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beware census workers!!

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Guest Keinengel

Ok, im not trying to stir up anymore of a mess but i know a couple of the people working for the census this year and regardless of the "clean" records some of these people may have you should keep a ready eye out. We all know that just because someone hasnt been caught commiting a crime doesnt mean they arent a criminal. Once again im not trying to classify all of the workers as wolves in sheep's clothing but there is always that one rotton fruit at the bottom of the container.

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Guest HvyMtl

The information asked is invasive and not under the requirement of the Constitution, except the # of people...

Fair warning, I am going there: All are created equal, yet the race question is asked, including the rude "N" word...

The Government using race to organize and categorize the population reinforces the belief there are critical racial divisions, implying inequality. UNTIL the government stops using race as a determinable, then the citizens will not either... reinforcing racism.

That said, the government already knows what I do for a living, how much I make, where I live, if I rent or own, how many live here, and what race I am. The Census is obsolete, as all the information collected, has already been collected, by other departments, whether they should have or not.

So, instead of wasting valuable $ on this census, on crappy, confusing tv advertising, mail out letter stating you are getting a census, mailing a census, then a letter stating you were mailed a census, advertising, including illegal signs at the neighborhood entries telling me to fill it out and send it in, ads in newspapers, faux-news articles proclaiming loss if the census is not mailed in, sending people to my door to annoy me while I am doing whatever I want to do, and calling to "clarify" my answers, how about telling the Bureaucracy to merely send the info they have to one location, so the Congressional Districts can be divided, and the social welfare monies sent. Waste of time, effort and huge mountains of $$$...

Edited by HvyMtl
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Guest Caveman
The information asked is invasive and not under the requirement of the Constitution, except the # of people...

Fair warning, I am going there: All are created equal, yet the race question is asked, including the rude "N" word...

The Government using race to organize and categorize the population reinforces the belief there are critical racial divisions, implying inequality. UNTIL the government stops using race as a determinable, then the citizens will not either... reinforcing racism.

That said, the government already knows what I do for a living, how much I make, where I live, if I rent or own, how many live here, and what race I am. The Census is obsolete, as all the information collected, has already been collected, by other departments, whether they should have or not.

So, instead of wasting valuable $ on this census, on crappy, confusing tv advertising, mail out letter stating you are getting a census, mailing a census, then a letter stating you were mailed a census, advertising, including illegal signs at the neighborhood entries telling me to fill it out and send it in, ads in newspapers, faux-news articles proclaiming loss if the census is not mailed in, sending people to my door to annoy me while I am doing whatever I want to do, and calling to "clarify" my answers, how about telling the Bureaucracy to merely send the info they have to location, so the Congressional Districts can be divided, and the social welfare monies sent. Waste of time, effort and huge mountains of $$$...


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Races asked for are:


Black, African American, or Negro

American Indian or Alaskan Native

Asian Indian






Native Hawaiian

Guamanian or Chamorro


Some Other Race

"Rude N Word?" Where?? Depending on the age of the respondent, older black people still call themselves Negroes. In another 20 years, that might be removed.

Look, I could care less; it's a gig, it pays, and some folks are going to be upset, and others aren't. Whatever floats yer boat... now, let's all put our diversity rainbow caps on and smile!!!! YooHooooooooooooo...

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There won't be any prosecution; just up to a $5,000 fine.

That is incorrect. I have the document on my door that states no more than $500 fine for not turning in the form at all; no more than $100 for an incomplete form.

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I'm a student of the Constitution and always like to learn more about it, please direct me to the place this is listed in the US Constitution.

Let me say thanks to Erik88 for posting the article, interesting read. I don't open my door for anyone I don't know or didn't call to come to my house for this very reason. And for the comment about the federal marshals, I won't open the door for them either because I won't know who they are.

BTW, I did complete and mail my census in but one is not required to complete it, you just have to pay a $5,000.00 fine if you don't.

Last but not least, $17 an hour for census workers is ridiculous. What a waste of our tax dollars. That just makes me sick. $17 an hour for someone to ask questions! Isn't that more than most local LEO's make? That is not right.

+1. One came to my house last Thursday, which I thought was strange because I mailed mine in. I politely told her to f-off. /////// the reason being It's a waste of tax money, it's harassment, and I answered the one question I am required to answer. Now if this offends people I don't give a dam. I am also protected under the fourth admendment. Guess what.....no marshalls have been by the house either, and I like my tin foil hat.

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The Government using race to organize and categorize the population reinforces the belief there are critical racial divisions, implying inequality. UNTIL the government stops using race as a determinable, then the citizens will not either... reinforcing racism.

and that is why I wrote Human on the form. That question is part of an agenda.

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We have daily meetings, and something changes every day. Common sense is just now starting to creep in. I've heard that fine move all over the place. Who knows what it really will be? And I got news for ya; it doesn't pay no $17 an hour. That's a crock.

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Given the amount of money blown, um, I mean spent, by the government for the census, I can't say that $15+ per hour would surprise me. But, with the little bit of knowledge I do have of the way the federal pay scales work, it seems a stretch.

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Guest oldsmobile98

OK, here's the map that shows pay rate. The highest in TN is $17/hr (Nashville, Memphis, Shelby County). Washington, D.C. is paying twenty, at least according to the map.

Local Census Office Map - 2010 Census Jobs

Steelharp, I would find the person in charge and show 'em this. They need to either pay you $17/hr or fix the map.

Stay cool, everybody. :up: If you get a visit, please be courteous to your visitors.

While the unnecessary census questions are not unimportant, we have much bigger political fish to fry.

Edited by oldsmobile98
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Guest Major Pain

I got 3 forms in the mail about a week apart. Filled out all 3 and returned. Us minority white boys gotta be counted. Wonder if I'll still get a visit?--MP

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