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Farook's friend charged with buying guns for him


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If this is true this guy should never walk free again.

Marquez legally purchased the two firearms in 2011 and 2012, around the same time that Farook had allegedly plotted to carry out an earlier attack, according to a federal official who spoke on condition of anonymity. Farook asked Marquez to purchase the weapons on his behalf because he did not want them traced to him and doubted he could pass a background check, the source said.

In a recent interview with federal agents, Marquez admitted making plans with Farook to attack the library or cafeteria at Riverside City College, where both men had been students. The plan allegedly was to throw pipe bombs into the cafeteria area from an elevated position on the second floor, and then to shoot people as they fled.

The two also planned to attack eastbound lanes of the 91 freeway during the afternoon rush hour, according to the affidavit by FBI special agent Joel T. Anderson.

Marquez told investigators that they chose a particular section of the freeway because there were no exits, which would increase the number of targets in the eastbound lanes. The plan was for Farook to throw pipe bombs onto the freeway, which they believed would disable vehicles and stop traffic. Farook allegedly planned to then move among stopped vehicles, shooting into them, while Marquez shot into vehicles from a position on a nearby hillside.

Marquez allegedly said that he would watch for law enforcement and emergency vehicles, and his priority was to shoot police officers before shooting other first responders.

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End of the day they would have found a way to get weaponry...or would have became more proficient at explosives (or turned into red paste :yum:)

Of course the gun grabbers will focus on someone bought guns for em and not the terrorism...

But of course f--k NYC and Chiraq right? We can get plenty of guns to kill each other with and they dont care...

Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk
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California is a gun free zone.  Each of these plans would have netted them high casualties.  They could not have executed these plans in states which shall issue carry permits and yielded a high number of casualties without several people intervening.  I said this before the attack, and it remains true:  More attacks will happen, and they will happen in states like California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Maryland.  Each time they've tried to do this outside a gun free zone, they've had their attack stopped shortly after starting it.

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.....More attacks will happen, and they will happen in states like California, Illinois, New York, New Jersey and Maryland. ...


IL is becoming more armed by the day. Over 100K permits issued as of 6 months ago, dunno how may by now. Some parts of Kali have freed up too, sounds like you wouldn't want to try this sort of thing in Sacramento area for example.


- OS

Edited by Oh Shoot
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IL is becoming more armed by the day. Over 100K permits issued as of 6 months ago, dunno how may by now. Some parts of Kali have freed up too, sounds like you wouldn't want to try this sort of thing in Sacramento area for example.


- OS


Isn't California a may issue, and it is up to the county?


Illinois has a way to go, but they're on the right track.  I suspect Chicago is a prime target.  What they have going for them is there seems to be two cops on every street corner in the city every time I go there, making response times quick.  That is the only deterrent I can think of.  I'm still amused by the two ISIS guys that tried this down in Texas.  They were in the wrong state.

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I have a friend in Illinois that I grew up with up there and we speak often. He and his wife were looking at moving down here up till 2 years ago when he applied for a hand gun Carry Permit and got it in less than 2 weeks. Now keeping in mind he is an FFL License holder already and has been for about 18+ years and operates out of his home. The ATF went to his home back when he applied for his FFL and after their inspection they said he would have no problem getting approved. They said that he had the best armory operation they had ever in a home operation. He has a class III level license. He owns a house with a full basement all under ground with no windows. Only 1 door at the far end of it and you us go down 12 steps to get to the floor. He has a complete climate controlled system that maintains perfect environment for firearms and powders. The far end of the basement has a Vault in it large enough to walk into. House also has a fire sprinkler system.


Last time we spoke he said that Illinois is looking at making some very serious new gun laws that will be more like laws in many other states and they have been looking at what other states are offering and building on ideas from what they see that are working in other states. He suggested to his local elected officials that they take a serious look at Kentucky and Tennessee as he has been researching both states laws and they seem to be working well.


He said that the terrorist attacks and possible new ones is what has changed the minds of many legislators there I hope it all works out for him. .................jmho

Edited by bersaguy
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He suggested to his local elected officials that they take a serious look at Kentucky and Tennessee as he has been researching both states laws and they seem to be working well.

I talk to a lot of officials and legislators in Illinois. I tell them to look at the Constitutional carry states; Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Kansas, Maine, Vermont and Wyoming. With some of the Illinois court rulings; they could be the next state added to that list. Tennessee and Kentucky are not on that list.
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and this is why we should all accept closing the gunshow loophole, and not be able to trade guns or sell between ourselves.


How is that accomplished without a national gun database where everyone has to register every firearm in their possession?   (Good luck with compliance on that.)   You can't just pass a law saying, "from here forward, you must involve an FFL in any firearms transaction, and that includes handing down of grandpa's gun to his grandson, and have it enforceable.     

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Isn't California a may issue, and it is up to the county?




It's in big flux due to Peruta vs San Diego. Sort of in limbo waiting on an 11 judge consensus of the 9th Court, and/or whether it will make it to SCOTUS after they rule either way I guess.


But it has already had the effect that various counties have been de facto issuing permits on a "shall" issue basis rather than the uber restrictive "may" issue of the past, adhering to the last decision that "good cause" for issue is satisfied by constitutional right to self defense.


- OS

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