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I'm going to cover my head and wince after I ask this...

Guest monkeyhumper

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Guest monkeyhumper
Whoa. A guy who does that is just plain nuts. Me...I'm pulling up a chair.

Woahhhhhh, fella! I was sitting here first!

Sent from my Etch a Sketch

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Guest m&pc9

I have not been on in a while. But I read the first two pages and then the last two, Wow Im glad I missed it. But monkey humper joined in March of 2011. And already started this kind of thread.

Im leaning towards TROLLING.

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Guest monkeyhumper
I have not been on in a while. But I read the first two pages and then the last two, Wow Im glad I missed it. But monkey humper joined in March of 2011. And already started this kind of thread.

Im leaning towards TROLLING.

New guy+minority disposition≠Automatic Troll

Sent from my Etch a Sketch

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Guest monkeyhumper
I don't know. The thread went 130 posts so far, and nobody's ready to kill him. I think he did ok.

Aww, shucks


Sent from my Etch a Sketch

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But, is there a section of this site for Democrats that love guns?

I love my guns, but I just don't relate to much else of the conservative's point of view...

If y'all need me, I'll be in the corner, curled up in the fetal position.

Well, if you don't like the views of a post in a poliical light you can surely either rebutt it or ignore it. Not everything on here is about political views, you know? And as Americans maybe we need to look more at those things in common rather than highlight differences of politics (my three cents).

So enjoy the other posts - guns, knives, tactics, etc - and ignore anything that does not fit your politics.

Seems simple in practice (much like what shows you watch, etc). Again, just enjoy or read posts of issues or items of interest or engage in debate if you so choose.

Beauty of a well run site like this one - the Mods will keep it real and keep it within terms of service for all. ENJOY!!!


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Guest monkeyhumper
Yeah, but he was kidnapped in the hosipital and replaced with a Muslim Communist Nazi baby :D. The real Barack is now a Somali pirate.


He's a Kenyan-Somali Pirate.

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That "win the future" idea may have a lot more weight if the Government was capable of pouring piss out of a boot without breaking the boot. Great ideas are ones that can actually be implemented.

Our current government could not pour piss out of a boot with directions on the heel.

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