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Do not let it expire.

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Guest B_Carter
******, Spic, Kike (and/or Kyke), ******...

Mick, greaser, beaner, chink, slope, gook, wop, dago, honkie, honkey...

Hmmm, only the N word and the gay F word are banned.

Apologies for the continuing off topic, back to the regular program...

- Oh "just curious" Shoot

Aaaahhh....learn something new everyday.

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You could beat me in a game of scrabble as I am at a loss of what some of your words mean. Personally I have an aunt that is mentally challenged and no I dont find if offensive in the context in which it was intended. Second, I dont think this is the platform to pick that battle...but thats just my two cents and you cant have a refund. :P

Wheel of Fortune can help you with one of the words. Or can it? :D


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Got my renewal letter in the mail today, no check box for 'duplicate' permit. Maybe that is something they only do in person. I plan to mail it in. I HATE to go to DMV. It is so demeaning and time consuming. Besides, they get real upset if the see your gun. Did you know you are not supposed to carry in the USA? (Sorry for the sarcasm, but the DMV get me worked up. Worse that the Post Office. Not the people, just the place).

How long until your permit expires? Mine expires 8-25-2010 so I want to be ready.

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Guest rebelyell
******, Spic, Kike (and/or Kyke), ******...

Mick, greaser, beaner, chink, slope, gook, wop, dago, honkie, honkey...

Hmmm, only the N word and the gay F word are banned.

Apologies for the continuing off topic, back to the regular program...

- Oh "just curious" Shoot

LMFAO also!:D

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Don't want to be the thought police here but "retard" is really offensive. Nobody puts up with N*gger, Sp*c, K*ke, or Fa*got on this forum. Why is retard OK?

Is ruhtard ok? Geez who let the PC police in? Are you mentally handicapped and have taken offense? Probably not. I got a Sister-in-law that's deaf guess what? She doesn't cry everytime someone makes a deaf joke.

People need to quit getting offended for others. It's called thick skin grow some.

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I am hearing impaired (I wear two hearing aids) I laugh when people make deaf jokes to sometimes. SO long as it aint personally directed at me fire away.

I mess with my sister-in-law sometimes when I'm playing like we are arguing. We'll sign (the little bit I can) then I'll shut my eyes and say "I can't hear you" she thinks it's funnier than hell lol She reads lips really well and she's only about 90% deaf so she can get by with her hearing aids as well.

I love learning to sign. It's great at work when a hearing impaired patient comes in and I'm actually able to communicate with them some.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I met a retread once.:popcorn: It was working for the DOS in Jackson.

The check box for the duplicate is IIRC on the second page after you answer all the "are you a good guy" questions.

I checked the box and and then tried to explain to the retread that I wanted a duplicate sent along with the original.

The retread basically screamed at me that it was against the law to be in possession of two HCP's. Now I know her brain was thinking DL but I was standing there with an HCP app and showing her the durn check box.

Well :koolaid:

Rather than argue any longer and hold up the line I just left. The next day I called our fine ladies in Nashville and asked about it. They said it was a problem and not just with Jackson, although Jackson led with the most complaints.

I stopped back in the DOS a few weeks later and told them what Nville had told me......the lady says "I dont know who would have told you that".....It was the SAME lady!....A retread I say a flipping retread:rolleyes:

They offered to let me fill out another app. and take the 5 bucks and send it in.......I thought that doing that would further confuse the issue and passed and told them once I received the HCP I would be back to do just that.

I will be going next week.....it should be interesting as the box on the original app IS checked but they would not take the 5 bucks the first time and they sure did not send the duplicate.

If it is not already, I think this info about the duplicate should be put in the Sticky about obtaining our permits. Lose your wallet or just your permit you are permit-less and can not lawfully carry......that is the sole purpose of the duplicate.

Flipping Retreads...:poop:

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Guest archerdr1

ya know I work for an agency that provides support to them. They are not called retard, mentally handicapped, or special needs anymore, they tell us that the proper word is "Inellectually challenged" (Though, I think that is an even more demeaning term), so my point is... if they are not even called retard anymore, then what is the problem with us using the word? And, they can even spell retard! Sorry, Sgt Joe, just had to take the opportunity!

