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Does Gov't know what firearms you have?

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Does the government know what firearms I have?
I don't give two wags of a rats ass what they know anymore. I'm so sick of the fearmongering and paranoia about Gestapo visits I could puke. In all honesty, I'll obey the law as long as I can, then if they want to kill me, I will noisily. Some days I hope it's sooner rather than later.

I don't care what watch list I'm on, all my guns are legal and trying to take them away would be theft and I will fight thieves.

Ive been living under the paranoia most of my life and I'm tired of it. I just don't care anymore. I'm through with it. I wrapped some leftovers in my hat put them in the fridge. A much better use for reynolds wrap in my opinion.

This last round of AWB talk was it for me. It's just not fun anymore. Edited by Caster
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Guest TNSovereignty

I bought most of my new weapons from an anarchy-leaning FFL in Alaska ... he told me when he eventually shuts down his business he'll have a very unfortunate fire in the vicinity of his 4473 paperwork :)

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The supercomputers like the one they built at oakridge is now saving information to giant server farms across the nation. Analyzing data and building profiles of businesses and individuals. If I were a betting man, I'd say gun sales and FFL processing info is sent to those types of computers.
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What makes anyone think the 'guvmit' can track anything, especially from years ago.  And if they did, it would take an enormous amount of manpower and time......plus they got to track over 300 million weapons and who knows how many transfers that involves. :puke:

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I dont think it would be asking to much of them to try to find out what guns one person or a small group of people have but they dont have the resources to do it on a large scale. And it would take decades to do it if they concentrated on some people for a while then moved onto another group
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