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"The Pacific" Open Thread

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I watched for it but did not see any left handed rifles, saw one guy shooting left handed, but the rifle was normal.

I watched it again. As they are walking through the trees there is a left-handed rifle. However, I was wrong, the guy holding it is lefty too. It wasn't in a shooting scene.

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I watched it again. As they are walking through the trees there is a left-handed rifle. However, I was wrong, the guy holding it is lefty too. It wasn't in a shooting scene.

did they even make lefty rifle then? I wonder if the negative was reversed or something?

I will have to watch it again

to add, the wifey won't hardly watch TV with me on account of looking for mistakes like this. lol

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did they even make lefty rifle then? I wonder if the negative was reversed or something?

I will have to watch it again

to add, the wifey won't hardly watch TV with me on account of looking for mistakes like this. lol

That would be my guess. I don't recall left-handed anything in the military.

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Guest jackdm3

I really need to convince myself that I need cable so's I could watch it. Sounds great and I'd love to help boost your threads, Mike.

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The think that I can't get over is the fact that they can actually hear each other talking after the battles took place.

I don't know about you all, but it only takes one gunshot for my ears to ring for hours. I don't think that a whispering conversation is even possible after you have been bombed for 3 hours, shelled for 2, and then spend the rest of the night gun fighting.

After all of the realism that is placed in a war movie...this is one thing is always overlooked. One can't hear anything.

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Can't believe this thread died down.

Was there not a new episode Sunday night?

Assuming there was I am going to watch it tonight with On Demand. Can't wait to get caught up on it.

I TIVO'd it and was able to watch it last night. They are falling short on things as far as realism is concerned. This show had them going through an artillery/naval gunfire barrage, and the CG they used just fell short. Perhaps they were saving money, but they did a heck of a lot better job with the airburst scene in the forrest outside the town of Foy in BoB. You could tell during the battle scenes that they were using the same shots over and over. I mean, WTF? Could they be more obvious?

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I just watched it, actually cued it up again.

The story of the First Marines is worth telling and worth being told and retold.

I particularly enjoyed the scene where the Marine's pilfer the Army's supplies during the air raid. They popped a lid on a crate of Garands and one of them had a huge ding in the stock right in the same place mine does.

What Basilone did the night his actions warranted a CMH was incredible. :cool:

I do admit I feel a tinge of guilt in watching this. Is it supposed to be enjoyable?

Bonus points for anyone who knows why the airfield on Guadalcanal was named Henderson Field. No fair using a search engine.

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I just watched it, actually cued it up again.

The story of the First Marines is worth telling and worth being told and retold.

I particularly enjoyed the scene where the Marine's pilfer the Army's supplies during the air raid. They popped a lid on a crate of Garands and one of them had a huge ding in the stock right in the same place mine does.

What Basilone did the night his actions warranted a CMH was incredible. :P

I do admit I feel a tinge of guilt in watching this. Is it supposed to be enjoyable?

Bonus points for anyone who knows why the airfield on Guadalcanal was named Henderson Field. No fair using a search engine.

I'll play, but I was sort of right. I thought it was named after the first Marine pilot killed at Guadalcanal, but after checking it out he was the first to die at Midway. So do I get half a Cupie Doll?

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I'll play, but I was sort of right. I thought it was named after the first Marine pilot killed at Guadalcanal, but after checking it out he was the first to die at Midway. So do I get half a Cupie Doll?

Lofton Henderson was the first pilot killed at Miday, so you get half a cupie doll, :P

The Navy pilots took a real beating in that fight. Way outclassed and outnumbered. The Japs had a real advantage in early air warfare in WW2. The 20 mm cannons on their planes could fire well before our guns were within range. But that battle had huge results. IIRC four Jap carriers were sent to the bottom.

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  • 1 month later...

The conclusion of the Pacific is next Sunday evening. I expect the last episode will reflect on the period after the war when those that served try to return to civilian life.

Since there hasn't been a post relative to the series since March 29 which would have been right after part 3 is it safe to say that members here have lost intrest? I personally have watched every part for the historical persecutive but haven't been able to connect to the character like the ones in BOB.

Comments? :D

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Was has pissed me off about the series is their showing of American atrocities and ZERO Japanese atrocities. They'er ortraying the Japanese as hard-fighting, honorable soldiers, and the Marines as murdering thugs.

Now, this is not to claim that the fighting wasn't brutal, and that the Marines were above such things as strangling a wouded soldier laying helpless on the ground, but they have showed zero from the other side, and anyone half educated in the Pacific Theatre knows danged well that the Japanese did far worse far more frequently.

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For the record, I don't take HBO, so I've seen NONE of this so far. I'm a big fan of BoB and SPR, so I hope to watch this on DVD/BR when it's available.

I don't particularly 'enjoy' these shows/movies, but I find them important to watch. War truly is hell, but seeing what we were able to help accomplish in WWII is truly amazing - a textbook example of good vs evil if there ever was one.

Now, this is not to claim that the fighting wasn't brutal, and that the Marines were above such things as strangling a wouded soldier laying helpless on the ground, but they have showed zero from the other side, and anyone half educated in the Pacific Theatre knows danged well that the Japanese did far worse far more frequently.

Wow, what total BS - the Japanese strongly challenged the Germans wrt atrocities committed in WWII. I'd honestly find this to potentially be enough of a put-off to not even watch it.

I guess I'll wait until it's all over with and rely on you guys' collective recommendation...

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I haven't missed an episode. I love it.

This is a show based on the Marine perspective, not the Japanese perspective, so naturally it will show the things that the US Marine saw the most, which it what their own men were doing.

I haven't had a problem with anything. As crimsonaudio has said, "war truly is hell", and this help us younger generation folks see what our soldiers sacrificed for us. :D

I wished the show wasn't so short.

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I'm like CrimsonAudio in that I don't subscribe to HBO. I am looking forward to this coming out on DVD, though. I definitely plan to watch.

I don't know that I really expect this to even rival BOB. I think that series may be unparalleled - even when the same team is doing the Pacific. You only really get one masterpiece.

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