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Day 1 Of a New Life

Guest Glock23ForMe

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I had ingrown nails on both big toes. One - the one I couldn't reach to trim - I had the doc take care of. He dug out both sides and killed the root. I still have a funky looking narrow nail on that foot.

The other one I took care of with a too-tall fence post and a chain saw. When it grew back in it was perfect.

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These beat CROCS any day


Wolverine DuraShock Steel Toe 6" Boot

Get them a bit extra wide so your feet have plenty of room. You do not have to worry about what is hitting your toe.

I forgot the go to town shoes


Wolverine DuraShock Steel Toe Oxford

Edited by Desert Rat
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I don't care who says different, those are the stupidest looking things since socks with toes and crocks. Men wearing crocks? I question your testosterone levels.

And I can't wear flip flops, never figured out how to keep from walking out of them.

Real men wear closed toe shoes.


This....er....um......These :shake::D

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Guest Glock23ForMe

The other one I took care of with a too-tall fence post and a chain saw. When it grew back in it was perfect.

No offense, but I think the Dr Visit was a whole lot less painful?

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Guest db99wj

Crocs are closed toe shoes. They are just well ventaliated, which is what makes them great for around the house, working in the yard, out on the lake.

These are my going out and about shoes, some of my all time favorites. Merrell waterpro maipo's.


They don't make them anymore, will have to go to a different model.

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All I know is that those shots hurt like hell! Did the ingrown surgery about 10 years ago and still remember those shots.

The guy had a big, full syringe and just started stabbing my toe 20 or 30 times while pressing the plunger. Felt like he was squirting a golf ball in my toe.

If I had to do it again I would show up with a bottle of rum and a leather strap to bite on.

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Guest Drewsett

I too have had the ingrown toenail butchery done by the podiatrist. Have funky narrow big toe nails on both feet now to prove it as well.

And I REALLY want some of those vibram 5 fingers, I don't care how they look, I've got a buddy who had some of the worst back pain remedied simply by wearing those for a few months.

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Guest Glock23ForMe

Well... One day after the surgery, we went to the Wilson County Fair.... I was walking around last night going, "Babe, my feet do not hurt." "Babe, my feet do not hurt." It's amazing how I sit and notice during the day about how my feet aren't throbbing inside of my socks and that they actually feel normal. And they're starting to look normal too.

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Guest db99wj

My Birkenstocks, which I bought in the early 90's are still fairly comfortable and got some wear this weekend, the flip flops, Redhead brand, are comfortable if I just stand there, but I seem to flip them off when I walk, I don't like clinching my toes when I walk.

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