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Tennesseeans (Veterans MUST READ) - New CC Law Amendment "Lifetime Carry"

Guest Ghost Maker

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As a veteran, I still oppose this bill.  I am against ANY bill that gives one group of citizens privileges that other citizens cannot have.  I do not favor laws that permit retired police officers, judges, or anyone else to carry without a permit unless everyone who can legally possess a firearm can do so as well.  Thus, I do not support a bill which gives certain veterans a privilege that everyone cannot have.


If, as a private citizen, you want to start a fund to pay part or all of the fee for veterans, I'm fine with that and would probably contribute.  But making a law that gives special privileges is a bad idea.

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On the "could open the door" w/regards to lifetime permits to everyone, it could also potentially have the opposite effect, with regards to some folks not supporting future legislation because "the matter has already been settled" so to speak.

Hard to predict, because Dems could use their vote on this very limited eligability one as political cover, to say they already supported lifetime permits in this particular instance, while opposing future attempts to expand it to other, everyday folks who are eligable for current renewable permits.

So it could end up being thought as "settled law" and never make it out of sub-committee again, at least not in the short term.
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Well, there are veterans and there are VETERANS, and the main groups drawing distinctions between them are, you guessed it, veterans.


I'm agin special treatment for anyone.  We have no royalty in this country, not even senators or judges.

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There is an amendment making its way through the State Government that would allow veterans with 20 years of service and permanently disabled veterans to receive a LIFETIME CARRY PERMIT. SB0956 is currently in the Finance Division of the state and has a tentative date of going into effective on 14 January 2014. Original date was July of 2013 but had to be delayed due to time requirements for state to implement. There is a one time fee of $200 to be issued the lifetime permit. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR TENNESSEE STATE SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVE TO SUPPORT THIS BILL. This bill was introduced to forever link our Second Amendment Rights with the sacrifices of our veterans. Please throw your support behind this bill which is the only one of its kind for veterans in the U.S. that I know of. It was introduced by State Senator Randy McNally who has stepped up for not only our veterans but our Second Amendment Rights as well. If possible please send Sen. McNally an email thanking him for introducing this bill during a time our Second Amendment Rights are under attack. Thus far it has not received any Nay Votes. Hopefully other states will pick up on this as well.

Bill Summary

This bill specifies that, on or after July 1, 2013, any state handgun carry permit issued or renewed to one of the following persons would not expire or be subject to renewal during the lifetime of the permit holder as long as the holder's permit is not revoked:
(1) Any retired member of the United States military with 20 or more years of service as evidenced by such retirement status documentation as the commissioner of safety requires to prove eligibility; and
(2) Any disabled veteran who has any service-connected disability that is determined by the veterans' administration to constitute a permanent and total disability or for which the veteran receives a disability rating of 100 percent as evidenced by any official finding or rating as to disability by the United States veterans' administration.

Source: Judical Committee Voting

Bill Votes

SB0956 by McNally - S. JUD COMM.:
Recommended for passage w/amendments- refer to: S. FW&M Comm. 3/5/2013
Ayes.............................................. ..8
Noes.............................................. ..0

Senators voting aye were: Kelsey, Overbey, Campfield, Bell, Finney L, Gardenhire, Green, Stevens -- 8.



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Well, there are veterans and there are VETERANS, and the main groups drawing distinctions between them are, you guessed it, veterans.


I'm agin special treatment for anyone.  We have no royalty in this country, not even senators or judges.

True, we have no royalty in this country but there are some out there that think just because they are former military or Leo, or a politician, that they are better than the average citizen. Even if this bill was to benefit me if i was in the military, it is not fair for those who could have served but were denied due to some medical reason, Or other maybe they went another route. You all know, things happen in life. I see where the OP is getting at, chipping here and there but until you have constitutional carry for all law-abiding gun owners,  It is still an infringement on a right. Although I disagree with the current system, I have a permit because i follow the law, I don't agree with every law out there but i follow it because i do not want to lose my rights. Asking permission to have access to a right is not a right at all. It is a form of control. And those in government know it.

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Being a veteran , this looks like discrimination to me, I didn't choose to make a career of the military but I served in Viet Nam. If they want to do something for veterans maybe a free or  cheap lifetime hunting and fishing license would be more appropriate. The more I think about this the more ticked off I get. My closest neighbor is a Korean war veteran and I have some WW2 vet friends, boy this is just another slap in the face to all veterans. If you cannot do it for all veterans  then don't do it for a few. I just emailed my state senator and representive urging them to oppose this legislation. Rant over!

Edited by owejia
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