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Mossberg Customer Service

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Great customer service experience with Mossberg today.  Stupid me lost my mag spring and retainer in the woods tinkering with the old 835 in the dark.  Shot right past my head into the pre-dawn darkness, so I've been relegated to a single shot pump for the last week or so.  Finally got around to calling Mossberg today to order parts, and I wasn't sure what to call the retainer, so I described it.  Just to make sure what I was describing was what she was sending, she went and got an 835, and disassembled it whilst we were talking on the phone.  She also tried like the dickens to figure a way to give it to me under warranty, but just couldn't since I didn't have my serial #....BUT sent it as complimentary anyway just because she said I shouldn't have had to mess with a sticky spring in the first place.  Their customer service call center is in the great state of TX and not in Commienetticut, so that was also nice to hear. 

Edited by homeagain
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I had a Plinkster 802 bolt lugs fall out. Did have to pay shipping to them, but they eventually replaced it with whole new rifle, all they could do since they can't work on the Brazilian stuff, just took awhile for them to get another one.


Sort of made up for the shipping when I ordered some extra mags for it, I couldn't get them to stop shipping them. Only paid for 4 but eventually got 16 or so of them! Called and asked if they wanted them back, they said just keep 'em. So sold extras.


And yes, Eagle Pass is in Texas, but just barely. :)


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I've had great experiences with Mossberg and Springfield Armory... The former a number of times as I shot my 590A1 apart over the years, and the latter as I shot a 5" 9mm XD apart over the years...

Benelli, Remington and Beretta weren't nearly so pleasant.
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...Beretta weren't nearly so pleasant.


Beretta sucked for me. Had to pay shipping on brand new NEOS to one of their contracted service centers in Bama, which told me all they did was send that model to Beretta in MD anyway. And, it took them 5 weeks to NOT fix it too.


Maybe have changed policy in last couple years, dunno, seems I saw someone here rave about their good service and free call tag shipping.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Beretta sucked for me. Had to pay shipping on brand new NEOS to one of their contracted service centers in Bama, which told me all they did was send that model to Beretta in MD anyway. And, it took them 5 weeks to NOT fix it too.


Maybe have changed policy in last couple years, dunno, seems I saw someone here rave about their good service and free call tag shipping.


- OS

I was told the same thing about shipping my NEOS ... luckily Sportsman's Warehouse picked up the tab of shipping for me.  After I got off the phone with Beretta I checked with Sportsmans and they said they would handle everything.  I left the gun with them and after my NEOS took two trips to Beretta, they shipped back a brand new Neos to Sportsmans for me. (They didn't fix it the first time back).


Mine wasn't brand new but developed a problem with light primer strikes after 500-1000 rounds.


I did have to pay TICS fee, but that was it.  So Kudos to Sportsmans, meh to Beretta service for me.

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I was told the same thing about shipping my NEOS ... luckily Sportsman's Warehouse picked up the tab of shipping for me.  After I got off the phone with Beretta I checked with Sportsmans and they said they would handle everything.  I left the gun with them and after my NEOS took two trips to Beretta, they shipped back a brand new Neos to Sportsmans for me. (They didn't fix it the first time back).


Mine wasn't brand new but developed a problem with light primer strikes after 500-1000 rounds.


I did have to pay TICS fee, but that was it.  So Kudos to Sportsmans, meh to Beretta service for me.


Got mine from Academy, who disavows any knowledge of your mission after the fact.


Mine had perhaps same problem, but if so it wasn't really a light primer strike, it was an intermittent "false release" interaction between trigger bar and sear, a light click, then would usually fire with trigger reset without racking slide.


- OS

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Always good to hear a good customer service story.
Now, why were you taking your gun apart in the woods....in the dark?

Hah. Was loading shells and the darn spring got bound...shells rattling around loose in the mag and all. Didn't want a single shot pump for the day, so not leaving well enough alone I had one for a couple weeks. Sucks being ADD......look, a chicken.
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And yes, Eagle Pass is in Texas, but just barely. :)

Wow......no doubt just barely. Just mapped it.

Whoa. I bet at least 25% of the population speaks English to some degree.

I've never dealt with Mossberg CS, but I've always imagined them to be like a good old-fashioned American company who wants to keep their customers. Glad to see I was right. Edited by Clod Stomper
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I've never dealt with Mossberg CS, but I've always imagined them to be like a good old-fashioned American company who wants to keep their customers. Glad to see I was right.


Well, the front door of the factory is technically in the United States.

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Well, the front door of the factory is technically in the United States.


Back door is quickest way in for the Maverick line parts, don't have to fool with US regs on the Mexican trucking companies or change to US ones to haul through the states.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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In all honesty I really don't have any respect for Red Jacket Program. I have watched the show many times and there seems to not be any harmony within the operation. There is always issues with someone about something. Not saying they don't do good work but just the atmosphere of the show is a turn off for me................jmho

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In all honesty I really don't have any respect for Red Jacket Program. I have watched the show many times and there seems to not be any harmony within the operation. There is always issues with someone about something. Not saying they don't do good work but just the atmosphere of the show is a turn off for me................jmho

It's highly dramatized on purpose. It also show cases only a small fraction of their staff and operation. Wish they would just stick to building cool guns on the show and leave the drama off camera (if much off camera drama even exists). Anyway, the whole show is scripted to make it more interesting, but I'd probably still be watching if they ditched the scrips all together or at least fired their current "writers" who should be working on the car-dash-ian(sp?) show anyway.
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It's highly dramatized on purpose. It also show cases only a small fraction of their staff and operation. Wish they would just stick to building cool guns on the show and leave the drama off camera (if much off camera drama even exists). Anyway, the whole show is scripted to make it more interesting, but I'd probably still be watching if they ditched the scrips all together or at least fired their current "writers" who should be working on the car-dash-ian(sp?) show anyway.


I know some of the guys who shoot that show through my work (video production) and they don't really have anything nice to say about them. While there is made up drama for TV, I think there is plenty of other drama at that place.

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I know some of the guys who shoot that show through my work (video production) and they don't really have anything nice to say about them. While there is made up drama for TV, I think there is plenty of other drama at that place.

I'm not saying they're all a great bunch of people to work around, and I doubt if 3 -4years of "celebrity" status help with the actors. Just saying that there's a lot more going on than the camera shows.
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