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Does anyone know if the TN law that allows you to carry a firearm in a motor vehicle without having a HCP also applies to a motorcycle? My bike has several storage boxes and a lockable glove box in which I could carry a pistol. It is considered a motor vehicle but is it really when it pertains to the firearm carry law?

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It's a motor vehicle under 55-1-103. You are allowed to have firearms "in" it under 39-17-1307, so inside a storage container of any kind seems clearly legit.


39-17-1313 (requires permit) is also clear that firearm can be locked "in container securely affixed to such motor vehicle".


So without a permit, seems only possible violation would be having a handgun or long gun on your person, or a long gun "on" but not "in" the bike. Of course, the long gun wouldn't be legit even with a permit (talking loaded ones here in all cases, of course).


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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Why not just get a HCP? It's hard enough to secure  a handgun in a car or truck, no way I would leave it on a bike. The most secure place for the gun when you are away from the bike is on your body :2cents:

Edited by crossfire
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Why not just get a HCP?...


After looking at profile, yup.


Could even leave it "in" cycle on school property and posted lots, assuming the risk of theft of course.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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I agree that getting a HCP is the best way to go. I was just curious if anyone had first hand knowledge about the law and motorcycles. Would the law be subject to local leo interpretation if the situation came up where I had to use said pistol for personal defense such as road rage or some degenerate trying to assault me or the wife out in the middle of nowhere.

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I agree that getting a HCP is the best way to go. I was just curious if anyone had first hand knowledge about the law and motorcycles. Would the law be subject to local leo interpretation if the situation came up where I had to use said pistol for personal defense such as road rage or some degenerate trying to assault me or the wife out in the middle of nowhere.

If you are justified in the use of deadly force unlawful possessions charges won’t apply in Tennessee.
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Does anyone know if the TN law that allows you to carry a firearm in a motor vehicle without having a HCP also applies to a motorcycle? My bike has several storage boxes and a lockable glove box in which I could carry a pistol. It is considered a motor vehicle but is it really when it pertains to the firearm carry law?

Agreed. HCP is the way to go. I took way too long to finally get mine. Once I took the class and applied, I've been kickin my own arse for waiting for long. It's just a no brainer.
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