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What was Kyle Busch thinking?

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Did you guys see him destroy the trophy guitar for winning the Nationwide race here tonight? What an arsehat!

He could have auctioned it off for a charity and got 10's of thousands of dollars but instead, he pulls an acid rocker slam fest and says he's giving his crew all a piece of the trophy!


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Guest TurboniumOxide

That's Les Pauls for ya. Tough as Nails. Still unbelievably stupid to destroy a work of art like that though. Idiot. (I have a custom shop black beauty hanging on my wall)

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what a flipping asshat.

I wonder what he would do to the Grandfather Clock if he ever wins at Martinsville.

Has to be the most disrespectful thing I have ever seen in Victory Lane. I hope NASCAR issues some punishment. If I was Gibson I would be really hot about it.

Winning the guitar is a pretty big honor. That is a very popular trophy to win.

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My brother was there in the pits, his best friend works on the pit crew of a "big name" drivers team. He has told us many times that 99% of the other drivers and crews hate Kyle. He is and always has been an ass in my eyes and this little stunt just reminds me why I love to watch him loose. Wow what an *******.

-Jason G

Edited by Jasongar8
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I'm with TDR on this one. I just haven't been able to watch Nascar for the last two seasons. I believe it is down to what 3 or 4 owners now? If you don't drive for them you don't win races now this stupid SOB tops the cake for it all.

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Good gosh, I thought I was the only one that didn't watch Nascar anymore!!!

Glad to know that many people have the same opinion. It's become corporate racing, with only "big money" having a chance to win...

Nascar has issues ( Kyle Busch being one of them) that can't be fixed overnight, now.

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When they started regulating absolutely everything I stopped watching racing. I liked it when you built the best car you could build, trained the best driver and pit crew, and won on skill, not just who managed to out maneuver the other guy out of first place.

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Guest Centennial

I have been a NASCAR fan since the 1960s and I still am. The racing is actually far more competitive that it was years ago. I am not a fan of Kyle Bush. He is the current "bad guy" in NASCAR. He is talented, but does lack judgment and maturity. His stunt with the guitar demonstrated a lack of respect and basic intelligence.

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There should be a maximum dollar amount a team can spend. And by team, I mean one car, including a backup. Anything you can do without going over the cap would be fair game. Put innovation back in the mix.

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