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more from the Grammar Police....


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Bad grammar and punctuation has a tendency to make you look like you truly are some back-woods, inbred, slack-jawed, cousin-marrying buffoon rather than the well educated firearm owner that you are.

I'm not well educated and if any of you think less of me because of it:taunt:.

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  • Administrator
Seriously, this is a great place to read and learn. I also understand what you all are trying to say but be careful, some people really can't help it.

We're going to have to agree to disagree on that point because I firmly believe that there is no excuse for being marginally literate. People routinely overcome illiteracy against tremendous adversity (such as those who fight and overcome dyslexia in order to master even the basics of reading and writing) so there's no excuse for someone to do "just enough" to squeak past the extremely low bar set by public education.

I can't tell you how often I encounter people in the business world who write with less proficiency than what is typically deemed acceptable at a 6th grade level. It is a sadly common occurrence.

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Guest jackdm3

David reminds me of a disease prevalent in our country. An actual mentality when it comes to business called "Good Enough." Only doing the job enough to make it passable. A state that greatly sickens me.

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Watch chew talkin bout, Willis?

Perhaps I'm just too literal in my perception of some comments here; but I really sometimes wonder how seriously we take ourselves.

I come here to learn from other people's experiences, share thoughts and opinions, hopefully make some new friends, and even buy a few guns.

So far, I've managed to do all these things while having a great time on the board.

But these verbal catfights sure do bring a fellow down. I really believe the majority of these events are all in good fun...just sometimes I'm not real sure.

Goodnight guys.

Oh, by the way.....SAINTS WON!!!!!

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Proper English, grammer, manners, & attire is a requirement on my plantation. All those who do not wish to comply will be placed in the stocks for 3 days without food or water. After they have confessed the error of their ways, they are then, and only then, welcomed back into the fold..... :foot:

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Proper English, grammer, manners, & attire is a requirement on my plantation. All those who do not wish to comply will be placed in the stocks for 3 days without food or water. After they have confessed the error of their ways, they are then, and only then, welcomed back into the fold..... :D

:D We older farts must stick together. Some of these young whippersnappers (man, really dated myself on that one, didn't I?) need to kept on a tighter leash and brought to heel occasionally.:foot:

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