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Well, after a couple weeks absence from deer hunting due to leg and back issues, I finally made it back out yesterday. I was in my ladder stand and at about 7:30 a Mature Doe came running down the hill in front of me being chased by a very nice Buck. I raised the rifle up to get a shot at the Buck and big mamma slammed on the brakes and started blowing at me. The buck spun around and disapered and a third deer headed for the next county. The doe stood looking at me and blowing. I swung the crosshairs on her neck and fired. She dropped straight to the ground. NICE! So I sat in my stand for about 10 minutes and was tying my rifle to my pull cord, when this other Doe came bee bopping down the side of the hill. It stopped and was staring at the first doe laying on the ground. NITE NITE! Neck shot and DRT!!


Both deer required an uphill drag and I was really not up to it. I went up to a neighbors house and got Jason (teen ager who lives there) to help me get them out of the woods. I threw the kid 10 bucks for his troubles (all I had on me). He was grateful and so was I. I wish I would have gotten a picture as he was wearing a pair of Firefighter boots, tee shirt and Sponge Bob jammy pants....kids.....


Those were the first deer to come off my property this year. I wished I had a good hunting partner, but I don't. Life is what it is!


This mature Doe dressed at 103. Lots of meat there boys!



Here is a pic of me with both deer. Smaller deer dressed at 62 pounds. Neck shot DRT



Both were taken with 7mm/08 120 grain Fusion soft nose.


PS...Santa beard comes off day after Christmas thank goodness!!!


Merry Christmas to all!



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Congrats Dave! Now send some deer down here for me to shoot. I can't seem to find them in my woods lately.

They seem to be hard to come by this year for some reason. By this time last year, I had several in the freezer to last me all year.



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Nice, where in the neck area do you aim? I shot one with a muzzle loader about a third of the way up and it was still breathing 25minutes later when I got to her. Used my side arm to finish the job but were your still breathing when you got to them?
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Nice, where in the neck area do you aim? I shot one with a muzzle loader about a third of the way up and it was still breathing 25minutes later when I got to her. Used my side arm to finish the job but were your still breathing when you got to them?

They big doe I hit at the base of the neck just above the shoulders, center as she was facing me. Dropped her and she kicked her legs a time or two and expired very quickly (I'm glad). Neither were breathing for more than a few seconds after hitting the ground.


The smaller of the two, took the round about midway up the neck. Again..."Stop, Drop and Flop". She never really kicked that I recall.


I've never had a deer (or pig for that matter) run after being shot in the neck. Aim and shoot "center mass" of the neck is my experience. The big doe, I had to aim a little lower, because if I aimed center of her neck, there was a slight risk of hitting her in the face. Something I would never want to do.



Edited by DaveS
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I have shot several deer in the neck.  My granddad taught me that trick.  Depending on how they are standing when you pull the trigger.  If you hit, its a big hit and if you miss, its a clean miss.  I ONLY take ethical shots at deer.  In fact, I have passed on more deer because I didn't feel the shot would be ethical than I have killed with an ethical shot.  All but 2 deer I have shot in the neck have dropped in their tracks and expired quickly.  The two that ran, left a huge blood trail and didn't go far.  I have read that neck shots are not an ethical shot but that has not been my experience.  I am also shooting 130gr .270 round.  Im sure if you were using a 223 or similar it may not be the best.  


The last deer I killed (can't remember if I shared this already or not) I had only 3 minutes of shooting light left.  She was standing at 183 yards facing me in some standing soybeans.  So a neck shot was my only option.  If I hit too low, I was afraid the bullet would enter the guts.  If I shot in the middle, I was afraid the bullet would exit the back of the neck and enter into the backstraps and tenderloins ruining meat as well as clipping the guts.  If I shot too high the bullet would safely pass over her head and missing her hind quarters. So I had about a 3 inch window of a perfect shot where the bullet would enter the kill zone and exit safely without ruing meat or hitting guts.  Well my .270 is sighted in a little high and when I shot, I hit on the upper end of my 3" window and the bullet entered into her nose, through her brain and exited out the brain stem.  It wasn't gruesome simply and entery wound and an exit wound that the hair had pretty much covered up.  She was DRT.  Literally, it was instant death.  She didnt even twitch.  That was the most humane kill I have ever done.  

Edited by Slappy
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I have shot several deer in the neck.  My granddad taught me that trick.  Depending on how they are standing when you pull the trigger.  If you hit, its a big hit and if you miss, its a clean miss.  I ONLY take ethical shots at deer.  In fact, I have passed on more deer because I didn't feel the shot would be ethical than I have killed with an ethical shot.  All but 2 deer I have shot in the neck have dropped in their tracks and expired quickly.  The two that ran, left a huge blood trail and didn't go far.  I have read that neck shots are not an ethical shot but that has not been my experience.  I am also shooting 130gr .270 round.  Im sure if you were using a 223 or similar it may not be the best.  


The last deer I killed (can't remember if I shared this already or not) I had only 3 minutes of shooting light left.  She was standing at 183 yards facing me in some standing soybeans.  So a neck shot was my only option.  If I hit too low, I was afraid the bullet would enter the guts.  If I shot in the middle, I was afraid the bullet would exit the back of the neck and enter into the backstraps and tenderloins ruining meat as well as clipping the guts.  If I shot too high the bullet would safely pass over her head and missing her hind quarters. So I had about a 3 inch window of a perfect shot where the bullet would enter the kill zone and exit safely without ruing meat or hitting guts.  Well my .270 is sighted in a little high and when I shot, I hit on the upper end of my 3" window and the bullet entered into her nose, through her brain and exited out the brain stem.  It wasn't gruesome simply and entery wound and an exit wound that the hair had pretty much covered up.  She was DRT.  Literally, it was instant death.  She didnt even twitch.  That was the most humane kill I have ever done.  

You are absolutely right about the neck shots. Good hit = dead deer. No hit = missed deer. I would like to add that if you hit high on a deer's neck, you may draw some blood but the deer will recover quickly (flesh wound), hit low on the neck and you may have to blood trail a few yards because you hit the wind pipe and the deer has to suffocate. If you shoot and miss all together, we're going to laugh at you! (j/k)


EDITED: These shots I just described are for deer standing broadside to the shooter.



Edited by DaveS
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Dave more or less what part of town are you in?  I am down 41a in the sango area, we planned on going out this morning but my son didn't to get wet so we didn't go,

Ron; I actually live down 79 in the Woodlawn/Dotsonville area.



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