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Coffee Pot Rant!


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     Agreed about the burr grinder.  I didn't want to geek-scare anyone.  Even storing beans in a vacuum container and grinding them right before brewing, I can still taste the beans going south after about 5 days.


I buy my coffee at WholePaycheck Green Hills... or Roast on Eighth - since that is what I mostly drink.


***Oh, and BigK... Just Love Coffee are actually solid roasters!  "Whole Lotta Love" makes a good cup.



     I'm pretty picky about ingesting hormone-mimicking chemicals... so in our house, we try to keep plastics and hot water from ever meeting.  That limits what I can use to boil & brew.  I like the aeropress idea... but even without BPA... anything plastic is some kind of petrochemical (like most of our medicines), and it will most likely be leaching something in to your water when it gets hot.


     A good french press with no plastic parts is cheap and will last a long, long time.


Though,... if you think a nice artful pour-over brewing would be fun, try a Chemex out!  again.   smoooooooth.   :)

The thing that's kept me from buying an AeroPress is that it's not offered in glass or pyrex.  I may make my own at some point.

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So thankful I enjoy my rot gut, cowboy coffee.    Like me,  it's cheap and easy.  :D



Nothing better than a timer set to go off about 15 minutes before I get up.   I turn the pot off as soon as I get to the kitchen to keep that fresh taste.

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I got my AeroPress today. It took longer to read the instructions than it did to make a cup of coffee. And WOW is it good! I can use much less coffee because I am grinding much finer and the flavor is amazing. Took about three minutes to make the cup, with about 2.5 of that waiting on the water to reach 175 degrees. For you coffee geeks out there, you know that is quite a bit cooler than other methods, but the flavor can't be beat. I am a convert after one cup!

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 I am a convert after one cup!


... and you were miraculously able to stop at just one cup!?   :cool:  From the sound of how good it was, I think I would've been a jittery mess all day after four or five.


Congrats on the coffee-gear and great cup of coffee.  I can't wait for the morning now....

Edited by Peace
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There is a time and place for  coffee.  Never and in the trash.


Ok...now you've got it right. :hiding:  Sorry, couldn't resist. Not a coffee drinker. Love the smell of it brewing sometimes, but just can't stand the taste.

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I use a french press and a blade grinder when traveling.  Beats most hotel coffee.  I was once pleasantly surprised when I found Douwe Egberts coffee at an Embassy Suites somewhere.  Great stuff if you can find it. 


At home I use a burr grinder and a Gaggia espresso machine.  Espresso is a habit I picked up traveling for business in Europe and haven't been able to kick.  It's great in the morning but if I make some after dinner, I find myself looking for tools to fix something when I should be sleeping.

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