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Everything posted by peejman

  1. I like watching some of these home improvement shows. Every time I've done anything electrical in my house I have a "damn you Mike Holmes!" moment where I find some bigger problem I now have to fix.... Light fixtures without junction boxes ( and cellulose insulation), ceiling fan over master bed held in with one drywall screw, sink disposal switch in same panel as overhead light but they're on different circuits... Been there, done that.
  2. Timex, it takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'. Mine is a chronograph with a leather strap. I've worn it daily for at least 15 years. I've been thinking of getting another one with a bigger date field as it's getting harder to read those little numbers.
  3. Sounds like my house. I'm convinced the drywall guy and electrician decided to switch roles when they did my house.
  4. The only pistols that quit working during my HCP class were HK's. It was 30 deg outside and the girl next to me had a USP. It went bang, bang, click on the first 3 strings of fire before the instructors gave her something else. The other one jammed every couple rounds. After class they decided both had been excessively oiled which gummed up in the cold. They laughed about how the Keltec's and High Points ran just fine. I've shot a couple HK's and thought they were nice, but not that nice.
  5. My wife loves his videos too. Food and football.
  6. I know a few folks who've take money from home equity loans for things like this. If the rate and fees on the loan are less than the expected return and taxes, that's a net positive.
  7. I never knew either of my grandfathers, both died before I was born. My boys have both grandads and a great grandad (my wife's). I remind them regularly to enjoy that while they can.
  8. Change shovel to backhoe and you've got it. I'm too old for digging big holes with a shovel.
  9. I think they're fantastic. I could spend hours in the Coker museum. There's several 1 of 1's in there, and they run.
  10. Your garage. Everyone I know DIY's it.
  11. If they're car people, check out the Towing museum and Coker museum in Chattanooga.
  12. No kidding. You'd think a place this big with so many restaurants would have more than 1 decent BBQ joint. I was crushed when Full Service bailed on us.
  13. That's repairs to the wing skin that they didn't have time to paint before the aircraft was needed.
  14. That bologna needs to be smoked, then fried.
  15. Where are you finding trails to ride?
  16. Not sure how I missed this earlier, C64 was my first as well. Floppy drive, tape drive, color monitor, and every arcade game the world had known. Sold the whole thing for $75 to a friend's son while in college.
  17. I started this rant when daytime running lights became a thing.... if you took the time and money spent developing all this "safety" technology and used it to train people how to drive, the world would be a safer place.
  18. I experienced something this morning that I've read about. All those fancy lane holding and collision avoidance features with all their fancy sensors... don't see motorcycles. I was in the left lane and this newer Hyundai comes up on my right. I looked over as he came alongside and about when my front tire even with his door, on goes the turn signal and here he comes. Never turned his head to look. I grabbed the brakes, hit the horn and high beams. He was about half way in my lane with my right bar about a foot from window glass when he realized the problem. Turn your frickin head and look!!! Sheesh. Don't let your wife read this Erik.
  19. A violation of -1359 is rarely ever the only charge. It's a pile-on charge for people doing stupid stuff.
  20. Not super close by, but the Brushy Mtn state pen is around there. The tour is fascinating.
  21. Likely narrowed a little, just like the modern version of railroad service trucks. And there's this.... https://papersourceonline.com/roman-horses-butts-designed-space-shuttles/
  22. Thanks Ray, I think we'll have fun with it. Nice to meet you.


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