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AR Pistol is finished!

Guest Aces&8s

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The more I read about the ATF the more I decide they are just in place to make things difficult. They make decisons and rules based on nothing logical at all. I really think the idea is to make things as confusing as possible for gun owners. If ever an organization needed disbanding, its them

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I thought vertical grips on a pistol AR is a no-no and required a stamp.

Yep. You can have an Angled Fore-grip I believe but no vertical.

That was why he posted it, BATF said this is not a pistol. Read link and letter from BATF.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
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Yep, I was reading up about that last night. Apparently their decision to not classify it as an AOW is that it wasn't "readily concealable" due to the overall length was over 26". I wouldn't do it myself, but with that logic if you have an AR pistol with an overall length greater than 26" you should be able to put a vertical grip on it.

I'll just wait on a tax stamp and put a stock AND vertical grip on it.

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Guest Aces&8s

Just a quick update: Had a chance between thunderstorms today to squeeze off a few shots. Nothing major, just a function check, mainly. Didn't shoot for groups or anything... just making sure it didn't blow up in my face. I ran through a 20-round mag of Federal bulk .223 FMJ without a single hitch. However, a couple of things became readily apparent:

First, I need better hearing protection. My cheapo Wally-World muffs aren't going to cut it. Even with the linear comp pushing the noise forward, this little thing is LOUD! And you can feel the concussion in the air in your lungs. My dad was off to the side watching me shoot, and he said the air around me kind of shimmered each time it went off. I would hate to be standing in front of it!

Second, this thing is going to cost me a fortune, because it is so freaking awesome!!! I cannot wait until my next day off so I can shoot it again. I was surprised how comfortable it was to shoot using the buffer tube for a cheek weld - a lot more natural than I thought it would be. It is, quite literally, a blast to shoot.

The best part of the day, however, was when I first got to the farm, handed the pistol to my dad and told him it was my new AR, and his response was "Where is the rest of it?" :doh:

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Guest Lester Weevils

Interesting it is so loud even with the linear compensator.

My PLR-16 is about the same. On Kel-tec forums some people said that their PLR-16's are incredibly loud. A group of them even went so far as to "scientifically" compare a bunch of different-brand compensators for measured sound level and recoil (concluding that the model of compensator makes a little difference but its just loud as hell regardless).

I just have a yankee hill compensator/flash hider on mine, and it doesn't seem any louder than .357 mag pistol. With a full-tilt-boogie .357 mag in the 4" pistol, the .357 seems louder, but haven't taken a sound level meter to it. Also, the recoil is lots less than a .357 revolver.

Because of loud comments on the PLR-16 forum, was afeared that I would annoy other people at the outdoor pistol range, and would "pre apologize" before shooting it, warning that it might be a tad loud. But the folks on the side didn't complain about it. They generally comment, "Its not all that loud." Or maybe the range is mostly attended by deaf people. :)

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GTV, If you haven't already, consider a Magpul rear sling attachment. Run a single point sling snug enough to pull forward against and put that tension against your body. Certainly not as good as having that third lock up point on your person but it will help control the weapon.

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Guest Aces&8s

GTV, If you haven't already, consider a Magpul rear sling attachment. Run a single point sling snug enough to pull forward against and put that tension against your body. Certainly not as good as having that third lock up point on your person but it will help control the weapon.

That's what I used, Caster. The pistol buffer tube did not come with an end plate, so I used a Magpul ASAP, which works perfectly. I picked up a single-point sling at Tri-Cities Gun Depot (not a name brand on it... I think maybe they are locally made, but seems like very good quality). I shot it in the manner you described twice, but with they A2 sights, it just didn't seem as easy to aim. Granted, that was a very quick evaluation, and I am sure to revisit that stance next time I get to shoot it. I foresee a lot of experimentation in my future, finding the best way to shoot this pistol. Ahhh, the sacrifices I make...

And Lester, I think maybe it was loud to me, since the loudest gun I owned before this was my .30-06, and it really isn't that bad. I need a .357 to compare the AR to, you know, in the name of science... think my wife will go for that one?

