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Obama pledges $7 BILLION for electricity in Africa

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I didn't see anything about this on here so I thought I'd start a thread.  It seems that Obama has pledged $7 billion of our money over the next five years to help stop power blackouts in sub-Saharan Africa. 


So, despite the fact that our country is in debt, despite the fact that we are still spending money as the result of two wars, despite the fact that our own infrastructure is getting old and crumbling and despite the fact that there are plenty of Americans who could legitimately use some help, we have SEVEN FREAKIN' BILLION to give to FREAKIN' AFRICA so their citizens don't have power blackouts!  (Yes, I am yelling.)


I am going to go ahead and say this in no uncertain terms:


I really don't give a crap about the people in other countries.  Seriously.  I give a crap about this country.  We should never have been throwing aid and assistance at other countries, anyhow, but we certainly don't have money to just throw around, now.  Honestly, hearing crap like this makes me physically ill.



Edited by JAB
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Ugh... really, Obama...? That seven billion dollars could sure go towards much more useful things. When the chips are down in the U.S., I fail to see why we should give a mouse's behind about insignificant things like power outages in Africa. I mean, heck, why can't we let the world take care of themselves? Jesus christ.

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Guest Bonedaddy

I think they're tryin' to bring about the total collapse of that magnificent, incredibly huge, ponzi scheme called the Federal Reserve Bank so all will go into chaos and they'll reep the ruins with the labor of who's left. Come oooooonn 7! They've got this bet covered! Where's my tinfoil? Really...how long can such thinkin' by the Idiot Supremes keep up? Or are we the real Idiot Supremes for allowin' it to continue?

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Guest ThePunisher
We're worried about Africa's lights going out, yet it won't long before Americans won't be able to afford to keep their lights turned on.
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  • Authorized Vendor

We're worried about Africa's lights going out, yet it won't long before Americans won't be able to afford to keep their lights turned on.

Exactly. Socialists generally don't worry about the masses though.

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Guest nra37922

So we are going to borrow another 7 Billion from China to give to Africa, what a crock.  7 Billion would do a lot for the children living in Appalachia, started to add Detroit but Detroit dug their own hole.

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