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Fanny Pack for Conceal Carry

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So I see this guy in his 30's wearing a camo fanny pack today. First thought is : GUN. Second thought: Who wears these?? If any of you guys wear them, sorry, but I think they are ridiculous for concealed carry or fashion. The more I think about it, the more I hope he did have a gun in there. Otherwise, why would he wear it? I think conceal carry wasn't in the design of these packs. Any thoughts??

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Guest nicemac
So I see this guy in his 30's wearing a camo fanny pack today. First thought is : GUN. Second thought: Who wears these?? If any of you guys wear them, sorry, but I think they are ridiculous for concealed carry or fashion. The more I think about it, the more I hope he did have a gun in there. Otherwise, why would he wear it? I think conceal carry wasn't in the design of these packs. Any thoughts??

I have one made specifically for carry when I trail ride (dirt bike). It is a Galco with a quick rip cord for easy access to the weapon, but it keeps the gun incredibly secure while bouncing around in the trails at up to 50 mph.

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I bought a fanny pack when I first got my concealed carry permit. I do not wear it. It's too hard to draw your pistol. It can be taken away from you if you are in a tight crowd and it draws too much attention, but that is just my opinion. I have seen them in public before. Bicyclers and hikers mostly.

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I wore one for nearly the entire time I was in college. That was in the 1990s and a lot of guys wore them - especially at UT. During that time, I came to like them as I hate having a lot of stuff in my pockets. Before I carried, I still sometimes wore one just because I like them. Sometimes, I might still wear one even if my gun is in my pocket because having a gun in my pocket really leaves little room (just the one, remaining pocket) for cell phone, pocket knife, flashlight and other stuff that I wouldn't carry in a back pocket. As far as it not being fashionable, if I tried really hard I might be able to manage to give less of a damn about 'fashion' than I already do. Probably not, though.

Carrying in a waist pack/fanny pack or whatever you want to call them is not my first choice. My main concern has always been that such a pack might be easy for a thief to grab from around the waist and run. I now have one that is specifically made for concealed carry, however, and in addition to the integrated belt/strap it also has a belt loop on the back of the pack, itself, so that your normal belt can be passed through it. With that, there isn't any more danger of the pack being 'snatched' than a regular holster. Maybe less than some.

Being that I live in an area that is surrounded by 'out-doorsy' type tourist destinations (the GSMNP, the Cherokee National Park, many state parks, the Tellico Mountains/Cherohala Skyway/'Tail of the Dragon' and so on) I really believe the idea that folks see a fanny/waist pack and automatically assume the person is carrying is a myth propagated by gun magazines and other HCP holders (personally, I assume that anyone I meet in public could be carrying, fanny pack or not) just as I don't believe a normal, fleece vest worn in the Fall will make most members of the general public assume you have a gun. I will grant, however, that I would no more wear a camo waist pack in an urban/public setting and think I was being 'discreet' than I would wear a photographer's vest and think I was 'discreetly' carrying. I actually have a camo waist pack for possible hunting/fishing use but the ones I would wear in public are either black cloth/nylon or - in the case of the one made for concealed carry - black leather. I think the camo pattern (ubiquitous as it is among the 'fashionable', right now) would draw more attention than the pack, itself.

I don't carry in a waist pack very often but they can be useful for certain situations. The reason I bought the one I have that is specifically made for concealed carry was that we went to Florida earlier this year. Our TN permits are valid for carry in Florida but the Sunshine State law requires 100% concealed carry. As I don't know how picky they are when deciding what qualifies as legally 'concealed' in their state, I bought a concealed carry waist pack. I figured (and rightly so, I believe) that at the beach - much like in the mountains - waist packs would be so common as to not even draw a second glance from most folks.

Edited by JAB
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So I see this guy in his 30's wearing a camo fanny pack today. First thought is : GUN. Second thought: Who wears these?? If any of you guys wear them, sorry, but I think they are ridiculous for concealed carry or fashion. The more I think about it, the more I hope he did have a gun in there. Otherwise, why would he wear it? I think conceal carry wasn't in the design of these packs. Any thoughts??

I can see them having their uses but not for daily carry.

When hiking, hunting, mountain bike riding, or anything else outdoors where your holster would be incredible inconvenient. it would be great.

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Ever considered it might be a life-or-death issue, but not be a gun?

