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Everything posted by Quavodus

  1. I don't know, hadn't heard where they are.
  2. Heard Paul Stanley and Gene Simmons both have China Virus and both are fully vaccinated. You never know I guess.
  3. Glad everything went good for you. No smell yet. So if you get behind a cattle truck, your good.
  4. I can just see the commies on CNN, and just about blow a gasket.
  5. The guys that do the milk crate challenge, must love going to the hospital.
  6. I ordered some back in the Spring and they got backordered and I didn't know for awhile. To make a long story short, it took me about 3 months to get them. Not as long as yours though.
  7. I hated their heads exploded but, it sure was pretty.
  8. Vaccines will probably have to be continually updated for variants. It's sad.
  9. I'm not a member of Twitter or Facebook. But, it sure don't take much to get banned. Just tell the truth.
  10. That's just looks like all kinds of fun. "Come to Chernobyl and come home with that special glow".
  11. I wish they could get him to sign a ban on wokeness. Just put it on his desk. He'll sign it.
  12. Welcome back. If I picked another time to go back to, that wouldn't be it. Obummer and that VP he had.
  13. The China Virus strains mutate, just like Flu. That's the problem with the jab. It might work for awhile, then bam, here's something new. Also the masks, if a fart can get through underwear and pants........
  14. That's a good caliber.
  15. It could be getting better in some areas. People that visit there carry geiger counters. They've tested animals around Chernobyl and some have high concentrations of radiation but, seem fine. The fish have radiation too.


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