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MSNBC Gets to the bottom of what really happened.

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I saw this last night on FOX. Is her name really Krystal Ball? Anyway, the plane shot down is a sad tragady for everyone who was killed and their families, and the guy MSNBC interviewed is a low life scumbag for making fun of it but I certainly don't feel sorry for MSNBC at all. Those idiots should have a delay in their broadcast to prevent this, I thought all news broadcasts had some delay to protect interviews with someone at the controls at all times. Of course everyone knows MSNBC is a liberal political propaganda organization but to take an interview from someone who claims they saw something and call it an exclusive without checking them out first, or checking out a few facts like the US embassy in the Ukraine is hundreds of miles from where the plane was shot down is very sloppy, lazy and unprofessional reporting. Go for the ratings over the truth I guess.

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From what I understand, the guy just called in. No one bothered to verify his claim before they put him on the air. The news channels are so competitive. They will do anything to the scoop. This time they got burned. 

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From what I understand, the guy just called in. No one bothered to verify his claim before they put him on the air. The news channels are so competitive. They will do anything to the scoop. This time they got burned. 


Well if they have any smarts at all they will be alot more careful next time. Somehow I expect they will soon forget and let something like this happen again just to get that first scoop.

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