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the nerve of some people

Guest benchpresspower

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Guest benchpresspower

I was getting gas at a Shell station yesterday. I usually CC but aparently this time around my shirt got pulled up when I got out of the truck to pump gas. Well about a row or two over this guy sees that I have a gun on me and (or at the least its the way I saw it) flipped out. He made a bee line to a cop that was parked in front of the station. Long story short, the LEO comes over and asks me about the gun and if I have a permit. I complied with everything he said, he looks at it and hands it back to me then goes over to the guy and explains to him the concept of a THCP. It blows my mind that some people go into a meltdown just at the sight of a gun. Sheesh....

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If you were also wearing your Mall Ninja.....ooops...I mean, HCP badge, this would have never happened.:D:):P

i was going to say the same thing you beat me to it :D

well at least theirs one more educated dweeb out there :up:

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Guest nraforlife
I dunnoo but I am pretty sure I would have had a choice word or thirty to express to Mr. Tattletail. And I doubt If I would have cared if the cop heard what I had to say.

Now your up on assault charges

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Guest Verbal Kint
Now your up on assault charges


That would be a stupid ass move on your part. You've already shown the LEO that you were legit, and proved the nosey prick to be a dumbass... so why proceed to get into a verbal altercation with him? That same cop could quickly jump sides if you push the issue and start a fight with the other guy that panicked in the first place. With your past experience with the law, you of all people should know to keep a cool head.

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Guest Verbal Kint

Just be the bigger man. Go inside and have a slushee and wait for the ******** to leave. Five or ten minutes inside, after he's gone, should be enough to cool out and regain your composure.

Then walk outside, pick up the pay phone, and call in his license tag that you wrote down. Tell the 911 operator which way he went, and that you saw him shove a small child into his trunk.


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Guest m&pc9
Just be the bigger man. Go inside and have a slushee and wait for the ******** to leave. Five or ten minutes inside, after he's gone, should be enough to cool out and regain your composure.

Then walk outside, pick up the pay phone, and call in his license tag that you wrote down. Tell the 911 operator which way he went, and that you saw him shove a small child into his trunk.


+1 roflmao

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Just be the bigger man. Go inside and have a slushee and wait for the ******** to leave. Five or ten minutes inside, after he's gone, should be enough to cool out and regain your composure.

Then walk outside, pick up the pay phone, and call in his license tag that you wrote down. Tell the 911 operator which way he went, and that you saw him shove a small child into his trunk.


"LMFAO" :D:lol::P

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Same thing happened to me about 3 years ago. I was eating lunch at a "mom and pop" (i.e. did not serve alcohol) restaurant and noticed a woman in her late 30's with three kids staring at me from time to time. At one point, she got up, left the kids, and went over to talk to the guy who ran the restaurant. In about 10 minutes, a LEO enters, speaks to the owner, who is pointing his finger at me. The LEO comes over and asks me if I am armed, and I said that I was, and he asked me to "step outside" . . . all the time walking behind me with his hand on his gun. Once outside, he asked for my gun and my ID; I presented my HCP which he looked at, and gave gun and HCP back to me. He was quite nice. He reentered the restaurant, explained all to the owner, who then went over and told the woman. Thus, she was obviously the one who "turned me in."

I have still never figured out how she saw my gun. It was a cool day and I was wearing a jacket . . .

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Now your up on assault charges

so saying something like " hey mr. busybody, got anything else you want to try to turn me in for?" Or "How about you make an effort to know the the law before you go sticking your nose into someone elses business"

How is that going to result in a assault charge?

With your past experience with the law, you of all people should know to keep a cool head.

so the thing to do is not stick up for yourself? I stuck up for myself before, it did not make things worse but it did make it easier to look at myself in the mirror.

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Mr. LEO ask me if I arm armed, my response will be "Are You?"

There is no reason for him to interupt your lunch for such B.S. You were not breaking any law. Asking for you to step outside, "I will be finished with my meal very soon. If you would like to wait for me outside or join me hear at the table, either will be fine, but whatever you are needing me outside for will have to wait until I finish eating my meal." "i am not breaking any laws, I will be glad to let you see my HCP, but it will have to be done here while I eat or after I am finished."

I know I am the ass for say this, but so be it. Idiots do not have the right to interupt my day. The cop is just doing his job, but there is no need to interupt your meal, since you are not doing anything wrong.

All righty everyone :)

Edited by memphismason
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Guest bkelm18
Mr. LEO ask me if I arm armed, my response will be "Are You?"

There is no reason for him to interupt your lunch for such B.S. You were not breaking any law. Asking for you to step outside, "I will be finished with my meal very soon. If you would like to wait for me outside or join me hear at the table, either will be fine, but whatever you are needing me outside for will have to wait until I finish eating my meal." "i am not breaking any laws, I will be glad to let you see my HCP, but it will have to be done hear while I eat or after I am finished."

I know I am the ass for say this, but so be it. Idiots do not have the right to interupt my day. The cop is just doing his job, but there is no need to interupt your meal, since you are not doing anything wrong.

All righty everyone :)

How does the cop know you have a permit? He doesn't know you are not breaking the law. Being a a$$ to a cop like that isn't going to curry any favor.

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Guest bkelm18

It would be a big deal if he thought you were reaching for your gun instead of your wallet. :) Sometimes its just easier in the long run to deal with pricks than to try and prove a point.

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Guest bkelm18
It is not being an ass. It is simply not jumping at his ever command.

I said he could see my permit here at the table......... I guess you skipped over that part.

Nope. Sure didn't. :)

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