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Memphis Wal-Mart

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Does anyone know if the Wal-Mart at Winchester and 385 stopped carrying ammo? I was up with nothing to do this morning and drove by to see if they had any 22 and the whole ammo cabinet was empty. The ammo cabinet was still there with all the price tags just no ammo, at all! I tried to find someone to ask but no one was working over there and getting help from anyone else is near impossible. Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
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At that store I just walk over to the auto service desk and ask them to page someone to sporting goods for me. Not sure why that one store would stop selling ammo, though. Dunno.

I Do The Same. Their Stock Is Always Low. Shooters From Collierville, Memphis And Germantown Frequent That Walmart And Dicks Right Down The Road. Walmart In Olive Branch Is Always Low Or Empty.
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Just as an update I was in the area with some time earlier today so I stopped by the Walmart in question. Actually found a lady working the next aisle over stocking shelves. I asked her about the ammo and she said they moved it because the cabinet it was normally stored in was broken. While the mystery of the empty shelves has now been solved, the next mystery is where did they move it and what do you have to do to see if they have what you seek. I was attempting to ask these questions when the clerk abruptly turned and left to go make a kid two aisles over stop dribbling a basketball inside the store. Getting this much information from her apparently is all you are allowed on one visit. Information about ammo is now being limited just like the ammo was when they had it on the shelf. 1 question about ammo= purchasing 3 boxes of ammo per person per visit... :)
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