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Kasey can't swim?


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  :eek:        I never knew till about an hour ago that Kasey cannot swim. I thought swimming came natural to all dogs but I guess I learned something new. I went to visit a buddy of mine that lives on the lake and we walked down to his boat house and dock to look at the lake. She was in the yard and decided she was going to come out on the dock with me and I guess she thought she could walk on water. She came running at the dock wide open but not the walkway but at the water. When she hit the water I watched her and she didn't even try to swim but began to sink. I had to go in the water and hold her up till my buddy could get in the water to help me get her out.

   He looked at me and said hell, that dog can't swim and I said evidently not cause she was going down and not even attempting to dog paddle at all. I guess from now on when I go visit him I will put a life jacket on her to keep her from drowning.................. :shrug:

Edited by bersaguy
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Wow, glad she's ok.

No, not all dogs can swim. I have even known some Labs that can't swim.

Thanks and yea, shes ok but it took me and my buddy to get about 90 lbs of wet dog out of the lake............ :ugh: She was in about 4 feet of water and let me say this, "man that lake is COLD" I was :hyper: all over when I got out!!!  I know now not to let her near water with out a life jacket on.................... :rofl:

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Did you both have your phones in your pockets? That'd suck, but I'd sacrifice a phone in a heartbeat to save my one of my kids (yes, I feel like my dogs are my kids too...wanna fight about it?).

Kasey is definitely my kid and lucky to say his cell phone was in the house and mine was in my Jeep but I would have gone in regardless to save her............... :rock:

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