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Maintenance on a Dillon 550

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I've been using mine (550 B) since I got it from Dillon in 1987.

I've loaded between 30,000-40,000 45 ACP's on it and at least that much in 9mm.

The only maintenance I've done is what's already been mentioned, a little black grease & graphite...

Many years ago I did loose a small part...I can't even recall what it was it's been so long ago ( I think it may have been one of the small springs)...but a quick phone call to Dillon and it was in the mail, free of charge.

Great customer service and a Quality reloader. :up:

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Guest Lester Weevils

Never been inside a 550. Its probably a little different from the SDB. I clean out under the shellplate every couple thousand rounds or on caliber changes. Maybe the 550 priming mechanism is more robust than the SDB. Haven't had big problems with the SDB priming mechanism though it works better if every few thousand rounds it is taken apart, cleaned and lubed.

The SDB ram rides on four plastic linear bearings or spacers on the corners of the square ram. Maybe nylon or some other slick plastic. I once went to the trouble of dissasembling far enough to remove those and give em a good cleaning and lube. They had apparently over some thousands of rounds caught enough flakes of powder or dust, that cleaning/lube really improved the action.

Will grease various action points every year or two. Occasionally use qtips in alcohol or acetone to clean out the inside of the dies. Dunno what gets in the dies, and maybe its no big deal, but after awhile you can turn a few qtips black cleaning out the dies.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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  • 2 weeks later...

i use 30wt oil on the ram and some grease on the bushing. i clean under the shell plate when i change cals. powder drops get good cleaning, but no oils/grease. been doing this on two 550 since 1984/85. at the first i used graphite on the ram but then i found oil works better. not much some a little.

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Guest Lester Weevils

I know i'm asking a lot...but could someone post a pic or two where to oil?? I am new to reloading.


You can download all the manuals at the dillon site--



page 15--


Use 30 weight motor oil on the main shaft and bearing grease on the pivot pins. Do not use spray type penetrating lube such as WD40 or Break Free as you run the risk of contaminating powder and primers.

Thought I had seen how-to videos on the Dillon site but can't find them tonight. If you go to youtube.com and search for dillon 550B or whatever, you can find lots of videos.

Edited by Lester Weevils
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