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Reloading Room Question

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If you have an unfinished basement that you have all of your reloading powder, primers... What do you keep the relative humidity? I have no water problems in my basement but with the weather we are having in East TN i had to plug in my dehumidifer and run it a few days. After three days I went down to reload some and check the dehumidifer and it said it was 70%. I like to keep if 50% or under. Off to Lowes I go.... So back to my question, What do you keep your basement?
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I do not know about the values but I keep mine on its highest (driest) setting and it pulls nearly 2 gallons per day this time of year.  


My powders seem to be fine BUT my powders are stored in their orig plastic jugs.  While not military or space grade airtight, the amount of air exchange is minimal and, basically, the air that is IN the jug stays in the jug and the air outside the jug stays outside the jug, making it unlikely that even the worst humidity would not quickly spoil my powder.  


All that to say: keep them in their containers, with a snug lid, and if worried throw in a pack to absorb moisture and it will be fine for decades.   I suggest your humidity is kept low anyway, as your dies or press or other stuff could rust but your components should be ok without excessive amounts of extra work.

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My dehumidifier is set at 55% in my basement.  That seems to be the sweet spot for it working well without having to run 24/7.  I have a dedicated reloading room upstairs in the airco, so it isn't a problem for me, but I would think 50-55% would be ok.  Anything lower than 50% is unnecessary in my view.

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My bench is in the garage (the walls are insulated), but I store powder and primers inside the house in a closet. No dehumidifier in either location.

I have an automatic adjustable thermostat that switches temperature inside 3 times a day - I was told this helps with humidity but I am not sure how much.
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I don't keep powder and primers in ammo cans, especially closed & latched ammo cans, in case of a fire.  Don't want to create a bomb.  My plastic tub has a 2-piece hinged plastic lid that will relieve pressure.

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