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Anyone want to make a predicition about the weekend?


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Guest Letereat!

Five shootings, two kidnappings, several armed robberies at various pharmacies, a but load of car crashes, 100s of domestic desputes, a few 10-90s and likely most of us will never even here so much as a peep. Three cheers for the Blue Suits, dont know how you do it.:D

And thats just in knoxville and the county. Just a prediction, hope its wrong.

Edited by Letereat!
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Five shootings, two kidnappings, several armed robberies at various pharmacies, a but load of car crashes, 100s of domestic desputes, a few 10-90s and likely most of us will never even here so much as a peep. Three cheers for the Blue Suits, dont know how you do it.:koolaid:

And thats just in knoxville and the county. Just a prediction, hope its wrong.

Lol, sounds like where I went. I took my scanner with me and they had a time with several robberies/attempted break ins of closested pharmacies and a wendy's.

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Guest Lester Weevils

Monteagle is usually worse snow/ice than Chattanooga. Chattanooga got a nice snow, but it will probably melt off.

Back in the early 1970's Chattanooga got so much snow that it was worth putting on snow tires in the winter. Nowadays not so much.

Back then the area had a lot more heavy industry. Perhaps the particulate pollution back then encouraged more snow. Dunno.

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Did anybody predict "Snowy, with a chance of mud"? 'Cause we got about a half inch or so of snow last night that just melted and made a muddy mess this morning. :koolaid:

Still snowing here, but at 34 degrees or so, it's not going to do any piling up.

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  • Administrator
Monteagle Mountain is closed due to a rock slide!!! I didn't see that one coming.

Guess it's a good thing that my in-laws went home last evening instead of staying another night. They'd have had to run Hwy 70S through Soddy instead of taking 24. Some of those roads over there are undoubtedly much more slick.

It's snowing pretty heavily again here at my house. Just melts pretty fast as soon as it hits the road.

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