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hipower last won the day on July 18 2023

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About hipower

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  • Location
    Nashville, Tn
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reading, shooting, and housecleaning
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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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Community Answers

  1. You're buying it for me? Thanks. You know where to deliver it. lol
  2. Sure wish we weren't so far apart! I'd take this in a heartbeat!
  3. Quite right. I have books I bought at least 10 years ago that I haven't picked up since bringing them home. My wife on the other hand...cleans stacks of books. Thereby messing up my reading order. I may never finish them all.
  4. Those are the Biden gals. Stay away from them, or face the wrath of Hunter and family.
  5. SAD. Martin Mull was a very great, but under-rated...actor. He never failed to deliver a performance that enhanced any movie, TV show, or comedy concert he was in. Sort of a Billy Connelley type before it was hip to be sharp and funny. His work in "Clue" alone should earn him much recognition.
  6. I still have one of the "Steel" kits. Always thought I'd try and put it together. LOL! Never got around to it. Maybe I should offer it to you as a partial trade on something!?!?
  7. Can't do anything on it now, but will be coming to M'boro about this time next month. If you still have it then, I'll get with you. Yeah...I know...a lame comment. But true. To much going on with wife and last week's flash flooing here in East Nashville. Surely someone will jump on this by then. If not...
  8. These are fantastic pistols. Just as underappreciated now as Canik was initially. Bought 2 SAR9s and have shot one. Absolutely love it! Forgetten how good a steel frame can feel when shooting. Although I have no knowledge of this particular model...I'd be willing to go for it if we were closer.
  9. May be wrong...but don't think the full size 1911 Nightmare was available in 9mm. There is a P938 called a "Nightmare" and a P226/229 also called Nightmares. But as a purist, has to be a full-size 1911 in 9mm for me to call it a Nightmare. JMO.
  10. 2 cases of Ramen, a dozen or so salisbury dinners, and 40-50 cans of BBQ Vienna Sausage(I splurged on those). Plus several boxes of unsalted Salteens. I think I'm set for a couple of weeks. lol.
  11. Thank the Lord! I was wavering!
  12. I didn't acquire the 1911 bug until 2009. Got to fire a Colt Officer's Model. I was hooked.


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