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22 in stock

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I will never do business with them after they gouged the people no matter how good the deal. I think it is actually good and funny that they had a lot of stuff stolen from them... they see what it's like to be stolen from.

That's actually an ignorant comparison. It's one thing not to shop there on some kind of moral ground but to state that's it's "good and funny" that things were stolen is just ignorant. We've all talked circles around the price gouging thing but no one made you buy goods at an inflated price.
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I will never do business with them after they gouged the people no matter how good the deal. I think it is actually good and funny that they had a lot of stuff stolen from them... they see what it's like to be stolen from. 


 I'm not sure how much gouging they did... I do know for 100% fact that some of the big distributors were selling to gun shops that were willing to pay more which meant they they either had to pay more (which gets passed on) or let the shelves sit empty and close the doors. I think it takes pretty piss poor character to wish and/or be happy that someone got stolen from, especially of the magnitude that they were. Like was mentioned above, I doubt anyone held a gun to your head while forcing you to shop there.

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I hate to say this, but a lot of .22 on gun broker is in the .06 a round. That's not too bad even with the. $16 shipping. I'm going to spend $10 in gas locally. I hope the market is competing with itself now.

About .06 per round is what I paid before SH.

I no longer care about Walmart .22 availability. Took a road less traveled and have had fun with it.

After being low balled by cheapskates looking for .22 fun, I hung on to my small supply. I am letting everything here in .22 go, for what I paid for it pre-SH.

Most folks don`t realize how much that they have spent or spend, in travel, effort and gas, looking for the unicorn.

In case some of you are thinking that I buy ammo and flip it, you are wrong. I have some and went another direction.

Don`t care much at all for .22 now. I can`t shoot it in my backyard. I am happy for you folks that are now able to find it due to a policy change with Walmart. I think that it is a good solution to beating out the scalpers and helping those in need of wanting to plink on the weekends.
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I hate to say this, but a lot of .22 on gun broker is in the .06 a round. That's not too bad even with the. $16 shipping. I'm going to spend $10 in gas locally. I hope the market is competing with itself now.

Holy crap! What do you drive or how far do you have to drive to get ammo? For $10 worth of gas, at 20 mpg, you would have to drive 60 miles to burn $10 worth of gas.

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[quote name="Junkstack" post="1095204" timestamp="1389753183"]Holy crap! What do you drive or how far do you have to drive to get ammo? For $10 worth of gas, at 20 mpg, you would have to drive 60 miles to burn $10 worth of gas.[/quote] 39 miles to walmart, one way. Do the math.
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Looking at ammoseek.com over the past month, 22LR prices seem to be going up and up. It used to be that .10 per round was pretty much a hoser's price. Now it's bumping up to .12 - .15 per round. I guess we're not out of the woods, yet.

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