun shops don’t gouge and have low enough traffic that they normally have ammo in stock.


Edited by TexasAggie
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Honestly carrying a 10mm has forced me to be prepared. I have plenty of practice ammo and reloading components simply due to its scarcity in regular times.

Otherwise I've been just drawing from concealment and dry firing like above... -and spending time reloading instead of shooting. Shooting will come later :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I dry fire and practice dry reloads as mentioned above.


I generally start and finish my range drills with Dot Targets. This helps me maintain focus on the basics, like trigger control, reset, and follow-through.


I reload...but components aren't exactly unlimited... I generally take at least 50 rounds of my 9mm and 50 rounds of .22


There are various Dot targets available to download online:






Paul Markel has some YouTube vids with his "Student of the Gun" series. A recent one is entitled: "Ammunition Shortage: Lesson Learned" and it has some decent tips/advice. I'm sure there are others out there in cyberspace.

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Thanks for that link Prag. I have some dot targets left over from a class I took but they didn't have the training listed on them like that. It makes good sense to start and end with those. More than likely I will just do that and the beginning then just do some draw and fire on the silhouette from different angles.


I recently saw something on the sportsman's channel about using ammo boxes (or any box) to make a "3D" target and then draping an old tshirt over it. It makes sense to train for a 3D target as opposed to a flat piece of paper if shooting from different angles.

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You're welcome M&W.


3D targets are excellent for training.


Back before IDPA got bigtime, we used to host "Tactical" Matches back down in South MS. I would make 3D targets from old IPSC targets, placing balloons at various point...head-chest-pelvic girdle, clothe them and hang them up. Great for Failure Drills as well.


I based them off of these:







I still have a couple of "Tactical Teds" that help with proper shot placement. I just tape over the holes with masking tape and they still serve well after many years and several classes.




Unfortunately most ranges frown on their use. Some of these range folks are more of a curmudgeon than I am... :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I carry a 1911 almost always so I train several times a week with a KWA Blowback airsoft pistol.  This comes close to the feel and size of my 1911, holster is the same etc.  I Practice a lot of double taps at very close range etc -- the guns are around 150 and everything else is fairy cheap

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I carry a 1911 almost always so I train several times a week with a KWA Blowback airsoft pistol.  This comes close to the feel and size of my 1911, holster is the same etc.  I Practice a lot of double taps at very close range etc -- the guns are around 150 and everything else is fairy cheap

This exactly.


I discovered this when my oldest son started playing organized airsoft a few years ago.  If you take the 11 year olds out of it, it can be a an excellent way to train force on force also.  

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