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Dead giveaways that someone is carrying... pictoral

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Guest HunterH

Good info. This is the type of stuff I really think about as I try to blend in as best I can. Given that there are some people out there who might carry where technially prohibited (always a bad idea:)) this info helps to allow them to maintain their security without risking problems due to others knowing they are armed.

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Guest Boomhower

Yeah, some pretty good points here, but I think the more you fiddle with it, the more obvious it is. Since I've been carrying, I find myself looking around to see if I can spot anyone else carrying. I've never spotted a reason to suspected anyone of it (ie: walk, stance, sway, etc.).....Except for my gun nut buddies of course.

However, this list does make me think of a few of my suttle moves.

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Guest Halfpint

All good info, never really thought about it but I'm pretty sure we're all guilty of at least some of them.

Personally, I turn my upper body when approached even if not carrying, though that's usually only because I'm passing someone in a narrow hallway or having to slip between two people who are too rude to let me through in a crowd. So that one doesn't really mean I have a gun (all the time . . . )

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I try to spot some and some are easier than other's. The "vest" is about the worst concealment I can think of for tell signs.

I been in some less than desirable areas and have spotted some tells not mentioned above.;) Rabbi I'm sure, can tell us about these unmentioned signs.:bat:

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Guest shadow12

Most cops pay attention to these things and can spot others that are carrying. Easier in the summer than winter, unless you are carrying a small BUG in your pocket.

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Guest Boomhower
Most cops pay attention to these things and can spot others that are carrying. Easier in the summer than winter, unless you are carrying a small BUG in your pocket.

You copper guys....always have to spoil it for everyone else. :D

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Guest db99wj
Good pictorial. I still think the easiest way to spot besides a really bad print is messing with the gun. The more you fiddle with it the more attention it gets. Dark colors and patterns are still the best way to avoid printing.


Hy has it figured out, Just Voldemort-carry and you don't have to worry about printing or tells.

Using it as an adverb...right? Bravo, bravo!

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Guest dotsun
Most cops pay attention to these things and can spot others that are carrying. Easier in the summer than winter, unless you are carrying a small BUG in your pocket.

Ha, I got past one at a local hospital. He was at the help desk and I had to ask him where so and so was and he happily pointed me in the right direction. He never knew I was carrying.

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Guest Boomhower
Ha, I got past one at a local hospital. He was at the help desk and I had to ask him where so and so was and he happily pointed me in the right direction. He never knew I was carrying.

Or so you assume think005.gif

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