I was surprised at how little recoil there was. Granted, .223 is relatively mild, anyway, but I was anticipating it to be a little stiff compared to a carbine, yet there was almost none at all.

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I don't care what you say, I thinks it is very cool. :up: I like it. I remember being next to someone at the range with their PLR... :rant: Had to leave the area it was so loud (indoors).

I was investigating setting up a trust to do a SBR and silencer yesterday and to put all my firearms into for posterity's sake.

Nice rig.

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When I first started shooting rifles, I would put foam earplugs in first and then snug my el cheap muffs over them. Now I do the same for new shooters. I've seen the blast from a 16" .223 knock peoples loose stuff off the bench beside me at Prentice Cooper. CAN'T imagine what an 11" barrel does:) Sounds(nopunintended) like alot of fun...

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Guest Lester Weevils

The plr-16 (and maybe most .223 pistolas) is the most obnoxiously loud if you don't have any kind of flash hider or compensator installed, which is the typical way they were sold from the factory, unless nowadays they have started shipping some PLR-16's with compensators. Without a flash hider they also have enough flash to put blue dot powder loads in a .357 mag pistol to shame. I never shot the plr-16 without a flash hider but its said to be real loud and flashy. Side-blast from .357 and .44 mag pistols can be pretty good sometimes.

Side-blast from .223 AR carbines can be pretty loud and "physical" sometimes, and sometimes not. Maybe depends on the compensator design? Sometimes it is a physical sensation rather than noise per se. My MSAR aug bullpup with the factory birdcage compensator seems to get people's attention on the sides. Some folks accused it of being obnoxious loud. Never been to the side of the PLR-16 or MSAR, dunno which has biggest side-blast.

Have wanted to get some linear compensators to play with, but ain't got around to it. Maybe some designs work better than others. One guy at the range was trying out a linear compensator on an AR and it was unbelievably quiet from the side, no blast at all. Almost but not quite as good as a middlin suppressor as far as noise reduction on the side. Seemed quieter than a 9mm pistol but probably louder than a .22. Supposedly linear compensators don't reduce the loudness much, but direct the noise downrange rather than to the side.

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Guest Aces&8s

Well, I had another opportunity to shoot again today, and just like the last time, as soon as I got out there, it started storming. I did run through another mag of the Federal bulk .223 FMJ, using up the last 19 rounds in the box. No feeding problems, although it did fail to lock open on the last round. I think this is a problem with the mag, though... it is a cheap 20-round polymer Thermold mag, and it has failed to lock back on my Sportical as well. I am going to grab a few more P-mags soon.

Anyway, shooting at 25 yards, off-hand, using a sheet of cardboard and a 1" black dot for POA, this is what I got:


I was kind of surprised that it was that close, to be honest. I had just installed a new front sight post and had no idea if the elevation was right or not. Big group, but I imagine if I shoot it off a bag, it would be a lot tighter. Next time I go out (if I can ever get more than 30 minutes of no rain!), I will bag it and see how I need to adjust the sights.

I am very pleased with this gun! It is a lot of fun to shoot. Somehow it did not seem as loud this time, but that may be just me becoming accustomed to it (or maybe it is permanent hearing loss :pleased: ). The fire that this thing belches out is amazing... I am going to set up the video camera soon and see if I can catch it on film.

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Guest 6.8 AR

Actually my 6.8 pistol matches that without the foregrip and a pig instead of the cage. I guess it's

a "firearm". Interesting. The pig isn't disgustingly loud at all, at least behind it.

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Guest Aces&8s

Actually my 6.8 pistol matches that without the foregrip and a pig instead of the cage. I guess it's

a "firearm". Interesting. The pig isn't disgustingly loud at all, at least behind it.

That is what drives me crazy about the firearm regs. Take one gun: without a foregrip, it's a pistol, with it, it is a "firearm." Want to put a stock on it? Pony up $200. How much of our money is going toward writing and enforcing these ridiculous regulations, anyway?

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