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Donald Trump's offer to Obama

Guest nysos

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Well, if he did acknowledge this offer and give in to it, it means your president is susceptible to bribes. That's what I look for in a leader, the ability to give in to other people for money........

Media is on the side of whoever gives them higher ratings. If you have such disbelief in media, do what I do and read the fact checkers. Facts aren't biased.

I don't know, is a charity donation really bribery? He himself wouldn't be getting anything out of it. He'd be doing something good for charity & the American people at the same time? Yeah, Trump is an asshat but what's the O got to lose? Sounds like an "I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" type thing.


money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc.: The motorist offered the arresting officer a bribe to let him go.

I wouldn't think that giving money to a good cause would be considered "corrupting the behavior" of the President. But at the same time it's a stupid publicity stunt by Trump. Not to say I wouldn't like to see the records… but at this point do they really matter?

Sent from iPad in the woods.

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If Trump really wanted those documents $5M could probably "buy" copies from the right people. I think this is more about painting a shady politician into a corner while he's in the spotlight. I doubt O will take the bait, but it makes it look like he has something to hide if he doesn't and will most likely expose him if he does.

It will only make him look like Trump if he takes the bait.

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Guest ThePunisher

Not to say I wouldn't like to see the records… but at this point do they really matter?

Sent from iPad in the woods.

Only to prove to the "Hope and Change" sheeple that they were duped by the community organizer.

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I bet the reason why O is so worried about his college transcripts and applications is because he likely received aid for being a foreign student or used false information.

He is so full of lies and deceit that it is hard to tell what is truth or what is lies.


It's not so tuff. Everything about him is a lie!
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I find it difficult to believe that probably the most disliked politician in American history could be hiding anything after all of this time. Anything that could have been used to keep the "Lying King" out of office would have been exposed long ago. The only real weapon that can be used against Obama is a vote. Everything else is just crazy talk.

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I think Trump already has these records and knows what is in them. But he has 'unofficial' copies he cannot use. I imagine if there is no response in 3 or 4 days he will double or triple the money to 10- 15 million or more. Trump has made, and lost, billions. He does not make a bet without research. This is to prove HOW MUCH Obama wants to hide his past. If Obama provides the records, paying that money to him is like paying $10 for lunch is to me

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Only to prove to the "Hope and Change" sheeple that they were duped by the community organizer.

Agreed. Though they'd never admit it.

TNBrat :) Hiding in the woods… :hide:

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After the SOB is living in Jamaica

I think Trump already has these records and knows what is in them. But he has 'unofficial' copies he cannot use. I imagine if there is no response in 3 or 4 days he will double or triple the money to 10- 15 million or more. Trump has made, and lost, billions. He does not make a bet without research. This is to prove HOW MUCH Obama wants to hide his past. If Obama provides the records, paying that money to him is like paying $10 for lunch is to me

Like one of them on "The Five" said, today, Trump should have offered to donate the money to the Obama campaign.

He'd probably need it, bad, then.

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I find it difficult to believe that probably the most disliked politician in American history could be hiding anything after all of this time. Anything that could have been used to keep the "Lying King" out of office would have been exposed long ago. The only real weapon that can be used against Obama is a vote. Everything else is just crazy talk.

Don't kid yourself.

People have been harping on the man's birth and hidden turban for so long that even if something legitimate came out, people would just dismiss it as just another moonstruck cow theory.

Heck far, these people could tell me O is half black and I wouldn't believe them at this point. I'm guessing most oF Americana feels the same way.

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Don't kid yourself.

People have been harping on the man's birth and hidden turban for so long that even if something legitimate came out, people would just dismiss it as just another moonstruck cow theory.

Heck far, these people could tell me O is half black and I wouldn't believe them at this point. I'm guessing most oF Americana feels the same way.

I understand. My point is that at this point nothing matters more than voting. Having only two weeks left prior to the election, smoking guns aren't going to change anything. Anti Obama people are going to support it as usual and Obama supporters are going to see it as de lo mismo.

Also, in my twisted mind, politicians are so crooked that Romney will probably give Obama one of those get out of jail free letters like Obama gave to Bush prior to Bush flying out of Washington.

Edited by LINKS2K
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I find it difficult to believe that probably the most disliked politician in American history could be hiding anything after all of this time. Anything that could have been used to keep the "Lying King" out of office would have been exposed long ago. The only real weapon that can be used against Obama is a vote. Everything else is just crazy talk.

You don't have much of an imagination then of you can't believe this

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You mean the records that use his legal name; Barry Soetoro? Yeah, he's not gonna do that because it will mean he has falsified a boatload of documents by signing his original (yet not legally changed back to) name. Like his application for finalcial aid to Harvard. You will never see that document.

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