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Looks like we're leaving TN..

Guest Arko

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Godspeed my friend....

A close friend who lives in FL is from MD and just the other day arrived there for a vacation, she said it was early evening and it was only 60 degrees and felt wonderful. There are lots of beautiful spots out on the banks and such there, I do hope you enjoy and do not freeze plum' up come winter.

Do keep the Tennessee speak to keep them confused and the idea of living in VA sounds like the right plan to me.

The best of luck to ya and as KB4 said there is no need to leave the site......they do have computers up yonder ont dey?

Thanks man. I'll do my best to keep them guessing. As for winter..it hasn't scared me since I spent a couple of them in Northern Minnesota years ago. Cold CAN'T scare you afer that!

Arko, I hate that it didn't work out for you in Tennessee. To ease the transition a little, I'm going to gift you with a 1-month Benefactor membership so that you can perhaps move some of your surplus firearms and make it a little easier to rustle up some cash.

Good luck to you and yours.

You sir, are a true gentleman, no mater what these other guys say about you! ;)

I'll get on that tomorrow. Too tired to photo, etc tonight. Thanks.

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best of luck to you and yours. Hopefully one day soon you can return to this great state! Please stay in touch

I will my friend. And if a good opportunity comes up, it will definitely be considered.

Sorry to hear you have to move to this miserable state. I can't wait to escape to Tennessee once the coffers are full and the bills are paid. Where in MD are you moving?

The company is based in Balto, but has projects all over. I'll be working out of Aberdeen for awhile.

Sorry you have to move. Moving sucks. But look on the bright side, at least it's not New Jersey.

Or NY. Grew up there. Any other state seems free after that.

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The company is based in Balto, but has projects all over. I'll be working out of Aberdeen for awhile.

If you are working in Aberdeen than it my work out for you to find a place just over the Pa border so you can still carry.

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If you are working in Aberdeen than it my work out for you to find a place just over the Pa border so you can still carry.

The Aberdeen project may only go 2 years. I may also have responsibility occasionally near VA too. Until I've been there awhile it will be hard to figure out the best option. Besides, my wife is excited about being close to the shore and friends near DC, and carry isn't as important to her as I would like, so who knows how much influence that will actually have.

I guess I missed it in previous posts but what kind of work are you in that you can't find work here? Just curious.

Health/Safety/Environmental compliance specialist.

When business turns down, we get cut first. Companies try to spread the duties across accounting/HR/etc, and hope they don't screw anything up. And if they DO, and get a fine once in awhile, it's still sometimes cheaper in the short term. Now if they loose control of their injury program and THAT starts to cost them alot of money long term..THEN they hire back....vicious cycle. That's why my preference is construction over general industry when I Do have the choice.

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By the way guys....I've come to the conclusion that as long as I don't get the boot for no longer being a state resident, that I'll HAVE to hang around here. You guys are too darn much like family. Except I LIKE y'all!

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For what it's worth, I have left TN several times for work, and always came back. Been here over 15 years this time, and don't plan on leaving again. I'm not a native. Just sayin', don't be surprised if you wind up back here some day.

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By the way guys....I've come to the conclusion that as long as I don't get the boot for no longer being a state resident, that I'll HAVE to hang around here. You guys are too darn much like family. Except I LIKE y'all!

That's pretty much the best description of TGO that I've heard yet. :poop:

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