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G&A handled it the way a screwup of this magnitude should be handled. They owned the problem, corrected the problem and apologized for it.

Glad to hear that.

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I've heard from many people asking me why one person needs an AR-15 or semi-auto rifle. I simply tell them, look in the constitution. There is no mention of need in the bill of rights. Just that they are rights and shall not be infringed upon.


Some people still don't get it. Once they( gov't) takes away your right to have one certian  type of weapon, what is going to keep them from taking them all?


If they would look into the history of the American revolution they would see that the British tried to ban the colonists from having the same muskets as the "redcoats" had and that was one of several incidents that led up to the American Revolution.


I'm sorry, but i will not bow down to any sort of tyrant. Whether it be King George III or Obama.

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As the amendment was written, "well regulated" meant "well drilled." 


Use of the term "militia" implied a duty to be armed and trained. 


All of this was to ensure the blessing of liberty and protect it against those who would suppress it.


What foresight the founders had.

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Guest TankerHC

I have been reading G&A for too long to remember. When I didnt have a subscription I still bought it off the rack and if you look at my posts in a lot of them I quote G&A articles, including Metcalfe because I just like the magazine. Im waiting on the final outcome before ending my subscription. They seem to have gotten the picture and just the fact that the Left Wing Progressive Anti Gun people are screaming how he was right and how he should never have been fired and we are all a bunch of extremists goes to show me that we are right, G&A is right in the firing of him, two other Editors (And more to come) and Bequette stepping down early was the right thing to do.


But the magazine will not go away, too many loyal customers, even those who have already cancelled subscriptions. You may recall back in February when that new glossy gun publication which came out and the editor made a comment during the gun debate upheaval everyone pulled their ads, everyone dropped the magazine, Walmart was one of the first. The name of the publication escapes me at the moment, but not long ago, within the last month, I saw it back on the shelves at walmart and the same ads that were pulled were running, full page and full center.


The magazine business is weird. At one time a long time ago, Larry Flynt owned G&A and he still owns Modern Gun. He also owns a Womans Daily (Not the one you might be thinking of, but one that actually addresses women raising children issues), Skateboard mags, Computer magazines, even for you guys who use cheat codes for video gaming I believe flint owns the top publication. Its all about Advertising and Money.


The other mag took too long to address the situation, it took G&A what? A day?

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 You may recall back in February when that new glossy gun publication which came out and the editor made a comment during the gun debate upheaval everyone pulled their ads, everyone dropped the magazine, Walmart was one of the first. The name of the publication escapes me at the moment, but not long ago, within the last month, I saw it back on the shelves at walmart and the same ads that were pulled were running, full page and full center.


That magazine was Recoil.  The issue was former Recoil editor Jerry Tsai's comments on who should and should not be allowed to own the H&K MP7.


Read more about it here- http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/09/robert-farago/readers-recoil-from-recoil-magazine/


And here- http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/09/robert-farago/statement-from-recoil-on-jerry-tsais-resignation/


You will find links at the bottom of each article relating to the subject as well.

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The same company that owns Guns & Ammo also owns the following:


Florida Sportsman
Fly Fisherman
Game & Fish
Guns & Ammo
Gun Dog
North American Whitetail
Petersen's Bowhunting
Petersen's Hunting
Rifle Shooter
Shallow Water Angler
Shooting Times
Shotgun News
Walleye In-Sider
Sportsman Channel
Bow Hunter TV
Hunters Adventure Television
North American Whitetail Television
Florida Sportsman TV
Ice Fishing
In-Fisherman (TV/Radio)
Personal Defense TV
and more...
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I don't subscribe to any magazine. I used to subscribe to a few magazines but after reading them once and tossing them,( i recycled) i realized my priorities were shot. This all before the internet came about. So even when people try to sell me subscriptions, i tell 'em no. I aint got time for that.

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