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2nd Amendment Demonstration - Would You Attend

Guest macmonkey

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Guest macmonkey

I rarely take part in demonstrations - mostly because they are during the work day.  2nd Amendment rights are something I would make time for.



Would you make the time to come out and hold a sign to get some PR for the cause?  I know plenty of "soccer moms", vets and every day citizens that would be eager to get involved.



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depends on what it was, where, when, etc.   If its a bunch of idiots waving guns in public, I will pass ---- as others said, it takes ONE mistake or intentional (left winger sneaks in and shoots) to make the whole thing go really, really badly.   If it is a sensible gathering and something I can get to (location, time etc) then yes.

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I participated in one back in 93 or 94 on the Capital in Nashville. and about 1000 showed up for that. We had no problems with people showing up waving firearms.  Hal Hill (Talk Radio Personality here in Knoxville) spoke among others and did a great job! I think a lot more would come now, if the publicity were done right.

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I rarely take part in demonstrations - mostly because they are during the work day.

That’s because most people that take part in demonstrations don’t have a job. biggrin.gif

Gun rights people have jobs, so if you want a good turnout have it when most of them aren’t working.

Ever hear of a one day car show or motorcycle rally on a weekday morning? No, and there is a reason for that.

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Guest macmonkey

No guns and soldier of fortune stuff here.  Would be good just to show some good honest Americans showing their solidarity.  Nashville Capitol perhaps on the lunch hour one day.  I work for a PR firm and could get help getting the 'right' spokesperson in front of the evening news to voice our cause.  The Tea party was doing this last year and it seemed to get good turnout for a small amount of time - enough for the news to put it out.

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No guns and soldier of fortune stuff here.  Would be good just to show some good honest Americans showing their solidarity.  Nashville Capitol perhaps on the lunch hour one day.  I work for a PR firm and could get help getting the 'right' spokesperson in front of the evening news to voice our cause.  The Tea party was doing this last year and it seemed to get good turnout for a small amount of time - enough for the news to put it out.

How about the lunch hour on a Saturday and get a group that would eclipse anything you would get on a work weekday?

Good luck getting a bunch of gun owners to agree on a point man. But I would suggest we ask Hickok45 as opposed to some PR guy.

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They marched in England. They marched in Australia. It would be a monumental waste of time and could potentially be dangerous. Some crackpot would throw firecrackers or shoot off something and people would die. A demonstration like that would play right into the hands of the statists and would help kill the cause. Just my humble opinion.

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Guest macmonkey

I think this should happen in 2 weeks.  My issue is that my first baby is due any day now so I can't run point on this for the fact that I may be with my wife at a moments notice.  I'm willing to show up and I guarantee I can bring at least 10 people with me if not many more.


If we plan this thing 2 weeks out we can rally support online and just show up.


I think the point is to show the faces of mothers, fathers, grandparents, kids in the light of pro-gun supporters.  


Does anyone else want to nominate a 'spokesperson' who can articulately outline our stance to the news?

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Guest Cold Dead Hands

Yes I would attend and when they come up which I believe they will soon, if you hear about it before the rest of us please post on these forums. Thank you.

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Gun rights people have jobs, so if you want a good turnout have it when most of them aren’t working.


Like during the current administration?  :cool:

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