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Guest Sgt. Joe
ya know I work for an agency that provides support to them. They are not called retard, mentally handicapped, or special needs anymore, they tell us that the proper word is "Inellectually challenged" (Though, I think that is an even more demeaning term), so my point is... if they are not even called retard anymore, then what is the problem with us using the word? And, they can even spell retard! Sorry, Sgt Joe, just had to take the opportunity!

No problem friend....I was more trying to relate the part about the ability to obtain a duplicate permit from the get go.

My first born son passed from Muscular Dystrophy so I have always taken offense to the "Jerry's kids' jokes but still always tried to cut those folks some slack, knowing that had they been there the "jokes" would not be so funny. I spent too much time around those children for any of it to be funny.

It seems no matter how we try to relate to people with disabilities a year or two passes and they give us another name to use......they are in fact just people period.

I hope you took no offense to my attempt at humor, I think the duplicate thing is a HUGE deal with our permits. And since the thread was deteriorating I tried to combine the two. I do apologize if anyone found it offensive or very poor humor.

My biggest pet peeve is people who can not or on some days just chose not to do their jobs, be it our sanitation people the fast food workers or those processing our permits.

A very close second is those who take a job at a certain pay rate and then complain about the rate. I was a Painting and Sheetrock contractor for years and those who worked for me were told how I felt about that and told that they were not to discuss their wages or ask about anyone else's and that doing so was cause for immediate dismissal and I did send a few good workers down the road for doing just that.

So to all just remember you have the right in TN to obtain TWO permits the first time you fill out the app. And IMO it is a very smart thing to do.

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Guest ChattanoogaPhil

TN allows you to renew your permit up to 6mos after it has expired (I think) without going through the class again. But if you let it expire, it stay's expired until you get your new permit.

At least that is my understanding.

That's correct - Here is what the renewal letter specifically states regarding late renewals.

"If your permit expires prior to making application for renewal, you CANNOT lawfully carry a handgun until you receive a new permit"

"Failure to renew in six months of the expiration date of your permit will require the completion of a new Handgun Safety School Certification plus the original fee of $115.00."

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Guest archerdr1

no offense here, I have learned a lot of those jokes, but mostly from the individuals that I supported. I even had one say "Wow, I am such a retard!" It is even more funny hearing it from them, but back to the point at hand, I need to get a duplicate just to keep in my truck. I have just been putting it off... really need to get on the ball with that!

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Guest archerdr1

well, I still have my original, which hardly ever leaves my wallet and I don't go anywhere without it, so I may just order it after the first of the year and will still be good for another 2 1/2 years, so If I order it, I won't be in too much of a hurry to get the dupe in the mail.

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Guest archerdr1

btw, good to see you Oh Shoot, Strikj, fallguy, bkelm, and all you others that I have not talked to in quite some time...working two jobs, just got done with a community theater production, and a church Christmas play, and trying to squeeze in some time with my wife and 2 boys too! Man, I stay busy!

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btw, good to see you Oh Shoot, Strikj, fallguy, bkelm, and all you others that I have not talked to in quite some time...working two jobs, just got done with a community theater production, and a church Christmas play, and trying to squeeze in some time with my wife and 2 boys too! Man, I stay busy!

Yeah, howdy, thought hadn't seen ya on here in a while...

Far as being overly busy, the opposite of that ain't so good these days either, as any number of folks on here can sadly attest to.

- OS

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Guest archerdr1

yeah, I am one of the lucky (sometimes I feel just the opposite) ones that was able to get two jobs. The only problem is that I don't see my kids hardly at all on the weekends. Haven't seen them much in the week either, but now that the Production of White Christmas is over... that will be much different! Hooray!

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Guest archerdr1

oh, I am trying to get a different job. That way I will have one good job instead of two crappy jobs. I met the Co-chairman of the board of Springfield Armory last year and sent him an email just before Christmas asking about a regional sales job. Wants to talk after the new year, so keep fingers crossed and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Might could get some ppl some deals!!!

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Guest B_Carter
oh, I am trying to get a different job. That way I will have one good job instead of two crappy jobs. I met the Co-chairman of the board of Springfield Armory last year and sent him an email just before Christmas asking about a regional sales job. Wants to talk after the new year, so keep fingers crossed and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Might could get some ppl some deals!!!

Let me know where to send my wish list......:)

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