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My oh so thoughtful neighbor...

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...referred a salesman of Childrens' Bible Story books to my house today. I was mowing the lawn, and close to finished, when I stopped to see what the guy was up to. 20 minutes later, when he was finally convinced I wasn't going to give him $200 for three books to be delivered later, my tractor wouldn't crank. I got an extension cord and battery charger. It was about three feet short. Couldn't push the tractor. Finally found another extension cord and got the tractor running. After I put the stuff up and began to finish mowing, it began to rain.....and then to hail. I finished the mowing just as the hail was quitting. I came in, nearly drowned and covered in little red whelps. If it weren't for this thoughtful neighbor, I'd have had my grass mown and been dry when the rain started. :DI feel like I owe him something. Anybody got any ideas?

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go knock on his door and ask whisky tango foxtrot?

Half of the problems we have these days are people are afraid to talk to one another.

After the WTF talk ask him to have a beer or a sweet tea or something.

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go knock on his door and ask whisky tango foxtrot?

Half of the problems we have these days are people are afraid to talk to one another.

After the WTF talk ask him to have a beer or a sweet tea or something.

Good advice. Thanks.

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Not only did he know the neighbor's name, he knew where he worked as well. It sounds like something the neighbor would do. I imagine he's laughing about it as we speak.

give him the benefit of the doubt and see post # 8

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maybe sign your neighbor up on all kinds of Junk mail, but of course don't use his name.

Be creative with the name. One time there was a free ofter for something, a video of some kind and my parent are borderline shut ins. So I signed them up for it and used the Dogs nickname. They still get mail with the dogs name 10 years later now.

Warning, This should be considered a JOKE, as I have warned I tend to go overboard and this may not be good advise.

Sign him up on some useless junk mail to the name Useless Old Fart at his address or any other crazy name you can come up with. Junk mailers are mostly computer bases and no one looks the name other then the mail carrier.

Not talking about email here.

OK, however this may not be a good idea, don't know if someone could get in any trouble for doing this, which is why it is a joke.

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Guest jackdm3

The last prank I remember pulling was only in 7th or 8th grade. Found out who stole my Pro Thunder dirt bike. My best friend and I found a bunch of cardboard and cut them into 1.5' X 2' pieces and tacked about 12 of them on telephone poles in a 1/2 mile radius. I later found that he was not only constantly bothered for about 2 weeks, but his mom and dad were pissed at him for pissing someone off so bad that we incidently targeted them as well. The signs said, "Free full-breed puppies and kittens. Call Terry ONLY AFTER 8PM. 683-XXXX"

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The last prank I remember pulling was only in 7th or 8th grade. Found out who stole my Pro Thunder dirt bike. My best friend and I found a bunch of cardboard and cut them into 1.5' X 2' pieces and tacked about 12 of them on telephone poles in a 1/2 mile radius. I later found that he was not only constantly bothered for about 2 weeks, but his mom and dad were pissed at him for pissing someone off so bad that we incidently targeted them as well. The signs said, "Free full-breed puppies and kittens. Call Terry ONLY AFTER 8PM. 683-XXXX"

I did that to a friend of mine who lived in an apartment below me. I put flyers up at the two gas stations near the apartments for four free Bristol tickets since he couldn't go. The flyer also said works third shift so call at 2:00 a.m. during his lunch break. First caller gets the tickets, any calls before 2 a.m. would be disregarded. Keep the number for Daytona tickets as well.

That guy would pass out drunk around 10 p.m. every night. No insulation in the walls so the apartments were similar to the one in Officespace. The phone would ring off and on all night with him cussing up a storm and yelling "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!" WHAT?!" "NOOO, I DON'T WANT YOU CALLING ME BACK AT 2 A.M. ARE YOU ****ING CRAZY!" Then at two in the morning his cell phone would go crazy and I thought he was going to kill somebody. God I laughed for weeks over that.

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He could have lied about the neighbor sending him. They sometime lie, you know. He was going door to door so he would have probably stopped even if your neighbor had not been home. Are there kids bikes or toys where he could have seen them and figured out on his own that you have children? It sounds like the neighbor offered up a lot of his personal info that I sure would not do.

Edited by Volzfan
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Guest boatme99
I don't mind the boy trying to pedal books, who I want to get back at is the neighbor who sent him.

This is the thanks I get for trying to be a good neighbor? :rofl:

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maybe sign your neighbor up on all kinds of Junk mail, but of course don't use his name.

Be creative with the name. One time there was a free ofter for something, a video of some kind and my parent are borderline shut ins. So I signed them up for it and used the Dogs nickname. They still get mail with the dogs name 10 years later now.

Warning, This should be considered a JOKE, as I have warned I tend to go overboard and this may not be good advise.

Sign him up on some useless junk mail to the name Useless Old Fart at his address or any other crazy name you can come up with. Junk mailers are mostly computer bases and no one looks the name other then the mail carrier.

Not talking about email here.

OK, however this may not be a good idea, don't know if someone could get in any trouble for doing this, which is why it is a joke.

"Floyd D. Barber"

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