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the nerve of some people

Guest benchpresspower

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Guest bkelm18
He has no authority to make you leave the table and go outside, unless you are being arrested.

Well you can go ahead and try that and see how far that gets you. :)

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It is not being an ass. It is simply not jumping at his ever command.

I said he could see my permit here at the table......... I guess you skipped over that part.

He has no authority to make you leave the table and go outside, unless you are being arrested.

He’s conducting an investigation into a call of a man with a gun. He has the authority to direct you anywhere he deems safe.

Having a conversation with an armed person in the middle of a restaurant is reckless and puts innocent people in harms way. Asking you to get up and walk outside would be the proper thing to do.

You have no rights here; the only one that has any rights is the business owner.

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Guest Verbal Kint
He has no authority to make you leave the table and go outside, unless you are being arrested.

Actually a cop can detain you for question, without placing you under arrest. He can also make you have a very long, unpleasant, evening without running you in. His courtesy is based a lot on how courteous you are. Food for thought.

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Guest Verbal Kint
He’s conducting an investigation into a call of a man with a gun. He has the authority to direct you anywhere he deems safe.

Having a conversation with an armed person in the middle of a restaurant is reckless and puts innocent people in harms way. Asking you to get up and walk outside would be the proper thing to do.

You have no rights here; the only one that has any rights is the business owner.


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Guest Ranger Rick
I was getting gas at a Shell station yesterday. I usually CC but aparently this time around my shirt got pulled up when I got out of the truck to pump gas. Well about a row or two over this guy sees that I have a gun on me and (or at the least its the way I saw it) flipped out. He made a bee line to a cop that was parked in front of the station. Long story short, the LEO comes over and asks me about the gun and if I have a permit. I complied with everything he said, he looks at it and hands it back to me then goes over to the guy and explains to him the concept of a THCP. It blows my mind that some people go into a meltdown just at the sight of a gun. Sheesh....

Weird thing is that for people that don't have guns (or been around them), this is a perfectly normal reaction. Think about it. Only guns most of these "normal people" have ever "seen" are the ones on TV where death is usually the outcome. Would bet the farm that he was totally shocked that you (a normal, average-Joe fellow... well... OK... almost normal not so average-Joe fellow :P) could legally carry a firearm! :)

What is surprising is that he had the balls to go tell anyone. Even though it was inconvienent for you... what a wonderful educational moment for the sheep! Think about the conversation that night with the wifey. "Honey... I saw a guy today with a gun. Really!?! Ya, told a nearby policeman. He went over and talked with the guy. The policeman came back and said he had the legal right to carry it. Said he's got a Handgun Carry Permit. Wonder why he had it?" Now, that's the kind of thinking that leads to thinking. :D

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He’s conducting an investigation into a call of a man with a gun. He has the authority to direct you anywhere he deems safe.

Having a conversation with an armed person in the middle of a restaurant is reckless and puts innocent people in harms way. Asking you to get up and walk outside would be the proper thing to do.

You have no rights here; the only one that has any rights is the business owner.

No sir. My rights are never null and void! If the place is not posted, than I am withing the laws concerning my carrying.

i would not be disrespectful, I would just inform him that ...never mind I can't informa an LEO on anything. I forgot


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I had no problem with the way the officer made the request to step outside, I did not want to air my discussion with him before every restaurant patron, and the LEO had no idea what he was dealing with, thus, I had no reason to be uncompliant.

Remember, the LEO knew he was answering the call of someone with a gun. At the time, he had no idea if the situation would turn out as benign as it did, or if I was a raving lunatic that would put persons in danger.

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Guest Verbal Kint
I had no problem with the way the officer made the request to step outside, I did not want to air my discussion with him before every restaurant patron, and the LEO had no idea what he was dealing with, thus, I had no reason to be uncompliant.

Remember, the LEO knew he was answering the call of someone with a gun. At the time, he had no idea if the situation would turn out as benign as it did, or if I was a raving lunatic that would put persons in danger.

Well said... and very mature and rational thought process. :D

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No sir. My rights are never null and void! If the place is not posted, than I am withing the laws concerning my carrying.

i would not be disrespectful, I would just inform him that ...never mind I can't informa an LEO on anything. I forgot


I agree with you in general that he could have shown him the permit right there (right away, not after finishing the burger) and that been the end of it.

However as was said in another thread. It is illegal to carry a handun in TN. It is simply a defense to that law if you have a HCP. So if you are armed as far as any officer knows, you are breaking the law until you are able to defend yourself by presenting your HCP.

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Guest canynracer
No sir. My rights are never null and void! If the place is not posted, than I am withing the laws concerning my carrying.

i would not be disrespectful, I would just inform him that ...never mind I can't informa an LEO on anything. I forgot


What Dave meant is you do not have a "right" to carry in TN, you have purchaced the priviledge to carry from the state. Common misunderstanding, but it is true.

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Guest canynracer
That is right. I forgot that someone a while back decided to make us purchase our second amendment, and then renew it every 4 years.

I aint wanting to be anothe kwik, so I will drop it.

Thanks for entertaining me though.

You arent another Kwik..LMAO...

I hear ya on the 2nd...but the 2nd for TN is a bit different...

Tennessee Constitution Article I, Section 26

That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and to bear arms for their common defense; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a view to prevent crime.

that verbiage means that you carry cause they allow it as priviledge.

the fact that you have to pay to carry proves that.

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Guest canynracer
I would have let it slide. It's not like he got something over on you. He's the one that looked like a fool.

Agreed, I would have smiled at him while the officer corrected him.

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