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Academy Sports conflicts themselves on their own door

Guest monkeyhumper

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Guest monkeyhumper

I went to AS this weekend to check it out, and they had a sign on the door that said:


For your safety:

All firearms brought into the store for any reason, including for repair, bore sighting, or other service must be unloaded, cased, and checked in at the customer service desk.

Customers may carry a firearm openly or concealed on their person as state law permits.

Thank you for your cooperation.


I know the sign carries no legal weight, (thanks, TGO, for the education) but I like to stay in the good graces of the businesses I support.

So, which is it, do I 'check in' at the door, or do I just ignore the sign, as it doesn't prevent me from carrying?

As a side note, when I go to Benton Shooter Supply, they have a sign that says something to the effect "No Loaded Guns, check in at desk".

Last time I went, I respected the owner, unloaded, and checked in... the girl behind the counter gave me a look as if she had never had anyone do this before... so that's strange.

What do you guys do when there are similar signs?

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Guest monkeyhumper

It was the 'for any reason' part that got me. Of course, it didn't stop me, I didn't check in, like I did at Benton Shooter. After the last visit to Benton, I'll probably not disarm for them, either. I'm not going to go through the hassle.

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Guest monkeyhumper

(I took their post to mean 'You can carry, but please check in', which I didn't...but, still. Mostly wanted to get different opinions on how TGO people felt about signs similar to these.)

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Guest monkeyhumper
It's for guns the store personnel are going to have to handle. Your carry gun stays in the holster... no problem

It stays in the holster until they OVERCHARGE ME FOR THAT PACKAGE OF TOMATOESBANGBANGBANGBANG&*^#$#(*$$*(#&@$*@(#&

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Guest bkelm18
:P The sign, which almost all sporting goods stores have, seems pretty clear to me. If you're bringing it in for service, it has to be checked in. If you are legally carrying, go on about your business. Don't quite see where you're getting that your carry piece has to be checked in? It carries no legal weight because it is not prohibiting you from doing anything... :shrug:
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Guest monkeyhumper
:P The sign, which almost all sporting goods stores have, seems pretty clear to me. If you're bringing it in for service, it has to be checked in. If you are legally carrying, go on about your business. Don't quite see where you're getting that your carry piece has to be checked in? It carries no legal weight because it is not prohibiting you from doing anything... :shrug:

I get that it carries no weight. I understand.

I interpreted "for any reason" literally. There is empirical ambiguity in the sign. They say "for any reason" then go on to list examples of reasons. I can see now what they were trying to say, but it could have been executed with more clarity.

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I like this policy. A lot of gun places, including gun shows, make you unload your carry piece. The better rule is the one used here: if you need it serviced or examined or touched, unload it, if its loaded and not presented its fine as law permits. This is a very good rule.

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Guest monkeyhumper

I get it, my original comment and the subject was to say "for any reason" conflicted with the bottom of the sign.

I now understand that it's for guns they handle, I'm just not a fan of signs that say two things at once.

Now, what do you guys think about my other question on how you feel about respecting the wishes of the owner vs. simply carrying regardless of the owners request?

Sent from my Etch a Sketch

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Now, what do you guys think about my other question on how you feel about respecting the wishes of the owner vs. simply carrying regardless of the owners request?

Big can of worms there. As I recall, generally people fall into one of two camps: 1) I know what they mean and I'll spend my money elsewhere or 2) that posting is only to appease the sheeple and I'll just keep my firearm concealed and go about my business. There are exceptions but those are common ways of handling 'not legal' postings.

Its up to you to decide how you will handle those situations. There's not any clear case law (that I'm aware of) that would set legal precedent for handling this type of situation/posting.

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Guest monkeyhumper
Big can of worms there. As I recall, generally people fall into one of two camps: 1) I know what they mean and I'll spend my money elsewhere or 2) that posting is only to appease the sheeple and I'll just keep my firearm concealed and go about my business. There are exceptions but those are common ways of handling 'not legal' postings.

Its up to you to decide how you will handle those situations. There's not any clear case law (that I'm aware of) that would set legal precedent for handling this type of situation/posting.

After lurking about this site, I'm firmly in 2).

It was less a legal question, more a philosophical one on personal ethics, really.

Sent from my Etch a Sketch

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Not sure what that new question means? If you mean the academy sign, I will NOT hand one of those guys a loaded gun, no more than I would anyone else. If you mean in general, do you ignore a sign that does not comply with the law, I will. There is no reason for the owner to get it wrong, its listed very clearly what is acceptable on the web. I don't plan on having to draw my gun anyway, no one will see it or know about it but me, so its not going to be an issue anyway. And if I do need it in a proper defensive shoot, I will justify it later.

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I don't know if you go to church or not, but it is kind of like reading a religious text. If you pick through it all with a fine tooth comb, you will always get hung up on a few insignificant words.

You should always consider the big picture and understand that 99% of the signs you are talking about is so people are not throwing around loaded weapons in the store. If you are carrying, is that really an issue? I certainly hope not. So don't worry about the seemingly ambiguous text, and just be a courteous and safe HCP holder while proceeding with your business.

If you followed me around in a day and asked the people I come in contact with if they thought I had a gun, I would be surprised if even one is suspecting. Act like this and the many other responsible people who carry, and you will have nothing to worry about regardless of how confusing you think the sign is.

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