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NRA Rant

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I joined the NRA a week and a half ago.

A few days after joining they called my mother looking for me?!?! My mother doesn't even live in this state and I haven't lived at home with her for quite some time.

I don't understand where they got their information or what made them think I would want to be called in the first place. Frankly I'm a little ticked off at the whole situation.

Does this happen to everyone who joins the NRA. If this is standard procedure they can go take a hike.

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I have never received a phone call from the NRA. I don't even receive the "junk" mail they are known to send out asking for donations. Are you sure it was the NRA and not a scammer pretending to be from the NRA?

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It didnt happen to me. But I am tired of all the mail trying to sell something.

+1...I too, am tired of all the junk mail they send begging for more money, as if being a dues paying member isn't good enough for them...they want to "ding dong" you to death, and put you on a guilt trip for more $$$.

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I have never received a phone call from the NRA. I don't even receive the "junk" mail they are known to send out asking for donations. Are you sure it was the NRA and not a scammer pretending to be from the NRA?

I am not sure if they were really with the NRA or not, but it's too much of a coincidence for me that I had just joined when someone saying they were with the NRA tried to call me.

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A few years ago I rejoined the NRA after a long lapse. I am really sorry that I did. I listed my name in a "nonregular" way on my NRA application so I could trace how my name was "sold." You cannot imagine all the places and causes - usually asking for money - that have come to me, directly traceable to my NRA app. I really wonder how much they are making by selling their membership list.

All you diehard NRAers, don't list crappy comments about me. I am just sharing my experience, whether you like it or not.

Despite what the NRA does for gun owners, I will not rejoin due to the collateral issues that seem to come with their membership.

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Guest Plainsman

All the mail doesn't bother me really...I just toss it. It does make me wonder though what exactly my dues are going towards. I mean, there's no telling how much freaking money it costs to put together all of those mailings.

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I mean, there's no telling how much freaking money it costs to put together all of those mailings.

I totally agree with what you are saying.

But you paid 30 bucks ( or thereabouts). The postage of what they send you over the year is a few bucks. Add every member's dues up and what is left after postage is quite a lot of cash.

I am not thrilled with the NRA but I am not sure what game in town is better to support.

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I am not thrilled with the NRA but I am not sure what game in town is better to support.

Well said Mike.... I intend to back them...100%, regardless of the junk mail.

That money could be better spent though. IMO

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i just joined and did the 2 year membership so i could get a knife instead of whatever came with the 1 year and i get my membership card in the mail and a little postcard thing (that didn't have paid postage so I had to use a stamp) that i had to send back to them stating that i did want my gift instead of allowing them to use those funds to ..... i mean, come on, just send me my knife and be done with it.

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^^^I support the NRA, but that doesn't mean I trust them. Proximity to DC seems to twist a group's convictions.

I'm particularly dismayed by the "scorecard" play cited in Sun's article. I have a bit of trouble getting behind an org that keeps score based on their perceived successes in spite of legislative wins in the favor of their membership.

I'll continue to support the NRA, but I may need to look into GOA and TFA in the meantime. If they're right by me, I might just peel that eagle sticker off the back of the Blazer until such time as the NRA gets back to the mission at hand, and quits the political scorekeeping.

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The NRA has done a hell of alot more good than bad over the years. No they are not perfect.

Being a member is better than doing nothing. If you're not a member, but can honestly say that you're contributing to gun rights in some meaningful way, great. However, I suspect that some like to point at the NRA's faults, use that as an excuse, then do nothing to help the cause.

BTW, you can contact the NRA to stop the junkmail...not a biggie, IMO.

Edited by TN-popo
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I have received no phone calls, but I do get all of the junk mail. I renewed my membership a few months ago. I still have not received the knife I requested.

You need to call them and raise caine. I had to do that over a stupid hat.

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I had no problem getting the range bag a few years back. Haven't gotten any gifts the last couple of years.

I do get the annoying junk mail, though. Keep meaning to call them and tell them to stop sending it.

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I'm not an NRA member and until they can keep their collective noses OUT of bowhunting & stick to guns, I never will be. However I get at least one phone call & several mailers A WEEK from them. I have repeatedly asked them to stop bothering me, I've even written them a polite letter explaining why I'm not interested in joining & still they pester me. I'm beginning to get a little pissed off. :D

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I'm not an NRA member and until they can keep their collective noses OUT of bowhunting & stick to guns, I never will be. However I get at least one phone call & several mailers A WEEK from them. I have repeatedly asked them to stop bothering me, I've even written them a polite letter explaining why I'm not interested in joining & still they pester me. I'm beginning to get a little pissed off. :D

Their pestering is probably all automated, and I'm sure your letter went unread (or at the least, unresponded to).

What do you mean by the bowhunting comment? I am not a bowhunter, nor do I keep up with anything bowhunting related. I'm curious.

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Guest db99wj

I think it is weird that "they" called your mother in a different state. That doesn't seem right. Not saying it definitely wasn't the NRA, but that is typically not what happens.

It is weird that you start getting renew notices a month after you renew. A lot of the junk mail, while asking you for stuff, does give some good information about gun rights in the U.S. If you don't have the internet, or get email updates, or are involved on internet forums, you might not know what is going on.

While they are not perfect, they are our most legitimate voice on a large scale. They were very involved with our restaurant carry bill, too much if you ask some democrats :D.

As far as trust, don't take their actions and way of doing business as a trust issue. They just know how to work with politicians, which isn't the "cleanest" way all the time. They know how to get things done.

Back to the phone call, I wouldn't trust it. Sounds suspicious to me.

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What do you mean by the bowhunting comment? I am not a bowhunter, nor do I keep up with anything bowhunting related. I'm curious.

The NRA are pivotal in campaigning to get crossbows introduced into archery only hunting seasons. I seems like a small, petty thing to most, but crossbows have NO place in archery only seasons.

Anyone can shoot a crossbow, that's why they were invented. Shooting a real bow, whether longbow, recurve or compound takes a lot of skill & practice.

The real kick in the britches is that in a fair few States, you can shoot a crossbow in Special Archery seasons, but you can't hunt wth a bow in Shotgun or General Firearms season!!

I'm not bashing crossbows, or anyone who chooses to hunt with one, just the fact that they have no place in Archery Only seasons. To give a brief comparison, a compound crossbow has pretty much the same effective range as a shotgun shooting a slug. If you've ever shot a rifle or shotgun, I guarentee you, you can go out & hunt with a crossbow with absolutely zero practice.

To my mind, the NRA has used their influence to help push through this legislation to the detriment of all bowhunters.

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Guest db99wj

I thought the main goal of the crossbow argument is for those that can't manipulate a standard compound bow. Like disabled, amputee's and elderly.

It is been a long time since I hunted and I remember this being one of the main arguments for crossbows. My info is dated.

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That was the original argument, yes. However it got kinda mutated to cover anyone & everyone.

I know that my opinion on this matter is very inflammatory, but I sincerely believe that if you can't hunt with a bow, you shouldn't hunt in Bowhunting season. There's plenty of other ways/time to hunt, without infringing on a specialist season, that they cannot partake in.

Neither argument has anything to do with guns or firearms at all, so why the NRA felt the need to stick their oar in, I can only imagine.

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The NRA, imo, has its place and I belong. Never got any calls but I agree they do spend lots of money on mailings.

And since we have a slight bit of thread drift here but are still maintaining important directions:

I also support GOA.

I also support JPFO, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. This group is serious about the right to keep and bear arms and they should be. They pull no punches, call a spade a spade. Their site has some very interesting editorials. And no, they do not push any relegion.


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