Some people must keep medications immediately available or nearby so they can take them at a scheduled time. This means they have to go with you if you're out and about. When things heat up in the summer and the meds need to be kept cool, well, thermos bottles and ice packs don't fit into your pockets very well.

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I can see a few reasons they would be good as mentioned above (medical, beach, biking). This guy was in downtown nashville, trendy area, and a camo pack. Everyone who has weighed in here who has one, has a legit reason for having one. I just couldn't see his "fitting in" or being remotely necessary. Perhaps it was his abercrombie shorts and shirt matched with the camo pack that stood out so much...

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Guest Lester Weevils

I usually wear waist packs hiking. Dunno why they are called fanny packs. Do some people wear them facing backwards on their fanny? Maybe I've been doing it wrong.

Sometimes I wear a waist pack going to the shooting range to hold important essentials such as cigs, lighter, cellphone, tiny monocular, etc.

Back when I would have to go work trade shows, you just can't carry all the stuff you need in yer pockets. Then over the day if lots of people give you biz cards, if you stuff em all in a pocket then at the end of the day you've got a pretty full pocket, just with biz cards.

If I didn't work at home and had to go somewhere to work every day, then if I didn't have to tote a briefcase or laptop bag every day then a fanny pack would seem as good a solution as anything else.

edit: Never used a fanny-pack for carrying though.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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I carried one when they were pretty popular back in the 70's 80's & 90's. Traveled all over Europe with one. When I was there, most people carried one, men and women, and I think blending in with the local populace is a good thing...when I was there, terrorism against Americans was still going on, espceially the 70's-80's, and you definitely did NOT want to stand out as an American. Anyway, carried my essentials and a 35mm camera all over Europe. Still think its a good way to carry stuff, but I think most people see one and immediately think GUN. Id rather not bring attention to the fact that I am armed.

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Guest nicemac

Funny, I never thought gun when I saw a man with one. I always thought pansy–until I got the Galco for off-roading. My jersey covers it, but it sure is handy to keep the gun accessible as well as my cell, wallet, keys, etc… while bouncing around the woods.

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I don't automatically think GUN. I also don't automatically assume the guy is gay nor that he is a pansy, a nerd, a geek or whatever. What I think when I see a guy with a waist pack is, "That guy has more stuff to carry than he wants to cram in his pockets. Hey, that one has a separate pouch specifically to carry a cellphone. Where can I get one of those?"

Yeah, I know a lot of folks consider them 'sissy', etc. For my part, I say that folks who think that carrying an extra bag/pack etc. to carry stuff in is 'sissy' should stop and think about how 'sissified' the likes of Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone and Lewis & Clark were. They - and other frontiersmen - all carried 'man bags', after all. And I guess if carrying a waist pack makes one 'gay' then there must have been a whole lot of gay Scottish Highlanders since that is all a sporan is - and they wore it with skirts, to boot. I wouldn't have wanted to say that to their face, though.

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that's great! one question, who is the guy in the middle? he looks like the former wrestler Handsome Jimmy Valiant...:rolleyes:

He was the old fart who beat up the young punk on a bus somewhere that was in the viral video and news some time ago, best I remember.

- OS

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Chuck Norris just keeps mustache grooming material and chewing gum in his fanny pack. He'll take your gun, beat u to death with it, twist it like a balloon animal to look like a sheep then leave it on ur dead body. That's Chuck Norris.

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... It can be taken away from you if you are in a tight crowd ...

I carry in one made for a gun. It includes 2 belt straps for extra security. I tried an OWB holster and it worked great, with a jacket. Same with a shoulder holster. A loose shirt over them hid little. I can't wear IWB (or keep anything in my back pockets) per my neurosurgeon so a waist pack it is. Since I walk with a cane, or use a mobility scooter, I don't think many people even notice my waist pack. And like with all holster types, practice until you're smooth and consistent, then keep practicing.

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Guest daytripper

WOW! Don't beat down the guy with the fanny pack! He might be armed, or a great designer of curtains or somethin! (ha) I have an Uncle Mike's belt pouch which is kinda like a fanny pack but with no straps ,and attaches straight to the belt. It works for smalll auto's or a snubby....but usually i"m holstering....however; different places, different faces....at least you're able to protect yourself, and you can always laugh at the guy with the vest on at the beach! My opinion is to get one of everything, so you can carry in every scenario.......isn't that the point?????

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