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Glock Talk VS TGO


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I have been a member at GT for a while and joined here recently. It's amazing to me the different opinions people have that live across the country vs here where we all live in the same area. Discussions here are better and more if a "educated" environment. I like the people here and feel this is the best forum in the country. However I'm staying out of the political and religous issues here. Hahaha. Great job guys, nice place to talk guns.

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I have been a member at GT for a while and joined here recently. It's amazing to me the different opinions people have that live across the country vs here where we all live in the same area. Discussions here are better and more if a "educated" environment. I like the people here and feel this is the best forum in the country. However I'm staying out of the political and religous issues here. Hahaha. Great job guys, nice place to talk guns.

i thought that was you on there lol.

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  • Administrator

Big forums tend to get watered down with B.S. unless the moderators take a hardline approach to it. It's just a fact of life on the Internet and TGO has suffered from it as well. That said, GT has some good Glock-centric info but I hate wading through the noise to find signal. I either ask my Glock questions here or I head to some of the "operator" centered forums and ask there.

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Guest Drewsett

I've been a forum junkie since Arcadium (brownie points to anyone who remembers it). I probably have been a member of over 100 forums, and an admin and/or moderator on several of those...this forum has some of the most professional staff members and its regular members are for the most part very knowledgable and courteous. Up until I joined TGO I actively posted on about 5 or 6 forums....now I just lurk at those other forums...TGO is pretty much my one stop shop for online interaction. Keep up the great work David!

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Guest mikedwood

I like GT for the frequency of posts. Sometimes its even interesting.I love TGO for the people I have gotten to meet in person and the quality of the knowlege base and also the funny stuff.

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I've been to countless Internet forums, and none even come close to the TGO experience. Not only are the people far better, but the forum itself is designed far better than anything I've seen. David has done a great job.
+ 1000 ! people are so rude and spoiling for a fight on so many other forums, I got disgusted and just about stopped even reading on all forums, except 1911forum.com. It's pretty good, then I found this one, I'd really like to stay here. All I can say is thank you David !!!!. Oh yeah, when someone posts something that shows their ignorance and in doing so (back door) insults someone else. Then they need to be told so, look I'm sure there's not anyone here who hasn't been told so, when they've said something stupid. If not, be an adult and handle it.:cool:
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Never been on GT. How long can you really talk about a Glock? They are all the same and run all the time (for me anyway). I post on subguns.com, and lurk on HKpro.com. But for the most part I am a TGO whore, I am on here at least once a day if not multiple times. As far as I'm concerned this best forum on the net.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I also think this place is a Class Act.

I have never been to GT because I dont own one, The first thing I was told when I began my "Transformation to Responsibilty" into EDC was to choose a weapon that "felt" right. I have just never picked up a Glock that "felt" right for my hands, the same is true for Sigs.

I have no doubt they are as good as those who swear by them say they are and maybe one day one will feel right and I will have one.

For Nationwide views I am a member of the USCCA, it is also IMO a Class Act and I know some of you are members there also.

But it is very good to "come home" so to speak and find the professionalism and overall great attitudes and knowledge found here.

You folks are Awesome and David has done an Excellent job with this site.

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I have never been to GT because I dont own one, ...

JFYI, it also has groups ("clubs") for most all brand guns.

Matter of fact, until Kahr opened their own forum, the Kahr Club on GT was the biggest Kahr specific group I found.

But TGO is the bomb.

- OS

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There also is another nice fact,almost everyone on TGO will talk about any brand and or caliber without belittling someone alse because they dont prefer brand x or z.Overall its a pretty diverse group of members.:)

Good point.

Although you're an idiot if you prefer Glock over XD.

- OS

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Guest Old goat

I checked several before finding TGO, most either too big or too small, you either come back in 2 hrs and 16 pages have been added to thread, or come back in 3 days and no replies. Very good balance here.

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The thing that makes this site so good, is the members. This is the smartest and responsible group of gun owners I have ever seen. I would say we, as a group, are 90th percentile and that ain't bad. very few mall ninjas, rednecks and street thugs. Mostly law abiding, professional, and educated people who just believe in the Second Amendment. You can't beat that.

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  • Administrator
I pretty much gave up on GT when it turned in a contributer vs non-contributer clique environment.

While I don't like it when supporters gang up on non supporters, there's no denying that supporters are the lifeblood of a good forum. Everyone else benefits from their generosity so as a result an attitude of "superiority" can develop over time if not kept in check. I think GT has suffered from it not being kept in check.

Edited to add... sorry, hit submit before finishing my thought.

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While I don't like it when supporters gang up on non supporters, there's no denying that supporters are the lifeblood of a good forum. Everyone else benefits from their generosity so as a result an attitude of "superiority" can develop over time if not kept in check. I think GT has suffered from it not being kept in check.

Edited to add... sorry, hit submit before finishing my thought.


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Guest Tyler Durden

Eh, I've been a member of Glock Talk for years now and find myself visiting it less and less. Honestly I figure I'll probably just post here more now since the forum is closer to home and delivers everything Glock Talk used to but without all of the nonsense.

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