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Post pics of your favorite handgun

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Guest Ae-35

S&W M10-7, real tack-driver, great balance, plain understated good looks, a blast to shoot,and really fun to hang a bullseye target and embarrass the wonder-nine boys DSCF3857.jpg

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Guest Sgt. Joe

To fondle and admire:) And truly my favorite but I do not carry it. I have not yet fired this one but have shot a 226 and am looking to pick up another one to carry at some point.


One or the other of these is my EDC, I like the full size best but it is 50/50 on which one I will carry each day. The stuff on the trigger guard is simple camo tape as the trigger guard on that one was just too slick for my liking. I will eventually roughen it up a bit with a file but for now the tape works just fine and isnt as ragged looking as the pic shows it to be.


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"Favorite" is such a loaded word. Hard to choose a favorite. How about, "First among equals," or something?


Colt Police Positive in .38 Special. If the info I can find (based on serial number) is correct, it was built in 1978. Yeah, I should get the FLITZ out and polish it up nice.

I rarely even shoot this one and probably haven't shot it in a year or more. The holster in the pic is one I made just for the heck of it as it really isn't one of my carry guns. I chose it for this thread due to a few factors:

1. It belonged to the father of a good friend. In fact, I considered his father a friend, too and he reminded me a bit of my own, late father. He (my friend's father) slipped on some ice and broke his neck. He actually recovered enough that he could walk around the house a little but mostly used a power chair for the rest of his life. My friend found out that I had only a Titan .25 for home defense (didn't have an HCP at the time.) At the time, I lived in a part of Knoxville that wasn't exactly the best part of town. Since his dad would never be able to really shoot his Police Positive again and since my friend already had a few handguns of his own, they sold this one to me largely out of concern for my safety. My friend's dad has since passed on.

2. This is the only firearm I have ever used in a 'serious' situation. While living in the aforementioned neighborhood, the mere presence of it changed the mind of three guys who were trying to break down our front door one night. They saw the Colt through the window in the door and took off. I think it possible and maybe even likely that the presence of this gun saved my life and the life of my grandmother (I was living at her house while attending UT because she lived only a few minutes from campus.)

3. It is the first 'serious caliber' handgun I owned, my first revolver (I still like wheelguns better than semiautos) and the second handgun I ever owned. It is also my only Colt.

4. It just plain shoots nice.

Edited by JAB
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